To persuade or not to persuade to invest in Blurt? that is the question...

in blurt •  last year  (edited)

Blurt needs investors, which is unquestionable and indisputable.
Its development and direction depend on future investments in blurt.

The fact is that although the platform has some functionality, the amount of what is done and what some people think is done, compared to what needs to be done so that we do not deviate so much from current standards, is summarized in the image below:


Development and promotional work takes a huge amount of time, and the operating platform and working people basically always bring losses, not profits. This is why Facebook and Twitter rule: because they have money and racing against them is like a race between the tortoise and the hare. The tortoise may win when the hare is too confident in its position.

This is why the blurt value graph looks like @drutter presents in his post:


And here it is important to understand once again what investing is.

Investing means PAYING for someone else's expenses related to the implementation of a project, in the hope that when it develops, it will start earning money and the shares obtained in this way will gain value beyond what we paid, thanks to which our money will multiply.

Investing therefore involves the risk that what we paid for will never work out, and instead of making money, we will lose everything.

But it also gives me hope that what we bought for pennies will become worth as much as Apple shares...

So now that we have highlighted the problem, it is now worth answering the question asked at the beginning.

To persuade or not to persuade to invest in Blurt?

Without investors, Blurt will definitely not develop and will collapse.

You need to attract investors for the project until it starts making money.

But they can't be investors from ads like:

"Buy blurt and get 1000% APR! "

We need people who are aware of WHAT they are buying, aware of the risk of loss, who believe in the project, but at the same time people with guts who can both set clear expectations and conditions of what they expect, as well as rise to the challenge and help their investment achieve success.

Unfortunately, most people who invest have no idea about either one or the other, and if they need to do something and show initiative, they throw up their hands and wait until it starts to grow, or they run away with the loss when it falls instead of reacting and using their right to put pressure on the team, their right deciding etc...

It is like owning shares in a company and not exercising the right to participate in the company's votes and decisions, and then complaining that the "management board" made stupid decisions.

Unfortunately, profits do not come out of nowhere, even in investing.

The slogan Passive income is actually another name for gambling and theft.

In the first case, we buy something on the spur of the moment and count on luck to succeed, putting the chances of success on the shoulders of others,

In the second case, we are most likely taking part in draining money from someone else's pocket, because where would this "passive income" come from if we do nothing, sell nothing, or produce nothing?

The situation is simple... Blurt's products are:

  • blog and social media space for which you pay with micropayments during use
  • the ability to support your favorite authors financially without having to pay them directly from your own pocket.
  • web 3 infrastricture where each content is cryptographically signed to prove that we are its owner. Enabling direct payments without intermediaries for someone's work or micro-grants.
  • wallet with the function of securing funds by freezing.
  • the platform can also be used to conduct collections and donations
  • usable currency itself with connection with few markets.
  • services of supporting smal authors

But the success and profitability of all this depends on one thing:

From the number of users.

It can, and does, sell in many cases. No one has invested in a vacuum here. We all see what we have here and what we can do with it. But whether it will sell depends on all of us.
Blurt's chart is proof that it is not selling or making money for now.

So if we don want to make a retreat, we need to continue with it, but take it more seriously and do something to start selling it.

And this means more investment, more work and, above all, more USERS.

My opinion is to encourage investment but warn what the investor is getting into. Because investors are needed, but let's leave 1000% APR for dreamers and naive people and let's build a platform with real utility for people who understand that money does not fall from the sky.

  • it may work because it has its advantages and strengths, but it doesn't have to
  • if it works, it may be 100% apr, but if it fails, it will be -99% - -100% apr

That's it for my opinion on this topic.

That's why I even more encourage or even pressure all active users who care about Blurt's fate to take part in the Promotional contest!

The ups are supposed to be an encouragement, but the matter is simple:

We are NOT on the Internet.

We will not host any regular, sensible social media with high-quality materials.

We do not have ADD WORDS, Presearch or other advertising...
We don't have many/any celebrities actively promoting us.

The only hope is word of mouth... it's free and if even 20 people post something every week or two, I can still make an impact.

