RE: Blurt Community Survey....Is Now The Time to Force the Weak Hands Out?

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Blurt Community Survey....Is Now The Time to Force the Weak Hands Out?

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Painting a building up with pretty colors without any solid foundations is not a strategy, it's desperation to make something fundamentally fragile, look like something it's not.

Fix the foundations.

With juvenile witnesses acting like this :


(link below - with full details - I'm not referring to @world-travel-pro here..) ...blurt is beyond screwed.

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No offense, but you have turned out to be an incredibly nasty, negative, and mean spirited person. A total disappointment. I would never have supported you for one minute all those months ago if I understood that your main thing is feeding on negativity and drama, while making fun of others relentlessly. Seems pretty clear why you are your age without a pot to piss in other than your earnings from this platform, which is frankly scary to imagine. Look in the mirror, take a good look at your life, and think about why you can only afford eggs to eat as a westerner in one of the most affordable countries in the world.

Your attitude sucks and so do you. I'll be ignoring you for now on. Cause you add nothing.....but negativity, sliced and diced with a whole lot of your know it all arrogance. Good luck Lucy Lin, it will be interesting to watch you burn down the last of your bridges. I just hope suicide is not an option when you are down to your very last penny, cause it seems like that is the direction you are going. Not to be so dark but I've already watched you commit a slow suicide of your reputation and likability here on Blurt, it was totally retarded, unnecessary, and self sabotaging. Now my final words to you....go fuck yourself.

Yep, he's a psycho... 👍🏽


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

The thing is that he is clearly a very toxic person. On the macro level, his constant talk about how much Blurt sucks is toxic and negatively effects the platform. On the individual level people get wrapped up in the energy sucking arguments and pissing contests with him instead of get things done. Meanwhile he's acquired more enemies than anyone here by far. Then most sad thing is, on the level his own personal self, his toxicity has led him to being all but penniless in a foreign country. A very scary situation and I kind of feel bad for him in this regard. But it's his series of decisions that got him to where he is.

The only way I know how to get toxic people out of my life is to ignore and distance myself from them. It's just destructive vampire sucking energy, and it's best to get as far away from it as possible.

But I must say, he does often make some good points.....he's just off the charts antagonistic upon making them.

I agree I would call for collectively ignoring as I always have.

Posted from

You are absolutely right 👍 The DH isn't worth it...

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

if you don't support speech you disagree with, you don't support free-speech

Posted from

One can support the speech while acknowledging the poison of it and ready to re-act or even act preemptively upon that speech.

I'm going to invade your house, rape your wimmins as you watch helplessly bleeding all tied up on the floor.

Supporting the right for someone to say that

Thank you for warning me who you were

as they lay at your feet a bloody shell of their former self because you supported their right to be a dumbass and tell you who they were and you acted to prevent their stated intent to cause you harm.

Free speech yes. But that does not mean one just ignores what is being said if it promises/produces harmful results.

Nor does supporting free speech mean one pretend to agree as that would infringe on ones own free speech/autonomy.

I saw nothing in the reply by WTP that was not supportive of lucylins free speech. His declaration was that he finds it toxic and is choosing to no longer allow it to be front and center in his area of attention. Free speech does not mean one has free reign to command anothers attention. It means they can say what they want and those who wish to hear it will, those who don't can shut them out.

We'll call that freedom to exclude as much agitation in ones life as one can. :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


that's why the mute button was invented

can you imagine trying to "clean up" the entire internet ?

what kind of enforcement mechanism would you personally prefer ?

Posted from

I don’t think anyone is saying to block him tho, we even stoood up for him in that regard I just wish ppl would stoP giving so much attention at the expense of growing the Site. Let’s collectively decide to stop from today.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

i'm pretty sure magadrive was either blocking them from or seriously considering it

"because they upvote crappy posts"

in other words, "they don't spend their own money wisely enough"

Posted from

Who needs the mute button when you have balls of steel! lol

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

i mean, sure, but what about all the precious snowflakes like magadrive ?

