Unsolvable Mysteries

in blurt •  2 years ago 


I was watching Unsolved Mystery last night and the theme of the show was somewhat more interesting than usual because they are tackling cases that in the host's opinion will never be solved, which I agree. They are discussing death, and what happens after death to be more specific.

They presented two cases of near-death experiences or NDE's. The people who experienced those told their stories and what they could recall from those times when they were practically on the brink of death. Surprisingly, they can remember a lot of details vividly. Details that one would never expect that they will remember under such circumstances.

The Girl Who Drowned

The first case they presented was that of a little girl (at the time of the incident). They interviewed the girl who was then a grown-up and she recollected her tale of a near-death experience.

When she was a little girl, her family went out to the public swimming pool so they can take a break and they can dip in the water. The girl knows how to swim but barely since she was just starting to swim in deeper waters.

She wanted to roam around the place and she walked by the sides of the pool without her parents. As she was walking, she was accidentally bumped by a group of boys playing beside the pool. The boys didn't realize that they hit somebody and the girl fell into the deeper part of the water.

Since she was not ready, she started to panic and swallowed a huge amount of water and despite all the kicking and squirming, she lost consciousness and she drowned. She stayed submerged in the water for some more minutes before she was noticed. The paramedics were then called to the scene and tried to rescue the girl. She was rushed to the hospital but her vital signs weren't promising.


Her eyes were fixed and they were dilated, as per the attending physician she was not showing any brain activity and she was clinically dead. Resuscitation attempts were done. And after a few minutes of being clinically dead, she was brought back to life although she was in a coma.

The girl eventually recovered and was able to share her experiences during those tough and confusing times.

From Her Point of View

It was quite the story, what she told of what happened to her. As she has told, there was nothing when she lost her consciousness in the water. She was not certain when exactly the experience began but she recalled that she was in some kind of a dark tunnel. She was not aware of her own body but she could see the walls of the tunnel having some colored bricks.


Slowly and steadily, it was becoming brighter and brighter and the light was sort of coming from the end of the tunnel. A figure appeared beside her and it was a woman. She gave the girl her name, but I forgot what the name was, she told the girl to not be afraid and that she will guide her through her journey.

In her words, she described the light to be the "most loving light" she has ever felt or witnessed. I don't know how that feels, but I imagine that it was not too bright that it's blinding, and it's just warm but not too hot.

The woman figure was guiding and ushering her towards the light, it was a pleasant walk but then she began to think of her mother and all her loved ones on Earth. The fact that she will not be able to hug them anymore made her hesitant to continue walking toward the light. And they stopped.

The next vision she has was that she was floating above her own body. She could see herself, the doctor working on her, and the medical staff around her. She was able to vividly recall the procedures and the things the person did to her while she was unconscious.

The doctor could not even believe it. She was able to tell him details that she was not supposed to remember because she was not conscious and she was "clinically dead".

And the next thing she knew was she woke up from the coma 3 days later.

Thomas Sawyer

The next case was about the man named Tom Sawyer, yes, just like the fictional character from that book. But behold, this story is not fiction, not at all.

One day, he and his son were working on his car in their garage, he went under his car to look at something but as he got there, the jack that was supporting his car gave out and he was sandwiched between his car and the floor.


His son phoned for help and he was then rushed to the hospital by the medics who responded. He was unconscious and it was said that he was deprived of oxygen for 15 minutes.

Miraculously, he was sent home that same afternoon since he suffered no bone damage or any physical or physiological injuries.

From His Eyes

He shared what he experienced when he was unconscious. Just like the girl, he found himself in some kind of a dark tunnel with a light on the end of it.

In addition to what the girl has experienced, Tom saw his whole life played back to him. He could see all the events of his life unfolding in front of him all at the same time.

I guess the concept of your life flashing before your eyes has been founded on bases.

Unlike the girl, however, Tom said that he decided to go to the light and stay there. He was willing to abandon his life on Earth at the time, but when he made that choice, he felt like he was kicked back into his body, and that was when he regained consciousness.

He related that he felt afterward that he was sort of rejected from that place or something.

The Aftermath

For both cases, the girl and the man shared the same mindset after they recuperated. They somehow changed how they view life. They have a new and bigger meaning to life than before. The connection, cooperation, and helping others became more important to them than any worldly desires such as money, fame, or power.

Those experiences gave them a more positive outlook on life and some sort of purpose to lead a good and a better life.

As for the man, he allegedly gained some knowledge he never had before. He was able to scribble down mathematical expressions that he did not encounter before in his life.

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