So you want to chart looks like that:


Then lets go here:

and let's act.

Posted from

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  ·  last year  ·  

The problem is probably that there are a lot of people who are only here because they want to earn money.
There's a lot of talk about community, but if there's no money, they're off to other blockchains.
And since many are worried about their money, there is little communication, because every answer costs money.
However, many have not yet understood that this also generates money.
There are many people here who come from countries that have major economic problems. Of course, there's not much there to invest... I know it's annoying, but the former German community was very keen to invest and committed. They lived community and that was also a great time for the Blurt course.
The power struggles that took place here did massive damage to Blurt.
But of course there is also hope.
Some have stayed on and continue to make their great posts...
I think it's difficult to make people understand,
that you can only move forward as a community that makes something special.
That's how it is in life...together we are strong....

  ·  last year  ·  

The problem is probably that there are a lot of people who are only here because they want to earn money.

it's exactly as you say.

There's a lot of talk about community, but if there's no money, they're off to other blockchains.

In this matter, I'm not surprised that people are looking for money. most of what the majority of society does is looking for money. Our task, however, should be to ensure that they can earn money here, but not at the expense of the platform itself, but thanks to the use of this platform, and investors should benefit from the fact that someone pays for using and making money here some%.

However, many have not yet understood that this also generates money.

I personally encounter a situation where few people understand the difference between blurt and Facebook.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Money is good to buy food, pay the rent. Stuff like that. Many people hate money and have no use for it.

I must commend you credible style if writing, it's topnotch. One of those thing's I want to address has already been fetch out by other commenters. First must promoters of blurt the best way they do the promotion effortlessly is by saying blurt pay, or you earn by bogging. That is what they sell, due to lots of country economy hardship, they buy into this idea.

Once they blog few months without earning any good amount they leave and go for another platform and others who stay are with a vision of selling off their bags.

Remember the mindset from the unset is to make money which I believe is one of the key aspect of blurt, if earning was remove then everyone would have been declining payment, burning 100% or giving 100% to null.

It's only few individual, very few that are here just for the passion of writing and sharing content.

The blurt team should have a way to meet this set of people needs meet at the same time because both will always coexist here.

The team should find a way to seek way how to bring in investor, promote the platform on paid social media for more visibility for investors to get to know about the platform. Thanks, this is a long episode already.

  ·  last year  ·  

So, I think your comment is very accurate here. And he also showed me another promotional strategy that was born in my head.
Basically, promoting the platform as a place to make money is a bit like making a whip at yourself. Thanks to this, we attract people who are looking for money here, but we have not ensured an adequate inflow of it.

In fact, we should promote the platform for what it actually is, i.e. a revolution and a direction towards WEB 3.0, where the main advantages are not so much earning money, but co-ownership of the network we create, influence on its direction and cryptographic signing of ownership of publications. Earnings here do not come from the fact that someone pays us for writing, but from the fact that what we write has some value for the community, so it allocates part of the network's value pool as a share for a given author through its votes.

  ·  last year  ·  

I love your writings because you hit the point, the platform needs a team that knows what they are doing, prepared professionals with a vision of growth. So much investment is needed, so much development, so much advertising, easy ways to create your account on blurt, more exchanges, they want to do a lot with the same people from other projects, no vision. It frustrates me, because they don't understand, they don't understand the creators of Blurt, the point of investing in their platform to generate more money.
They just copy ideas from other blockchain platforms and no, Blurt should be unique, not copy ideas from other platforms like Hive or Steemit.

I think if you identify people doing plagiarism and stealing photos and content, don't support them, ignore them.
You should find an effective way to identify original content and plagiarized content.

I agree that we need investment, blurt is a platform to create content, but it needs movement in the market, to make noise, to grow.

  ·  last year  ·  

thanks for kind word.

It frustrates me, because they don't understand, they don't understand the creators of Blurt, the point of investing in their platform to generate more money.

That's right, unfortunately, without an innovative approach we have no point in competing with hive or steem because most people look at it and say:

After all, Blurt is the same as hive or steem, and there I have at least a stable strong coin market, etc..

