Farming in my country, NIGERIA

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Farming in my country, NIGERIA

One of the most suitable and profitable business to start here in Nigeria is the farm business. Agriculture in Nigeria amount to about 20% of our GDP, but the truth is, without getting the proper knowledge to know how to go about it in your first year, you'll sure fail.
My few days spent in the village has made me done some research on farming and I've written a guide to our future farmers planning to take on the business, here in Nigeria.


Taken with my phone.
When you ask an individual, what do you understand by the word "farming?" He will probably say it's the act to growing crops and others plants, including livestocks. But in it complexity, farming is beyond this.... It is agriculture itself.

I'm sure you'll also agree with me that most raw materials used in our industries and other big companies are gotten from either plants or animals, which takes us back to farming. Raw materials such as woods, cotton, Palm oil, palm fronts, soyabean, guinea corn, cocoa and lots more....
Now with this, reframing the initial definition of farming into it modern application, we can say that farming is the production of start-up materials/raw materials for home consumption, or industrial and commercial purposes..


Every man needs food. Without food, we can't survive, or else, we will all die of hunger. When a man farms and gets what is enough for his household, the next is to make other harvest products commercial, to make money from it. Now this is two-way profitable.
Lots of farmers makes money by selling their farm products to other companies who needs these raw products for there production.

When you strategize very well, with the right knowledge and skills on farming, lots of profits will be made out from..... But remember that you'll have to sacrifice your time, efforts, resources with full dedication to get massive returns.

Moreso, you as an individual needs to acquire some farming skills and knowledge on the type of farming you want to venture into to make profits.

NIGERIA: Types of farming in Nigeria

Here in Nigeria, the land is blessed. Lots of crops are being farmed in Nigeria. A lot of citizens makes money solely from farming. This is why farming in Nigeria has grown largely. Now let's look into some farming types worth investing your time and money in Nigeria.

  1. Maize Farming
  2. Snail Farming
  3. Plantain Farming
  4. Poultry Farming
  5. Fish Farming
  6. Rice Farming


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One of the most consumed product here in Nigeria is the maize. It is used is the production of lots of things, and also has hight rate of exportations. Here in Nigeria, it has many industrial products such as, starch, corn syrup, additives, ethanol baby foods, semovita and lots more.

This crop is one of the most cultivated crop, with sure profitable returns and high demand. Most people who farm this crop stores it until when it becomes costly in the market before they starts selling, making them gain a lot. You remember the lockdown year?? 2020, most farmers in Nigeria made a lot of money from their maize harvest. You know, due to lockdown, everybody was given much time to sit at home and face their farming stuffs and other businesses.

Another thing we all know as the simplest product of corn is the pap (akamu).
This pap is like a drink, thick and sweet as honey, that's when it's made properly.

One of the main reason why lotss of people farm this crop is because of it's easy farming, and ability to grow on basically, any type of soil.

Additionally, 60% of corn is used to manufacture feeds for poultry farmers.


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This is another farm business anyone can venture into in Nigeria. This is very well profitable and serves for both personal and commercial purposes. It is the breeding and growing of snails for human consumption and for commercial use.... Commercial use in the sense that, the slime gotten from the snail can be used to function as an anti-aging agent in cosmetics.
There are people who don't like this type of farming, but it is highly profitable and farmers makes lots of income, even by selling the slimes to cosmetics companies.

This snail farming industry worths more than $15million, and has a high demand during the dry season.


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This type of farming is the one I prefer the most, since my mom does the business very well. It is very very profitable and has lesser work... It normally takes months, some might take a year before it starts producing.... But believe me, it is worth it.

This involves growing and cultivating of plantain suckers to grow new ones. This plant is good and it's a good option if you want to start up farming in Nigeria.
They grow well on loamy soils and grows well during the rainy season.

One major thing involved in this type of farming is getting a large land or plantation. The reason is that plantain farming, if not for home consumption requires a big portion of land, which will help produce your crop in large quantity for commercial market.


