Eradicating Poverty Gradually With Increase In Food Production 🌶️🌶️🌶️ As Individual Farmer Will Help To Improve The Modern Day Human Survival.

in blurt •  2 months ago 


Hello Blurtters,

The beginning of Farming season is always a very tough one and this is because we have some criterias which you can easily jump onto and start a new development from there which will also apps to build your own farm strategies. As a farmer you need to build your own strategies from the scratch and you should also follow them all after the other. There are times when what you read on internet may not be 100% valid but when you create your own strategy and work towards it gradually then you will see more opportunity comes your way. Reading on the internet is absolutely great, also been creative in your own little way is also the best.

Being creative will open your eyes deep down into so many options or methods that will help you to survive better than the old ways of farming. This is where the creativity comes in being able to create your own idea and more opportunities from the scratch we make so many people learn from you real quick and start their own farming slowly. I saw a lot of people getting into agriculture within a short range of time. Planting on agricultural Farmland and also producing their own food for themselves. This is what my aims and objective are. Building a large community to eradicate poverty through farming and also bringing creativity into agriculture.

Difference types of farming lead to different questions and also different answers. When you give a lot of attention to what you want or to what makes you happy as individuals you will always make a lot of positive head. Just like in the case of farming where you can cultivate a lot of green vegetables as well as getting more produce from your cultivated crops and constant harvesting. When you cultivate crops like a pepper you can keep harvesting chill peppe red Scotch pepper, Green pepper, bell pepper and many more pepper specie constantly for a year and a half without any stoppage at all. This is to show that even when you cultivate pepper as much as 20 stands you can keep harvesting and making a very good living from it for more than 12 months. It is also the way of surviving and keeping the family going. I took some pictures when I got to the farm to harvest at a go some pepper species.

  • The nature of your pepper will always exhibit itself when the time comes naturally. When you go for the best producing species of crops it is extremely better. Once you cultivate your chrome you must also know that there is always need for getting into a very good farm hygiene system so that what you plant with a quality grow best.




I planted a lot of different pepper specie and they are making a lot of great development with exhibiting their own nature through their flowering stages, fruiting stages, and Harvesting stages too. As a farmer you must also learn everyday from your crop even at different stages.



You can see that the more you practice agriculture the more you are exposed to different method of Farming. But when you keep on reading articles without taking a step even in the case of rearing of animals too,it may take you more very longer period of time before you can get into it and keep practicing agricultural ways.




This was when they harvesting was going on. I had to also harvested some other species of the pepper because they are already right and ripped for harvesting.



Just like those pepper species you say in market or in supermarket here they are. You can absolutely produce your own food gradually and it will make a lot of Difference to your immediate family, to the community and also to the nation at large because gradually you will eradicate poverty within your own environment.




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