Fully encrypted chat on blurt - why is it such a breakthrough?

in blurt •  last year  (edited)

Nowadays, instant messaging and chat rooms are everywhere. They have become a common thing like a pen or a coffee cup ;)

So not many people realize, what a great achievement is, the recently implemented by @sagarkothari88 functionality as fully encrypted Chat and why is it worth to start using this solution.

The benefits of such a solution are many:

  • Thanks to the chat, from now on we can not only blog but also start doing more serious business with each other on the blockchain and be sure that the person we communicate with in public is the same person we talk to privately. Previously, users of our network had to use external chats to exchange contacts. As, in turn, it was not possible to exchange contact information privately with a stranger, there was a risk that someone could impersonate the person we were talking to, e.g. by writing to an email that we shared publicly in a comment.

  • From now on, we can exchange privately not only contact but also sensitive data such as address, name and surname, e.g. in order to finalize the sale, or simply to meet.

This opens up a wide field for all kinds of artists, web designers, graphic designers, programmers and a lot of other people who can work remotely, to look for new clients and associates also with us.

But of course not only business. If two people catch each other's eye, now they can make a new acquaintance more easily in private ;)

  • Importantly, the chat gives full privacy to the people who use it. The only person who has access to your keys is you.
  • unlike other communicators such as Discord, messenger or whatsup, no one here, based on your conversations, will conduct any advertising targeting or sell information about you to third parties.
  • there is also no possibility for someone to make this data available to any state or non-state institutions, as large companies do.

Of course, as with any encryption, this too can be broken. nothing we post online is 100% leak proof.

Chatting via blockchain transactions is also not free, and this may discourage some people from using this solution on a wider scale. But in other places you also paying just not with money, but with your privacy and data.

That's why, having our own chat on the blockchain is a big step forward for our network and greatly increases its usability for blockchain users.

I encourage everyone to test and look for their own applications because there are definitely many more than I mentioned.

here you can find it. Just login as usual and find chat in the menu:

@sagarkothari88 sharing also little video tutorial with us here:


Greetings to everyone, and I also encourage you to familiarize yourself with the latest initiatives, which are:

Proposal to create a new logo:


Subscribe @morveska she soon share with us more details!

And a substeemia game that I would like to implement on our blockchain in the near future:


blurt chat.png

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W pełni szyfrowany chat na blurt - dlaczego to taki przełom?

W dzisiejszych czasach komunikatory internetowe i chaty mamy na każdym kroku. Stały się rzeczą pospolitą jak długopis czy też kubek od kawy ;)

Niewiele osób zdaje sobie więc sprawę jak wielkim osiągnięciem jest ostatnio zaimplementowana przez @sagarkothari88 funkcjonalność jaką jest wpełni szyfrowany Chat oraz dlaczego warto korzystać właśnie z tego rozwiązania?

Korzyści z takiego rozwiązania jest wiele:

  • Dzięki czatowi od teraz możemy nie tylko blogować ale i zacząć robić z sobą poważniejsze interesy na blockchainie i mieć pewność że osoba z którą się kontaktujemy publicznie jest tą samą osobą z którą rozmawiamy prywatnie. Wcześniej użytkownicy naszej sieci musieli korzystać z chatów zewnętrznych aby wymienić się kontaktem. Jako że z kolei nie było możliwości aby z osobą nieznajomą wymienić się kontaktem prywatnie, to istniało ryzyko że ktoś mógł się podszyć pod osobę z którą rozmawialiśmy, np pisząc na maila którego udostępniliśmy publicznie w komentarzu.

  • Od teraz możemy się w pełni prywatnie wymienić nie tylko kontaktem ale i danymi wrażliwymi takimi jak adres, imię i nazwisko np w celu sfinalizowania sprzedaży, czy też po prostu po to aby się spotkać.

Otwiera to szerokie pole do popisu dla wszelkiej maści artystów, web designerów, grafików, programistów oraz masy innych osób które mogą pracować zdalnie, na to aby szukać nowych klientów i współpracowników również u nas.

Ale oczywiście nie tylko buisnesowo. Jeżeli dwie osoby wpadną sobie w oko to teraz mogą łatwiej prywatnie nawiązać nową znajomość ;)

  • Co ważne chat daje pełną prywatność osobom które z niego korzystają. Jedyną osobą która ma bowiem dostęp do waszych kluczy jesteście wy sami.
  • w przeciwieństwie do innych komunikatorów takich jak Discord, messenger czy też whatsup, nikt tu taj na bazie waszych rozmów nie będzie prowadził, żadnego targetowania reklamy ani też nie będzie sprzedawał informacji o was osobom trzecim.
  • niema też możliwości aby ktoś udostępnił te dane jakimkolwiek instytucjom państwowym czy też pozapaństwowym tak jak robią to wielkie firmy.

Oczywiście jak w przypadku każdego szyfrowania, to też może zostać złamane. nic co publikujemy w sieci nie jest w 100% zabezpieczone przed wyciekiem.