Poultry farming is the rearing of domestic birds such as ducks, chickens, turkeys, guinea fowl....

This business is good, both for personal or commercial purposes. These same birds and their eggs can be used by industries for production of feeds... The best part of this business is that it's always selling. You sell, you eat.... And for someone like me, I will have my soup prepared with meat everyday 😎😎 I can't kill myself 😂

Chicken is mostly consumed today by lots of people and can be easily reared. This business is very profitable. According to a report shared by the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), it is worth about N1.6trn.

So, for people in Nigeria, and for those outside this country. If you every think of doing such farming business, please do it. It's very profitable.


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This is a beautiful business. Another one on my mind. It is another type of farming that's high practiced in Nigeria. Fish farming as it implies means breeding or growing fishes in an aquatic body, most preferably, a pond.
There are other ways of rearing this fishes, but the pond system is largely and commonly adapted by the Nigerian fish farmers. In this same ponds, an aquatic environment will be required, which explains the reason why aquatic plants are needed to be grown in it. With this, the environment will be more conducive for the fishes.
If you also want to do a personal fish pond, then you can make a small pond in your home.....
This is a profitable business and prices of fishes fishes keeps on increasing.


I don't have to tell you. We all know that rice one of the most consumed foods on Earth. At least, every family eats rice for like three to four times a week. Now check how it will amount for a month or a year.

The same method applicable in the farming of rice in Ghana, is same in Nigeria, and probably, every part of the world today. It needs enough rainfall, sun and a pH of about 5.0-9.0.
The plant also, easily grows on any type of soil, so there's no big deal there. It can be farmed either for household consumption or commercial purposes.

Here in Nigeria, rice farming is highly recommendable and has large market demand since borders where closed in 2015 by the Nigerian government from importation of foreign rice.


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Now that I have been able to show you all about some farming systems in Nigeria, the next thing to do is to follow these steps on how to get started with farming in Nigeria.


First, you will have to know how much it will cost you to start a particular farm. You can meet people who are already in the system and ask them questions on it. Know how much it will cost to start up a farm, cost of farmland, crop seeds, tools and every other equipments needed for the works.
Taken with my phone.
Make estimation call what you have to spend on the farm.
Keeping in mind how much will be needed to start up your farming will help in better financial protections.


Now research and now the type of farming system you want to venture into. Also, this plants you want to plant, ask people about it. There might be good species of them, depending on your environmental climate. Know how long it will take before being harvested.

And if you're doing a commercial farming system, ensure your type of farming is lucrative.


You want to farming. You should know that plants has their specifications on soil type to grow on. We all know that the Earth crust consist of different soil types and other properties.
If farmer "A" grows cassava in land "1" and it grows very well.... And yielded good harvest. That doesn't mean that farmer "A" can plant rice on the same land "1". The rice might not grow very well.
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Real farmers can tell what type of soil will be good for their crops, some will just analyze by mere looking at the land. But for a new Farmer, you'll have to know the soil texture, pH range/level structure and lots more.....


Now that we've identified the land for farming, next thing to do is to groom the land. Grooming of land means putting your land in good conditions by adding fertilizers to increase it nutrients... You can also research on best ways to groom your land.


Now this is a good part. You should try to avoid wasting your time and resources on planting the wrong seeds for a particular farm land. You should know that this plant seeds would be best to plant on this particular land/soil..


Now to the last part. You're done with your plans.... Your land has been groomed and your seeds picked, next is to start cultivation, planting.

How do I register a farm in Nigeria?

For people farming for household consumption, and may be little sales from it, can go and with farming without registering it.
But if it's for commercial use or meeting market demands, then there is need to register your farm.

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I can't tell you specifically which organization to register in, but you can as well check for some organizations around your location and register under them.


So with all these, you can see that farming in Nigeria if a business that any individual can learn and practice it eventually. Also, what ever type of farming an individual takes, it's good and advisable for a guide on how to go about it.

Know your plan and strategy, get more info about the type of farming you've taken, get a good and fertile land and start cultivating with everything in place.

blurt to the moon

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