How Well Do You Read Content Before Upvoting

in blurt •  3 years ago 

Every writer's contents are nice and worth reading,but yet do every writer's content worth voting on or let me say do they all deserve the level of rewards they get at times,that is one question that keeps going on my mind.

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Recently am seeing some users writing about Auto voting, which to me is one thing am not really against.

But my concern is how well do you read posts.

Recently I keep on seeing that I noticed that people get day to day upvote on their post and comments which to me is not a bad thing at all,but my concern is how important are they, sincerely am not trying to bring down anyone's work or efforts here, especially when it comes to writing contents,which I know might be very hard at times.

I do tell a friend that it is not easy to write for millions of people to read and get convinced that you are doing well,it takes a lot of efforts to actually wins people heart.

But of all reading contents will help an author to definitely do well,just like me I know their might be some mistakes in my writing,but if it is not read those mistakes won't be point out,it is high time I think the community members should not just gives upvote base on titles or pictures used in contents,but the quality of the content too should be placed into check

Read and help the author

Want to believe no one is above mistakes and I sincerely believe that the community to me is the best place to learn new things and that is why I sincerely believe that reading post on most occasion will help to know what we are actually voting on.

Putting of good pictures and topic is not a bad thing as this are things that attract audience to a content also,but it seems most user's at times vote base on that, which I think the community should improve on too.

Reading of contents might be hard considering how long it is at times,but honestly I still see it as the best means of carrying everyone along in the community and to me I see that as mean whereby rewards won't be given without adequate checking of what the writer as written and it message to the community too.

It is not all about reading alone, learning from what will read too is very important and honestly am of the opinion that irrespective of how long or small an article might be, rewards should be given to them once they carry a reasonable message for the community to learn from.

Long or small,content should be read,so that we can both learn and also grow as a family.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for sharing this publication with us. It is true according to my experience we should know how to value some other points before saying I am going to delegate a certain amount of my voting power. I believe that by exercising other practices we can have greater profitability, for me the social, being social and real has led me to connect with other users and above all to know the work of others. If I had delegated my voting power, I would not be able to vote for the content I like, let alone give them the rating they deserve.

thank you for this publication

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Definitely and am very pleased to see how well you have seen value in this content, honestly we all need to come together as a community to promote the voting techinques.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I see it the same way!
If I had not read @freakeao 's post, then I would not have read your post...
and not looked at your block and I would not have followed you even then....

I loved your post about the wedding (too late to vote unfortunately...).

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for coming by too and it is good to see how well have been helped by @freakeao

Thanks for coming by mate

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I agree with you, that before giving upvoting, it's best to read the post until it's finished. Although I am not proficient in English, there is Google Translate.

Sometimes, I see some friends make comments like:

  • nice
  • good
  • good work
  • and others

Frankly, I don't like those kinds of comments. I assume, that he did not read the contents of the post first. And I can be sure, I will not give upvoting to the comment post.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Definitely , quality content should not go without notice at all,this is one thing that will also motivate writers to bring out the best in them always

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.

Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness


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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for this am really honoured to see this

This post has been manually curated by @chibuzorwisdom You can get more upvotes from us by using #blurtconnect tag.

Thank you for sharing such a great content!

You can delegate any amount of blurt power to @chibuzorwisdom to support this curation.

Blurt to the moon 🌕

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for showing up here too boss,will work towards delagating towards the project

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hola! Tiene usted razón en parte de su contenido, cuando escribimos una publicación puede ser rápido o puede llevar algún tiempo de esfuerzo, pero sea corto o largo dicha información merece ser leída pues de ese modo estaríamos valorando lo que el autor hizo.

Y todos debemos esforzarnos por crear buen contenido, algo que transmita una enseñanza o algo interesante que valga la pena leer, en esta parte es cierto que ahora mismo hay o habemos muchos que no lo estamos haciendo de ese modo por lo que tu post nos hace reflexionar en como podemos mejorar para no dejar de recibir el apoyo y seguir siendo curados, gracias por ésta información y que cada parte siga dando lo mejor de si.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for coming and it is good to meet new people like you and I will be open to take classes on how to speak your language

What a way to express your thoughts and feelings! I enjoyed and liked it. A few people who share their real emotions and instructions ,is one of you. Keep it up. We beginners learn many lessons from these kinds of incredible posts.I agree with you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Very good to see how useful this information and content is to you too.

Am honoured to have come up with a content like this.thanks for showing up here too mate

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