RE: Blurt Community Survey....Is Now The Time to Force the Weak Hands Out?

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Blurt Community Survey....Is Now The Time to Force the Weak Hands Out?

in blurt •  2 years ago 

if you don't support speech you disagree with, you don't support free-speech

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One can support the speech while acknowledging the poison of it and ready to re-act or even act preemptively upon that speech.

I'm going to invade your house, rape your wimmins as you watch helplessly bleeding all tied up on the floor.

Supporting the right for someone to say that

Thank you for warning me who you were

as they lay at your feet a bloody shell of their former self because you supported their right to be a dumbass and tell you who they were and you acted to prevent their stated intent to cause you harm.

Free speech yes. But that does not mean one just ignores what is being said if it promises/produces harmful results.

Nor does supporting free speech mean one pretend to agree as that would infringe on ones own free speech/autonomy.

I saw nothing in the reply by WTP that was not supportive of lucylins free speech. His declaration was that he finds it toxic and is choosing to no longer allow it to be front and center in his area of attention. Free speech does not mean one has free reign to command anothers attention. It means they can say what they want and those who wish to hear it will, those who don't can shut them out.

We'll call that freedom to exclude as much agitation in ones life as one can. :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


that's why the mute button was invented

can you imagine trying to "clean up" the entire internet ?

what kind of enforcement mechanism would you personally prefer ?

Posted from

I don’t think anyone is saying to block him tho, we even stoood up for him in that regard I just wish ppl would stoP giving so much attention at the expense of growing the Site. Let’s collectively decide to stop from today.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

i'm pretty sure magadrive was either blocking them from or seriously considering it

"because they upvote crappy posts"

in other words, "they don't spend their own money wisely enough"

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Oh god are we still there I genuinely thought md had improved a lot lately and was beginning to look for some community concensus before acting. Tekraze seems the most unhinged and overly sensitive witness these days.

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I mean most his posts don’t even make sense to me and swing about all over the place. Some ppl are just better at the tech side than the public facing and no shame in that.

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Tekraze is there because no one else is willing to work that blockchain programme at the same rate. He may be a good developer but he rly shouldn’t have a public facing role. I think he wins the award as the most triggered, unhinged, forces his rules onto everyone whilst pretending to like freedom of speech witness Ive seen since leaving hive. He could single handedly damage blurt imo whilst he has a public facIng role.

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After thinking that time frame over.....I think we all witnessed a total meltdown. As I've said before some people are not cut out to handle and deal with such controversial personalities humiliating the shit out of them on a daily basis, and we got a total fucking meltdown. Then @jacobkadiaken who was emotionaly outside of the drama, yet pulling major weight as a founder, quickly put common sense to the forefront and the only change that happened was a more fair witness voting system.

Part of why I started a witness, is so I can help prevent blunders like this happening again going forward. While opening up a greater voice to the community in my survey style posts and more....

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

i'd like to see at least 4 witnesses in the top 20 that do practically nothing and simply ignore all proposals

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Who needs the mute button when you have balls of steel! lol

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

i mean, sure, but what about all the precious snowflakes like magadrive ?

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Does it offend you that some would prefer to mute than be trolled?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

of course not

i wish magadrive would just mute lucylin and forget about it

that's what the mute function is designed for

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Not sure why so many assume he didn't.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

because they went a step further and started tagging all their posts with "NSFW"

which would seem fully redundant if they couldn't even see them

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I support his freedom to speak whatever he wants, and I also support my freedom to say what's coming out of his mouth is absolutely toxic to not only the platform and the people on it, but especially himself.

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