RE: Rewards on Blurt: Request for Comment

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Rewards on Blurt: Request for Comment

in blurt •  4 years ago 

What makes you think that I admire anybody like a teenage fan?

Don't be ashamed, it's completely alright to admire anybody, if teenager or old frog, relax. :-)

I would like to find out why you of all people vote yourself almost continuously ...

This is the answer I already gave @wulff-media:

"To earn money? :)
Here are neither flags nor diminishing returns implemented, that means self- and circle-voting are highly appreciated.
Yes, I urge to change that (because I think that in the long run that would be much better for all invstors!), but as long as nobody changes it, I see no reason to let all rewards go to Korean mini posts, and simply claim my part of the cake.
I am not an angel but an investor with self-interests ...
(OK, and as these rewards are only pennies when converted, I admit that my self-voting is also a way to hint at the obvious problem: in a functioning society there would be anybody/any means to curb that ...)"

In short:

"When living in the jungle, to survive you have to adapt to the laws of the jungle ... that doesn't necessarily mean that you prefer to live in a jungle."

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

That's not nice!

You could be involved in the development of alternative instruments (other than downvotes and non-linear curves) that prevent or curb abuse.

The founders and developers of BLURT invest a lot of idealism and a lot of time of their lives in this.

I also bring a lot of idealism with me.

Sabotage, which you are doing, is the very wrong way here!

When living in the jungle, to survive you have to adapt to the laws of the jungle ... that doesn't necessarily mean that you prefer to live in a jungle.

This reasoning contains no ethics.

I also live offline in a "jungle". But I don't do all the bad things just because I'm not punished for them.

I am very disappointed.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

The founders of Blurt explicitely appreciate self-votes!
But I don't quote @birdinc (he is for example talking about "staking") again, because I did it already many times.

How can you call anything sabotage of which the founders think it is great?

I try to show that it isn't great. Nothing more, nothing less.

I don't like @berniesanders, but with his spamming he is the reason why we are having transactions fees now (so in the end it was the best he could do).

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I don't know any such statement from @birdinc.
Would you please insert a link.

And, if it applies, doesn't it refer to ZAPATA?

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Would you please insert a link.

I do it - again(!) - because it's you! Just read:

  • Here.

  • Here.

  • In Discord: "We want people voting for themselves on Zapata. I never understood why this behavior was so discouraged on Steem."

The last statement was referred to Zapata (the other two were about Blurt), but that's what he thinks in general.

If that isn't enough, I simply cannot help you.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Thanks for the links!

I already knew the third statement in the discord. But it clearly referred to ZAPATA, as you also know.

Isn't @Birdinc also the creator of Zapata?

I had also already read the two statements from your links. But I don't understand them as you do.

The way I understand him, he considers it an effort when a user votes himself into the trending.

The fact that it is explicitly desired or that there is a request to vote for yourself, as you have said several times now, I can't read anywhere.

These two statements of @Birdinc are not clear enough to deduce that it is explicitly desired to vote yourself.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

I already knew the third statement in the discord. But it clearly referred to ZAPATA, as you also know.

As I also stated it was referred to Zapata, but it shows his way of thinking ...

Furthermore, I have been long enough in the Blurt Discord channel to build my opinion. But my time is limited, and I won't seek for more examples that back my point of view.

Feel free to send @birdinc a message in Discord to ask him directly.

Concerning the other two quotes, you should differentiate:

The first one has nothing to do with voting oneself into trending, and is simply about pure self-voting which he highly appreciates.
(His addition about the "UI's" expresses his hope to hide highly rewarded mini posts in trending and instead of that show real quality content there. This is his suggestion to improve the impression trending makes on outsiders - but has nothing to do with his first sentence about self-voting. His comment simply is an answer of two different aspects I mentioned in my article.)

The second has also nothing to with upvoting oneself into trending but with maximizing profits by accumulating upvotes on certain posts (which then also trend as a side effect).
That's a combination of self- and circle-voting which @birdinc also highly appreciates.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

In gewisser Weise kann ich @birdinc übrigens verstehen: Er sagt ja, besser, sie upvoten sich selbst oder spielen Zirkel, als dass sie alle downpowern.

Viele Stakeholder, einschließlich mir selbst, sind bezüglich des zukünftigen Erfolgs von Blurt/Zapata äußerst skeptisch und/oder haben gar nicht die Zeit, auf mehreren Social Media-Plattformen aktiv zu sein.

