The Beautifification Of Planting Okro Plants Among Others || The Flowering Stages Crowning With Attraction Of Insects πŸ¦ŸπŸ¦—πŸπŸͺ°πŸ›πŸ¦‹πŸž || Why This Is Highly Involved In Okro Farming.

in blurt β€’Β  8 days agoΒ 


Hello Blurtters,

The stages in okra is always visible just like any other green plants that is being cultivated and in this pictures also showed more about the flowering part portion and the fruiting stage. Ever since I got started its all about making people to get more knowledge about any type of Crop that is being cultivated and also to show people that they can do it. Getting into agriculture is by determination when this is being concluded it must be followed up by finances. This is why you see a lot of people when they source for some particular amount of money they will jump into agriculture but within 6 months or 1 year they fade Out. This is because there are more secrets to be known in agricultural mindset. When you are into agriculture you need a stable or constant finances. This will assist you to get into an also fit in into any type of agricultural sector and also rein for so many years.

That is what I always emphasize on getting started for we young people. It is not to have a very huge amount of money it is also to have a technical knowhow this will make you survive better. I took some pictures of the continuation of the okra production and planting I released some few days ago.

  • The flowering stages always make the production to be more attractive at this period of time. What I noticed was that so many incense we always visit the farmland to pollinate and also to feed on the flowers. The beautifification of the farm we always attract insects, flying birds and also some predators.



Day by day day production will increase with time and you can also see that they okra fruit is coming out with a lot of pictures shown.

This is the true color of Agriculture and the production of food is done constantly. When you have so much passion for agriculture naturally.



The main thing is to always make your agricultural Farmland to be clean so that your crop will grow more better and also the environment will be more conducive. It is highly necessary for crop to have better ereation.

You must also initiate more of good soil formation when you have a very good soil you will always enjoy your crop production. It must not be too waterlog or too dry. The soil must be moderate. When it comes to the dry season you must always apply more water to balance up the germination process and the food supply.




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Β  Β· Β 7 days agoΒ  Β· Β 

Okra plants looks good
very nice flowers of the okra plant
All best with your plants and garden

Β  Β· Β 7 days agoΒ  Β· Β 
Thank you for sharing such great content!
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