Often, a few years pass before they realize that downvotes or other arrangements can be difficult to swallow, and then they generally become discouraged with such solutions and simply go and abandon them.

If there was something that would clearly distinguish us from these platforms, it would be new enthusiasm and new interest.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

And don't sell the idea that creating content with blurt will make you a millionaire. Blurt is a content creation platform, you are indeed rewarded with money for your effort, but you need to have a lot of time and a set goal to grow on the platform.

Blurt should be sold as a way to learn and at the same time invest with the help and effort of your content you generate money but in the long term. I hope I have made myself understood

  ·  last year  ·  

We think alike on this.
Yes, word of mouth is the best advertising.
I agree with what you said before, which is that we have to do something here that isn't available elsewhere. Not to reinvent the wheel, but to have some sought-after attribute that we get known for. One idea is to brand ourselves (even more than before) as a censorship-resistant platform. Censorship is coming into the forefront as a huge societal issue right now. We could benefit hugely from an influx of people as more realize big tech social media is trying to silence and control them. We could strengthen a few policies to add to our already-good position. (BlurtBlog has some censorshippy features, but the blockchain itself, and the other front ends, are very censorship-resistant.)
As we promote Blurt to others, in the hopes they get interested and consider becoming involved...

  1. we shouldn't make promises of gains (you mentioned that)
  2. we should target our promotion toward people that would make good Blurtians... spamming us in the dirty dark corners of the under-web might do more harm than good... let's not aim to grow at all costs!
    IMO, doing that will bring quality people, many of whom are also quality investors. When they're aware that profits might never happen, they're realistic, and usually ready to hold long term. They're not pump and dumpers.
  ·  last year  ·  

Very good statement, you should expand it and post it as an article ;)

I have just written a similar article on the blurt Polish Facebook that raises issues on the same topic. it will be published on fb for at 10 am UTC+1

By the way, do you know where we could go with such articles? in the sense that it would reach the right people you are writing about... Any good place to publish in the crypto world where I could try to send such an article?

I will post it here today and also cover the topics you talked about.

Comment below when I post it tonight...

"One idea is to brand ourselves (even more than before) as a censorship-resistant platform."

I have been using this idea from the very beginning to promote our platform, which I included in the intro I made ;)

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Yeah, you've always been very anti-censorship, that's one reason I say we're so likeminded. : )

I don't know where the best places to publish such an article are, sorry. I'm hoping someone else can share their specific suggestions.

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

I feel compelled to comment. I've offered several suggestions back when I was blogging here. But one idea that seems so simplistic but no one even talks of it.

A Hybrid model where the front end(s) allow users who could care less about Blurt participate on their site. It would open up impulse buying potentially as they see accounts that are getting paid for the upvotes.

Perhaps offer something like an account starter, where the front end owner charges a fee for different levels of membership if buying crypto is to difficult. We need to quit pretending the masses want the headaches of keys and such. Most just want to log in and do their thing.

Having different membership levels one could assign x amount of Blurt as part of the package deal to perhaps skirt the need for all the hoops the governments keep throwing in the mix.

Free level- No ability to be rewarded or reward others. Nothing they post goes to the blockchain, just stays on the site they posted it on.

Bronze level- 5.00 a month and one gets 500 Blurt and can collect rewards.

Silver level- 10.00 a month and one gets 1000 Blurt as part of the monthly package.

Gold level- 20.00 a month and one would get 2000 Blurt per month as part of the monthly package.

I pushed really hard for one of the devs here to make a plugin for WordPress as it's a catch 22 posting here as a blogger. You can't organize things here in such a way for real SEO as WordPress allows.

I'm still hypothesizing here, but perhaps the connection to WordPress could be part of the membership perks I was mentioning above. Might actually have members here who would actually pay to access both the Blurt incentives as well as connecting a real blog to the sites/chain.

It would be up to the front end owners to decide the various perks and memberships.

But really the way it stands now, we automatically push away most of the general public who could care less about some string of digits online being called money. They don't see why they would give up money in their wallet that spends where they need it for a string of digits a small subset of folks are calling money but can fluctuate at times so badly all gains are lost.

