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Hello lucylin.

I've been better, but we all play the hands we are dealt.

A lot has changed in my absence. Will be curious to see if Blurt will make it another year.

I'm surprised that you've stuck around. The quality has dipped a lot in the last year, which is saying a lot considering where the quality was at when I left.

I keep seeing purists thoughts that seem to ensure there will be no large uptake in usage. There's a reason so many prefer 2.0 in real life. It would behoove the purists to determine that there are benefits to 2.0 and merging the two as a bridge might bring folks who are here for more than scraps as so many here are desperate for.

You are indeed correct that the token is the product, Larimer and Scott said as much. I came into Steem years ago with this understanding as I discovered it via Banfield on YouTube. It wasn't until I got there and saw so much under the information war banner that I saw it as more than that as well. I also loved the ability to give to others from my stake without depleting the little in my own pockets.

Godspeed on your website. 2.0 is where it's still at.

It was good to get away from here. A huge time sink, although I'm grateful for both the help I was able to do for others in areas where the fractions of a penny value still has an impact.

I will say though that when I left Hive my cumulative value from years at Steem/Hive came to 500.00 and some change, and in the two years I was here I was able to grow that to almost 3k.

Not really a smart way of spending my time monetarily, and will be avoiding that time sink. I'm back to maybe comment at times, but mostly just vote maybe twice a week and call it a day.

My apologies for taking your opening to ramble so much.

Hope all has been well with you as well.

  ·  last year  ·  

I've been better, but we all play the hands we are dealt.

Indeed, this is the case...

I personally think that all the dpos platforms will implode, unless there is a radical change.... (easy to do, but also impossible from what I see with the personality profiles of those concerned)

I'm surprised that you've stuck around. The quality has dipped a lot in the last year, which is saying a lot considering where the quality was at when I left.

lolol - it truly is abysmal, isn't it ?lol
Again, no surprise- it's all about ethos and this, must emanate from 'the top'. Any mature ethos is utterly absent, in my opinion. (back to personality types and iq, unfortunately).
I stayed around for my own reasons - a kind of 'blockchain resume'.
That part is now complete (hence the web 2.0 project).

I keep seeing purists thoughts that seem to ensure there will be no large uptake in usage. There's a reason so many prefer 2.0 in real life. It would behoove the purists to determine that there are benefits to 2.0 and merging the two as a bridge might bring folks who are here for more than scraps as so many here are desperate for.

See my reply in the last section
It really has been a fascinating study of a) the personality types these 'blockchain project' attracts, and b) the lack of intelligence that is exhibited ...(not necessarily a lack in IQ, but rather how the IQ can be 'diminished' when other factors come into play - again, related to the personalty types.
You can have an IQ of 145 that seems to exhibits as 90, when factors such as greed and desire for power, enter the arena.

You are indeed correct that the token is the product, Larimer and Scott said as much. I came into Steem years ago with this understanding as I discovered it via Banfield on YouTube.

I can't believe that it took me so long to actually distill this information. Doh! lol
I always knew there was 'something wrong' with the entire concept, but concentrated on the ethics and observable dynamics of the platforms - missing the whole thing about the product !...(did I say 'doh'!? lol)

I also loved the ability to give to others from my stake without depleting the little in my own pockets.

I understand the concept, and it's 'all very cosy' - but needs firm leadership and rules based on ethics, work, and merit for it to even come close to functioning properly.
The much older 'there is nothing for free', never stopped whispering in my ear - and the way dpos's corrupt nepotism has played out, (downvotes or not), only goes to confirm the entire thing is either an unintentional ponzi-eqsue affair - or an intentional one.
(I tend to err on the 'unintentional', tbh - but who knows?)

Godspeed on your website. 2.0 is where it's still at.

Thanks very much !
It's not too late to help - A website that will work on old principles. If it works and makes money, everyone gets a slice.
Will it work?..One can only try, but I do know that when it comes to work ethic and a desire to grow through hard work and effort - I'm up for it !

It was good to get away from here. A huge time sink, although I'm grateful for both the help I was able to do for others in areas where the fractions of a penny value still has an impact.

I agree - the psychological effects of dpos social media are far more toxic then 'regular social media'.
(much more about this subject will be on my site).

I will say though that when I left Hive my cumulative value from years at Steem/Hive came to 500.00 and some change, and in the two years I was here I was able to grow that to almost 3k.

Cool !...I've done 'ok' I think.
I never bought into any of the token ideology after the few few months of observing the steem/hive dynamic.
I was hoping blurt would be different (no d/v) - but it isn't, not really - just the appearance/sell hype.
Nazguls are gonna nazgul, bless.

Not really a smart way of spending my time monetarily, and will be avoiding that time sink.

Indeed. For all the 'waste' of time - they have opened up a world of writing and other avenues- even cheap web design ! (for me) - something that I never really considered too seriously before, outside of 'erotic literature'.

I'm back to maybe comment at times, but mostly just vote maybe twice a week and call it a day.

I'll still be around posting now and again - an 'updating my resume', if the opportunity arises.

My apologies for taking your opening to ramble so much.

Never apologize for increased communications, matey ! lol

Hope all has been well with you as well.

Same as yourself - ya gotta play the hand you were dealt - but everything is 'on the up' for myself and Luce - so no complaints (no point, is there?!lol).

Take care.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

It wasn't until I got there and saw so much under the information war banner that I saw it as more than that as well.


Posted from