Chatowanie za pośrednictwem transakcji blockchain nie jest też oczywiście darmowe i to niektórych może zniechęcać do korzystania z tego rozwiązania na szerszą skalę.

Niemniej własny chat na blockchainie to duży postęp dla naszej sieci i ogromnie podnosi jej użyteczność dla użytkowników blockchaina.

To tez zachęcam wszystkich do testowania i szukania własnych zastosowań ponieważ zdecydowanie jest nich dużo więcej niż wymieniłem.

Tu możecie znaleźć chat. Po prostu zalogujcie się jak zwykle i znajdziecie go w menu:

@sagarkothari88 udostępnia nam tutaj swój tutorial video:


Pozdrawiam wszystkich, i zachęcam też do zapoznania się z ostatnimi inicjatywami jakimi są:

Propozycja stworzenia nowego logo:


Subskrybujcie profil @morveska już wkrótce zdradzi nam więcej szczegółów!

Oraz gra Substeemia która chciałbym w niedalekiej przyszłości wdrażać na naszym blockchainie:


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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  ·  last year  ·  


Chatting via blockchain transactions is also not free, and this may discourage some people from using this solution

It should cost MORE...
The next step is a pay to play matrix:element
Chatroom that can be used like Discord with the fees going to the server Hosts and not to the CIA as is the case with discord 🥓

Great achievement though so far!

  ·  last year  ·  

in practice, it costs the same as comments, i.e. 0.400 BLURT per kilobyte. More kb more blurt. These 0.001 is just the minimum amount you need to send to someone to make a transaction possible

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  


And actually that .001 Transfer is just going back and forth between the chatters...

If they build the chat to use unpublished comments then the .4 BLURT fees will get burned up... I think that this burning of fees over chat will have a unique effect... Pay to Post Chat.

And I agree that some shitty nerds broke IT a second time by overprinting BLURT and sitting on it like someone else owes them an award or something.

  ·  last year  ·  

This is how the network will eventually "earn" in some way for itself because it has a service that is desirable but does not generate any tokens (you have to pay for comments, but in practice many of them are rewarded with upvotes) and only burns tokens, which in practice translates to less tokens in the pool and on the market and a slightly higher price. Now we need to get more users here. When it gets crowded here, more people will have a reason to use this chat.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

I hate crowds 😐

  ·  last year  ·  

so then we wil create special frontend for outsiders :D

  ·  last year  ·  

Polish community have chat on Matrix, so feel free to promote bridge for global chat :P

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

I concur Doctor 🖖


  ·  last year  ·  

What's matrix?
I haven't used discord in years. And didn't even use it when I DID use it, just a couple conversations with Steem people. Then I got upset when they went woke, and updated their TOS to say they own your device and everything on it. But you can't delete or uninstall it if you had a room, which I did. So I have discord forever even though I don't want it. I haven't opened it in more than a year.

  ·  last year  ·  

I don't use Matrix often but it is a type of messaging that gives users better control.

Ultimately I think a these graphene chains (STEEM, hiv, BLURT) should be using the feature of the chain to build a group chat. Matrix could be used this way... Eventually 🤬

https://matrix.org/docs/projects/client/element 🥓

  ·  last year  ·  

I like the idea of features that don't use 3rd party software, websites, services, etc. Having chat as part of the blockchain really appeals to me. Of course, blockchains have a degree of openness, and might not be the right place for private messages. Either they're open for public viewing, or they'll be cracked sooner or later. So I wouldn't type out my darkest fantasies in there :P I did enough of that back on yahoo and msn 20 years ago...

  ·  last year  ·  



  ·  last year  ·  

there is also no possibility for someone to make this data available to any state or non-state institutions, as large companies do.

well stated

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

There is a reason @sagarkothari88 is getting paid (in blurt) a significant amount, and this is why. Big home run for the platform and @sagarkothari88. Well done and keep up the great work!

Weldon, you are doing a great job for this platform

  ·  last year  ·  

Good job! This is so exciting.

  ·  last year  ·  

I am not able to get it working for me (it won't login), but in theory it's a great idea! I will keep trying.

  ·  last year  ·  

I saw that people have a problem with the fact that after logging in with whale currency, you have to enter your private memo key and save separately. Save sometimes you have to press twice before it clicks.

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks for the info. I actually don't know what whale currency is, so it sounds like I am missing a step. I will have another look this evening.

  ·  last year  ·  

sorry my mistake probably translator thing. I just hurry. Whale valut :

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

Well I don't use google links or products, so maybe that's why I don't have it : )

  ·  last year  ·  


here is from github . You should have it. its very useful and safer way to use your Blurt keys.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

Wow! this is really great, got to try this. You did a great job @sagarkothari88. By this, you don't need to check blurters on their socials like twitter, instagram, facebook, discord, telegram to send them DMs it's all here on blurt.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

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