Add in the headaches of key security and whatnot, and we have been our own worst enemy as far as adoption.

Want more folks, understand what it is folks want and then offer it. This goes for readers as well. No one cares about the actifit reports, what you have for dinner etc. It screams as Lucylin mentioned the product IS the tokens. Even Larimer and Scott said so when they came up with the idea for Steem. It wasn't even initially meant to be used for social blogs. I seem to remember their initial idea was for insurance, but Larimer saw that would limit his getting as many coins into as many hands as possible difficult.

So, he half ass created blogging. So many run their own, or do the social spying sites like Fakebook.

Look at how people flock to Fakebook, eager to open their wallets for crap like extra specials to advance in their cheesy games. None of those folks signed up to give their money away for games, but once they were there the money just began flowing from their wallets to Zuckerbergs world domination plans.

And that's all I have on that. I wasn't planning on even posting here anymore and just voting , but y'all need to stop and understand who it is you want to bring here and then understand what those folks want.

Edited to add, that it's apparent any great exchange listings aren't coming to save the day. We will NEVER have the liquidity Steem and Hive have as we are like a ghost at the exchanges most investors prefer to use. Memberships might be a way to circumvent this. The burden is on the chain to remedy this, exchanges are off the shelf.

  ·  last year  ·  

I don't agree with the first part of the statement 100%, it would kill blurt because you would kill any advantages it has over web 2.0. You might as well pack your bags. no one would simply want to post anything here because the functionality of the website lags behind the standards imposed by the giants, just as an airplane from World War II lags behind a jet ;]

I agree with the second part about WordPress 100% and I am pushing a similar idea and trying to do something programmatically about it. I think we should integrate the blurt by creating a set of blocks for the Guttenberg editor, which is more and more often chosen to create websites on WordPress that would allow yb, for example, create a graphic design on the WordPress system that displays the content of your personal blog and allows you to interact with the blockchain through these blocks.

This would revolutionize the blurt in my opinion,

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Hello matey !
Hope you're doing well.

Posted from

Hello lucylin.

I've been better, but we all play the hands we are dealt.

A lot has changed in my absence. Will be curious to see if Blurt will make it another year.

I'm surprised that you've stuck around. The quality has dipped a lot in the last year, which is saying a lot considering where the quality was at when I left.

I keep seeing purists thoughts that seem to ensure there will be no large uptake in usage. There's a reason so many prefer 2.0 in real life. It would behoove the purists to determine that there are benefits to 2.0 and merging the two as a bridge might bring folks who are here for more than scraps as so many here are desperate for.

You are indeed correct that the token is the product, Larimer and Scott said as much. I came into Steem years ago with this understanding as I discovered it via Banfield on YouTube. It wasn't until I got there and saw so much under the information war banner that I saw it as more than that as well. I also loved the ability to give to others from my stake without depleting the little in my own pockets.

Godspeed on your website. 2.0 is where it's still at.

It was good to get away from here. A huge time sink, although I'm grateful for both the help I was able to do for others in areas where the fractions of a penny value still has an impact.

I will say though that when I left Hive my cumulative value from years at Steem/Hive came to 500.00 and some change, and in the two years I was here I was able to grow that to almost 3k.

Not really a smart way of spending my time monetarily, and will be avoiding that time sink. I'm back to maybe comment at times, but mostly just vote maybe twice a week and call it a day.

My apologies for taking your opening to ramble so much.

Hope all has been well with you as well.

  ·  last year  ·  

I've been better, but we all play the hands we are dealt.

Indeed, this is the case...

I personally think that all the dpos platforms will implode, unless there is a radical change.... (easy to do, but also impossible from what I see with the personality profiles of those concerned)

I'm surprised that you've stuck around. The quality has dipped a lot in the last year, which is saying a lot considering where the quality was at when I left.

lolol - it truly is abysmal, isn't it ?lol
Again, no surprise- it's all about ethos and this, must emanate from 'the top'. Any mature ethos is utterly absent, in my opinion. (back to personality types and iq, unfortunately).
I stayed around for my own reasons - a kind of 'blockchain resume'.
That part is now complete (hence the web 2.0 project).

