The great danger of eating food with milk!

in blurt •  2 years ago 


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There are numerous who don't want to drink milk without redundant taste. There's a tradition of drinking milk mixed with chocolate, nuts, spices or sauces to enhance the taste.

But there are some foods that shouldn't be eaten with milk. If anyone likes to drink milk also he must keep this food list in mind.

Remember, it's important to eat milk to nourish the body. You must drink a mug of milk before going to bed at night. Still, if you eat some food with milk by mistake, there can be numerous physical problems. Let's find out which foods can not be eaten with milk.

Milk and bananas

Milk and banana milkshakes are popular drinks for people who are health conscious. But eating these two protein-rich foods together can beget bloating. Bananas are a little harder to digest with milk. So it's recommended to eat two refections independently.

Milk and fish

Both fish and milk are rich in protein. It can also beget digestive problems if played together. Although fish is an beast protein, playing with milk can upset the body's balance. Because there are some fish that keep the body warm. Eating which can beget bloating and disinclinations.

Milk and sour juicy fruit

It's interdicted to eat sour fruits like bomb or orange with milk. This fruit contains citric acid and vitamin C. These mixed with milk can beget heartburn, heartburn and stomach pang.

Milk and adulation

Futi or melon fruits shouldn't be eaten with milk. This type of fruit contains diuretic constituents. If this fruit is mixed with milk also the fat and laxative present in the milk can produce problems. Eating these two foods together can beget disinclinations and diarrhea.

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