In einem solchen Fall sind die beiden naheliegendsten Alternativen, entweder sein Geld abzuziehen und umzutauschen oder auf wenig aufwändige Art und Weise (Selbstvotes etc.) wenigstens für einen Inflationsausgleich zu sorgen.

Auf User wie dich oder @afrog, die sich von Blurt mehr versprechen, wirkt das natürlich umso befremdlicher.

Einer der Hauptgründe für die große Skepsis vieler Stakeholder ist, dass die Blurt-Macher glauben, auf Flags verzichten zu können.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Ich habe @birdinc nun direkt und ganz deutlich gefragt und warte auf Antwort.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Sollten sie dort das Thema ernst nehmen und konkret etwas gegen Selbstbereicherung aller Art tun wollen, würde ich mitziehen und das Selbstvoten von Kommentaren einstellen.
Ich fürchte jedoch, @afrog hat mit seinem Kommentar weiter unten Recht (dann dürften hier Hopfen und Malz verloren sein) - aber lassen wir uns einfach überraschen.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Da wirst du nichts neues erfahren. Es scheint so, dass niemand den Missbrauch überhaupt thematisieren will. Statt dessen wirst du mehr oder weniger mit Blubber abgespeist. Wenn überhaupt jemand antwortet.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

I have lived in the Whale and Self-Voter Jungle since I have been on the Steem and have never taken advantage of this opportunity for enrichment. Only once by accident. This is the way most people who still have honour and decency in their bodies practice it. In my opinion, such behavior destroys the social reputation of the user. Even if he was as highly regarded as you once were on the steem. But these are personal resentments, maybe even from far too moral wimps, which apparently play no role where the primary goal is to recapitalize his investment with the highest possible profit. But I thank you for dropping your pants so relentlessly against yourself.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

There have always been hope and also some more or less successful actions against self-voting on STEEM. Here it is appreciated, here there aren't flags. That is the difference.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

It is only a moral question, one of decency. After that you will be judged by a community and therefore I find it disappointing what you practice on the Blurt. I had a completely different image of you and therefore I really appreciated you. I'm sure you know that. Your self-votes even hurt a little bit now. You've changed and you're deliberately harming a hopeful project of idealists.

Not one of the Blurt activists ignores the constant abuse of the Blockchain. These are not people from another galaxy who have no idea what's going on. They'll shut down these self-service places eventually. But right now, they have a lot of construction sites to run and only one head and two hands. Don't be so bossy and impatient!

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

... you're deliberately harming a hopeful project of idealists.

The opposite is the case: I show these idealists that they urgently should implement flags (or something with equivalent effect) again! Otherwise I simply cannot believe in (and waste time with) this project - there won't be any future!

History tells us that on blockchain what can be exploited and botted, will be exploited and botted. Even idealists should recognize that it's important to implement the necessary measures!

Think about this: I don't like @berniesanders, but with his spamming he is the reason why we are having transactions fees now (so in the end it was the best he could do).

They'll shut down these self-service places eventually.

NO, they appreciate it. Just read:

  • Here.

  • Here.

  • In Discord: "We want people voting for themselves on Zapata. I never understood why this behavior was so discouraged on Steem."

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I already read the two comments yesterday, but I didn't really understood their meaning quite well. But it could be that I didn't want to understand it, because just at the moment my mouth would'nt get closed. I recommend to call your other friend on occasion. He is suffering and he can't do anything with cynicism. Bloggers are always just the fig leaf for the others

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Ihr könnt die Leute auch direkt im Blurt-Discord ansprechen!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Ich habe @birdinc nun direkt und ganz deutlich gefragt und warte auf Antwort.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Du wirst keine bekommen oder nur Bla Bla lesen. Sie meinen, ohne die tolle Amortisationsshow des Missbrauchs, keine Investoren halten zu können.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

I just commented to Jaki, before I had read your comment, how I understand the statements.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

A note about your links:

NO, they appreciate it.

I understand that quite differently.

The way I understand him, he considers it an effort when a user votes himself into the trending.

The fact that it is explicitly desired or that there is a request to vote for yourself, as you have said several times now, I can't read anywhere.

These two statements of @Birdinc are not clear enough to deduce that it is explicitly desired to vote yourself.

The other statement refers to ZAPATA.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

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