I keep seeing purists thoughts that seem to ensure there will be no large uptake in usage. There's a reason so many prefer 2.0 in real life. It would behoove the purists to determine that there are benefits to 2.0 and merging the two as a bridge might bring folks who are here for more than scraps as so many here are desperate for.

See my reply in the last section
It really has been a fascinating study of a) the personality types these 'blockchain project' attracts, and b) the lack of intelligence that is exhibited ...(not necessarily a lack in IQ, but rather how the IQ can be 'diminished' when other factors come into play - again, related to the personalty types.
You can have an IQ of 145 that seems to exhibits as 90, when factors such as greed and desire for power, enter the arena.

You are indeed correct that the token is the product, Larimer and Scott said as much. I came into Steem years ago with this understanding as I discovered it via Banfield on YouTube.

I can't believe that it took me so long to actually distill this information. Doh! lol
I always knew there was 'something wrong' with the entire concept, but concentrated on the ethics and observable dynamics of the platforms - missing the whole thing about the product !...(did I say 'doh'!? lol)

I also loved the ability to give to others from my stake without depleting the little in my own pockets.

I understand the concept, and it's 'all very cosy' - but needs firm leadership and rules based on ethics, work, and merit for it to even come close to functioning properly.
The much older 'there is nothing for free', never stopped whispering in my ear - and the way dpos's corrupt nepotism has played out, (downvotes or not), only goes to confirm the entire thing is either an unintentional ponzi-eqsue affair - or an intentional one.
(I tend to err on the 'unintentional', tbh - but who knows?)

Godspeed on your website. 2.0 is where it's still at.

Thanks very much !
It's not too late to help - A website that will work on old principles. If it works and makes money, everyone gets a slice.
Will it work?..One can only try, but I do know that when it comes to work ethic and a desire to grow through hard work and effort - I'm up for it !

It was good to get away from here. A huge time sink, although I'm grateful for both the help I was able to do for others in areas where the fractions of a penny value still has an impact.

I agree - the psychological effects of dpos social media are far more toxic then 'regular social media'.
(much more about this subject will be on my site).

I will say though that when I left Hive my cumulative value from years at Steem/Hive came to 500.00 and some change, and in the two years I was here I was able to grow that to almost 3k.

Cool !...I've done 'ok' I think.
I never bought into any of the token ideology after the few few months of observing the steem/hive dynamic.
I was hoping blurt would be different (no d/v) - but it isn't, not really - just the appearance/sell hype.
Nazguls are gonna nazgul, bless.

Not really a smart way of spending my time monetarily, and will be avoiding that time sink.

Indeed. For all the 'waste' of time - they have opened up a world of writing and other avenues- even cheap web design ! (for me) - something that I never really considered too seriously before, outside of 'erotic literature'.

I'm back to maybe comment at times, but mostly just vote maybe twice a week and call it a day.

I'll still be around posting now and again - an 'updating my resume', if the opportunity arises.

My apologies for taking your opening to ramble so much.

Never apologize for increased communications, matey ! lol

Hope all has been well with you as well.

Same as yourself - ya gotta play the hand you were dealt - but everything is 'on the up' for myself and Luce - so no complaints (no point, is there?!lol).

Take care.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

It wasn't until I got there and saw so much under the information war banner that I saw it as more than that as well.


Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  



  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

YouTube is a great place to show people how to monetize their Youtube videos with Crypto platforms like, Dtube,, ProofofBrain, Centblog, VYB, Koinos, RepubliK, Steemit, Hive etc … Diversification is the key to all happiness in Crypto Land.


  ·  last year  ·  


Hi @khrom, great news! Your content was selected by curators @nalexadre, @ten-years-before to receive a special curation from BeBlurt 🎉 Don't hesitate to upvote this comment as the curators will receive 80% of the rewards for their involvement.

You can support us by voting for our witness, our decentralized funding proposal, or through delegation. You're also welcome to join our Discord server 👉

*For a delegation of 45,000 BLURT 👉

BeBlurt (Blurt frontend) 👉
on IOS/Android 👉