Find out the easy way to unlock without a key .

in blurt •  2 years ago 


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Numerous people have claimed on the net that to do this, one has to have a box of matches at hand. How are they talking about opening the cinch using Desalai? That system remained.
• First you have to remove the gunpowder from the tip of the match sticks. But remember, leave a stick with gunpowder. That will come in handy latterly.
After removing the gunpowder from the tip of all the sticks, all the gunpowder should be put together in a piece of paper.
From that paper the gunpowder should be gently poured into the locker.


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• This time you have to put the whole match stick in the hole where the key is fitted. Keep in mind, the part of the matchstick will be on the outside.
After that, the whole Desalai stick should be set on fire with gunpowder. Once the gunpowder is burned, the fire will sluggishly spread to the bottom of the stick. And at the end the fire will reach the place inside the cinch where the greasepaint is.
It's better to stay at a safe distance from the cinch at this time. Because light can explode in the cinch.
The cinch will open after this explosion.
Still, it's possible to open small cinches in this way. You have to take the help of a professional to open the big cinch.

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