What's a low protein diet map?

in blurt •  2 years ago 


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Then's a sample low protein diet map that can be stuck to by both insectivores andnon-vegetarians. Still, you can change the foods given in the diet map, If you want.

Breakfast-at eighto'clock in the morning

An orange, half a mug of cornflakes and a mug of low fat milk, a mug of green tea and half a tablespoon of adulation ( insectivores)
. An egg white, a loaf of chuck or brown chuck, half a mug of milk (better without sugar, do not add further than half a tablespoon of sugar)
. Lunch-between one in the autumn

Half a mug of boiled broccoli, half a tablespoon of adulation, half a mug of pudding, one mug of green tea (for insectivores)
.20 grams or a small piece of desi funk ( grilled or roasted), one slice of brown chuck, one apple or one glass of grape juice (those who eat meat)
. Autumn mess-in the autumn map

A small coliseum of boiled lentils ( tossed in half a tablespoon of adulation), half a mug of apple juice, two thin arrowroot biscuits with a tablespoon of jelly ( do you need low protein diet)
. In the evening-between six in the evening
Eat a banana
Regale-between 830 pm

A coliseum of tomato haze, a baked potato, half a mug of boiled spinach, a mug of green or chamomile tea (for insectivores)
.Four apricots, a coliseum of funk liver tossed in a teaspoon of adulation, a slice of brown chuck, a mug of green or chamomile tea (for those who eat meat)

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