Main Purpose And Exposing The Potato 🍠🍠 Farming Techniques Initiative 🌿🌿🌿 || Some Disadvantages To Animals . Some Importance You Find In It.

in blurt •  2 months ago 


Hello Blurtters,

In agricultural mindset each plant with its own benefits although it also comes with disadvantages one way or the other. But the benefits is always superseding it disadvantages that is what I know. When you are talking about this particular plant called the potato itself we are told that this plant has what is called Cyanide and it is very acidic in nature. When I was in the university we did a lot of practical experiment and analysis on potato likewise cassava.

It's always comes in a very acidic form which when it is being fed to animals in a very large quantity may result in constant stooling or diarrhea. I've seen such cases before and it was very epic. There were times when such animal may not make it because of the excessive acidic consumption through this plant. I will say that this is one of the disadvantages of potato and cassava. Although so many people manage their way to use it to feed animals but not in a very large quantity. When it is also consumed a lot country it's may reduce the growth and development of the animal if it is not mix with some other plants or other concentrate it. I also gathered from experience that in terms of small animals they may not quickly get on when they are being fed with a lot of cassava leaves or tubers. But when you process it accordingly they may survive. Because no matter how it is been processed they are still traces of this acidic in them.

  • When you plant them in your Farmland you always say that some animals come to feed on them regularly when it comes to potato farm. As you can see it in the picture that there was an animal feeding on the Leaves and also the Vine too. This is the RODENTS. The small ones and the grasscutter.




When you are dealing with the potato fan you must always be conscious and you must be ready to observe thoroughly. When you do this you will always find a lot of benefit in terms of the growth and development and finally the harvest.



The way you can plant the sweet potato is different from the other type of potatoes like the Irish potato. The Vine is only accepted and needed to planted but on the other hand when it comes to Irish potato farming or planting you need the tubers to be cultivated.



The similarities between both is also the spread easily when they find a very suitable and healthy platform. Just like every other plants they also need a very good fertile and healthy soil. It is good to plant and to cultivate sweet potato because it is generally accepted by children and old. Matter how young you are you can absolutely divert the potato tuber into potato chips and potato flour too.




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