RE: Blurtbooster

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in blurt •  2 years ago 

There are many witnesses but Blurt Core has access to developers at blockchain level. Ctime’s proposal was not reasonable he want’s to force his way to get a key to Core team stake so he can control the blockchain, no court will grant an order that secures centralisation in the hands of an aggressing party.

You risk EVERYONE losing everything, no one will touch this chain if it is embroiled in legal action and one of the outcomes is centralised hostile whale control. You guys (possibly all three the same person) are simply staging a coup, nothing more, nothing less.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Edit: a coup for a power grab

So, make multi signature account that needs to be signed by 100 users and transfer there fake BLURT
No one will lose anything, without fake stake community can only profit
You know that you fucked up things from the start, now prefer to fail then do something good for community

Edit. fake power

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

How is that failing, every single blockchain has a stewarding foundation, judging by the DAO, it seems that there can never be a meeting of the minds between signatories, that hasn't worked out well, seems no one understands what financial support developers need, opening up the dao and only voting with one of our accounts to allow you to step up and curate development properly was a test, you failed.

stewarding foundation

registered with the court, which publishes annual reports

Good Night.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Woooo woooo, scary threats!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No one will lose anything

With legal action EVERYONE will lose everything, all supporters of hate and defamation against me and Blurt Core will have their accounts shown up and scruitinised in court, legal battle will endure for years, future of Blurt will be uncertain, Blurt will become irrelevant as other projects overtake it due to stalled progress, your stake will be worth nothing.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Actually , he is right on one thing , you did messed up one thing at start...
Not taking full control of this place , like Good asians do with their business
And let those leetches do what they do now ...

Posted from

So you think that SEC option would be better? They will have no problems to prove that printed BLURT are unregistered securities

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There was no token sale, you were never solicited by anyone official, nor did you ever do due diligence or take the time to introduce yourself and have a meeting with us to find out what is what, you speculated, you found out after the fact the setup wasn't to your liking now you are pissed off.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Exactly, like ctime moron he "discovered" what happened to the stinc stake after he speculated without any due diligence.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

look, I'm not a lawyer but if @mariuszkarowski sees any legal threats. You don't think it would be worth consulting a lawyer anyway. Harsh words were spoken here in relation to the threat legal route, there is a lot of acid. Nevertheless, would a legal audit of the situation not be indicated here in order to unequivocally close this dispute? If you have nothing to hide and everything is 100% okay, what's the problem?

I have the impression that you are assuming hostility in this guy just because you are afraid that with his stake he can take control of Blurt and you do not notice that if that was his and ctime's intention, he could have tried to do it a year ago.

I may be wrong, but observing the activity of Mariusz from Steem, I see simply the will to settle his investment on a project that at the same time meets his ideological assumptions, and is not a scam. And he will allow him to protect and multiply his money. The former Blurt apparently met the first assumptions, but with the infamous 07/07 case, there were concerns that he was dealing with a scam, which he is now trying to dispel.

In my opinion, if you dispel these doubts, the blurt can only benefit from his presence here.

Call to make an appointment for such an audit. Consult the appropriate specialists. instead of empty disputes there will be specifics to discuss and there will be no FUD.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We won’t be spending 20k or more in legal fees by selling a huge pile of Blurt to do a legal audit to satisfy Marius, he should have done that prior to investing, always play with money you can afford to lose, crypto is high risk, regulatory landscapes change all the time, one lawyer’s opinion might differ from others and from the courts, Blurt is a global blockchain with validators in many countries, which legal jurisdiction is relevant?

Blurt has been around for 2.5 years now, way longer than any pump and dump scheme, if he doesn’t trust Blurt Core or the witnesses by now there is no helping him.

Fyi it has come to my attention that ctime operates this gambling site and likely where his funds came from to buy his Blurt, I don’t see gaming licenses or jurisdictions listed, contact numbers or even email, probably not compliant in any way, interestimg how stringent compliance is requested of others when their own house isn’t in order.

There is also the risk of him currently pushing witnesses to the top20 that havent first had experience in the top50 and going into consensus without fully functioning nodes, I do not believe ctime has the necessary level of care for Blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I sense hostility because he doesnt respect our property rights and at every which turn wants to disarm the foundation of its stake amd ability to protect the blockchain or fund any sort of development troubleshooting or support. They are coming after our stake not the other way around.

The morale damage done to my team and I from the subversions and reputation attacks are massive and have set back more than he knows in terms of developer enthisiasm and passion, if anything does go legal I would be very happy to counter sue for personal and team damages and reputational attacks, as well as dig deeper into ctimes gambling operation.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

well, after all, you disregarded his property rights by threatening to freeze his account.

Check his profile from the beginning of your activity on Blurt. There are many testimonies of goodwill and willingness to take Blurt's price into space. The hostility begins right there, instead of dialogue and attempts to explain what these funds are. How do you see it and why do you think it should belong to you. There were threats of account blocking and attempts to discredit people who started asking questions or worried about the course of events.

Perhaps it was all an unfortunate coincidence and a series of bad decisions made under the influence of emotions, but the fact is that through these actions your team has earned a reputation for itself, which provoked these attacks.

Just like in your eyes, Mariusz unjustly attacks your team, destroys morale and scars FUD. So, in his eyes, those decisions made you untrustworthy. It also makes him drill deeper now and ask questions about every 0.001 Blurt he thinks have been redundant printed for any of your team members.

This is why I believe that even if it would require pretending a large amount of money for a lawyer, the benefits of the take of a move would far outweigh the losses.

First, there were image benefits. You would show that you are not afraid of an audit and that you want to play fair. It would certainly be a green light for other investors that you are taking this project seriously and that you are not carrying out any trick operations here.

Second, it would be a nod to the current major investors. A big breakthrough in this avalanche of endless accusations and doubts.

third, you would make sure for yourself whether the way you act is right. Many projects were run by people of good will who wanted to run everything legally, but legal omissions and savings on lawyers made them unknowingly exposed their projects to the attack of competition who used it by reporting them to the SEC or other relevant services.

Fourthly, I believe if you, Mariusz and Ctime find a common language, the potential profits from the Blurt project for everyone will be many times higher than the potential remuneration for the lawyer. Let's be honest, neither of you is a poor man, these are not amounts to jump over and I suspect that with a little communication and good will you would agree to share these costs amongst yourself.

Instead, do you prefer to judge each other's offenses and honor, and blurt, like many projects, will fail because of pride and hostility of people who wanted good for the project but were unable to find a common language?

Blurt Core has access to developers at blockchain level

2 guys but there is like 10 people on your pay list, they are getting 100's of thousands BLURT. For what?


I believe in Blurt too. Why I'm not getting 25000 BLURT monthly from your alt account?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Actually, I think the real crime is that we are only able to pay some 25K BP ($125 per month!!!) I'm pretty sure that is way below minimum wage, but all the blockchain can afford this moment, that's why we consider our team partially compensated volunteers, this goes to show you don't understand basic staffing requirements and costs to run a team or project, Steemit used to run on a budget of something like 300K USD per month.