Hello Blurtters,
Few days ago I made a post on a particular tomato specie that is called The Long tomato specie likewise another name for it is Tomato Elejo Plant. This is the common Yoruba name that is being called. You may also have your own tribal name that is being called according to your tribe or state . I was on my way to the farm and I saw this particular long tomato species in an environment. After I took the permission to take some pictures of it I later thoughts of it to share more matured pictures of some of the tomato specie with the community.
This will absolutely enlighten us to know how the specie looks like even when it is bringing out its fruit. Depending on how you maintain the plant it will come out greatly with more produce and more flowers. The flowers signify more outlet that the tomato itself will sprout out.
Whenever you are planting this type of tomato specie you must consider the type of soil because when you have a very nutrient full soil it will enhance the tomato plants to grow better and produces more. Although if your soil is not too nutritious. You can also manipulate your soil and enrich it wisely and moderately. Wisely and moderately in a sense that you will have to add manure to it to make it more and prolonged nutrients full. I have tried it several times I mean planting in a very poor soil and I tried my best on it to plant some seed. After that I later added a lot of organic manure and it worked out well although I took a lot of energy in it to make sure that it produces more food eventually. I took some pictures to share how to know the exact plant leaves and also the Vine.
The flowers always signify more attractiveness to insect, butterfly, and even flying birds too. So whenever they come they always have their own way of pollinating the flowers and in the next few days you see that the flowers are already bringing out this long pod.
If you are going for this type of tomato farming with this species you need to have a very wide space so that when it starts to grow up you will eventually make a very good produce. When you noticed that it having more Vine branches you need to make sure that dry branches to make a stake is readingly available so that you will use it to support the main plant as it Crawls from one branches to another.
When the tomato produce reach it full maturity stage its always come with some signs you need to observe and recognize. The first thing you notice is that the color of the whole tomato produce will change to yellow. This yellow color can be mixed with green it depends on the specie.