Posted from

I support his freedom to speak whatever he wants, and I also support my freedom to say what's coming out of his mouth is absolutely toxic to not only the platform and the people on it, but especially himself.

Posted from

Same as everyone is targeting you lucylin at the expense of the platform you are doing to others just honing in on a user relentlessly. If ppl rly want to make the place better DO SOMETHING... hold money don’t cash out all the time, buy more, apply to be witness. No point bashing every single witness and not stepping up yourself. It’s absolufey pointless just making post after post about someone only 5 ppl read. If you rly dislike the way ppl are acting try and redirect it a bit. World travel pro and out of the matrix did that. They had issues with management and so they applied to be a witness. I’m going to do it too. If ppl don’t like us or vote fine that’s ok obviously not enough people agreed with our vision. But it’s better than just making post after post moaning about every single person.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·

daily patriot - Copy (6) - Copy.jpg
ctime in blurt • 2 hours ago
Stop blaming @lucylin for BLURT price drop.

Two months ago I have stopped investing in BLURT but megaverse and his team didn't stop selling "printed tokens".

That's the whole secret of the "BLURT market collapse"

Lucylin is innocent, start using blurtlatam and read his posts with understanding. He is not my or your enemy. In fact, he is one of very few, who keeps me on this "wokechain".

btw, my upvotes are much higher when you post from blurtlatam

Posted from

Ctime is useful he has invested more money than anyone here, held it even when threatened, curates well and he only talks about blurt issues. He doesn’t pick on particular users for their silly banter or conversation or go digging around about theIr personal life etc . He’s totally different he makes very to the point direct conversation about important issues. I totally back @ctime. World travel pro and out of the matrix defended you at the expense of their own wallet, have pretty similar views and you make all these stupid posts about thek cause they put one sentence you didn’t like.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

...Are you still becoming/already, a witness... ?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

and you make all these stupid posts about them cause they put one sentence you didn’t like.

Did you know the earth is about 93 million miles from the sun ?

If you multiply that by about 10 x - it makes it about 930 million miles.

The distance of that second number is not even close, when compared to how far away it is that you are , from the conclusion that you've drawn above.

My actual motivations - and what you think my motivations are - are galaxies apart - entire bloody universes in fact...

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

This weird secrecy, ‘oh I’m working on something so important that No one knows what I’m doing’ stuff is pathetic honestly. The answer is nothing. It’s an online blog and we are bloggers. There is no top secret massive agenda that you can’t tell anyone. If you are doing something tell people or just keep quiet and do it. This ‘I’m working on something so intelligent and mind blowing I can’t tell anyone’ all the time stuff is just so boring. Leave it out with me.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

How's it secrecy?...I've already told everyone..

If you are doing something tell people or just keep quiet and do it. This ‘I’m working on something so intelligent and mind blowing I can’t tell anyone’ all the time stuff is just so boring. Leave it out with me.

I told everyone - I'm making a non social media website.

I cant leave you out, not if you're gonna be witness soon!...responsibility and accountability and all that...
Thankfully with you joining the cabals ranks, at least we'll have one adult in the room.

Posted from

I think building a website is great idea, good luck with that, if we don’t like something doing something to make a change is always the way to go. Any niche we have you can guarantee there will be others out there they want the same. How is it none social? Is it just for your own stuff or designed to be a blog? Will it be a money generating platform?
Secrecy doesn’t work well for me I like good honest communication or think people should just keep it to themselves. Nothing is more annoying that talking about hypotheticals I don’t have time for it.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Fix the foundations.

With juvenile witnesses acting like this :
..blurt is beyond screwed.

Let's pretend the last bit wasn't there..

Are you suggesting we boot them or reeducate them? Or do we "will them with all our might"? I know he won't answer, so anyone else have any suggestions?

If we take your comment at face value.. Why are you here, if your opinion of this place is so little and its so definite?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

With juvenile witnesses acting like this

Foundations are principles, not people.
Foundations are ideas, not people.
Foundations are truths, not people.

Code is the truths, the ideas, the principles, the Basics, THE BASIS, the Foundation.

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