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I view differently I guess. Supporting anothers right to their speech doesn't negate my own right to contrary speech, doesn't subjugate me to being silent.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

well, i was somewhat concerned when mega talked about blurt being "family-friendly" in his interview

have you seen the first episode of "the boys" season 3 ?

it's a show owned by amazon

just imagine if someone posted that stuff on hive or steem or blurt ?

way worse than frot or lucy

they would get insta-banned

but amazon is somehow "considered mainstream" and yet can produce and distribute this stuff to viewers world-wide

what the hell

Posted from

I haven't watched any interviews. I dislike videos and can rarely watch them when presented to me. Nor watch much TV either, lol.

Some time back Blessedgirl brought her daughter to Blurt, and I cautioned my worry that her daughter would be possibly be exposed to things a young girl shouldn't be. Her response was that she would be monitoring her daughters actions here.

That is how a healthy family structure is conducted that allows the adults to be adults and the children be the children.

There is a lot of filth being pushed from mainstream everything right now, such as some time back the cuties show Netflix was making. The response was a drop in subscriptions and a tarnishing of their brand. No one told them they had to stop although they were really close to a pedophilic line from what I heard and the few screenshots that were posted with the commentary on it. Folks voted with their feet (eyes) and wallets.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

ideally, we could share a blockchain that was content agnostic

it would be nice to have the option to create some "invite only" spaces like discord

Posted from

An interesting concept. The only argument I saw put forth against such an idea on the other chains was it would allow abuse (the violent rape of that reward pool) if the heroes of the day couldn't rush forward and gallantly save fair maiden reward pool with their down votes. No downvotes here and folks are allowed to claim their rewards unfettered which does away with that argument.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

At the last real life Steemfest, the "Community" module was presented with futher details going forward, to the point where they could have become "private spaces". Maybe they hadn't thought that part through, that the economic-downvote-hitmen would also be locked out!

However, if we can bring back online that Community feature, I think that would help user experience and orientation - anyone can then self-police as a mod and users really cannot complain if they go into a community just so as to then complain about something.

That is something I would encourage users to request - to reinstall the Community feature.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Some interesting economic twists, but the earnings are very concentrated at the moment - and the coin price tanked too, tho havent looked deeply as to whether that was some internal matter or market tracking.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

that the economic-downvote-hitmen would also be locked out!


Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


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