A revolution that stops the bleeding of debt

in blurt •  3 years ago 

Despite the limited resources, the Jordanians succeeded during the past hundred years in establishing a modern state, in which they managed to achieve within the limits of renewed challenges and regional conflicts that were exploding here and there.
Jordanians are used to facing challenges, so what should we do to enter the bicentennial with a clear vision?
We have to put on the table an industrial revolution, a revolution in which passing governments stop talking about young people and their ambitions, while we all see that Qutaiba no longer sees an opportunity other than immigration.
An industrial, economic, agricultural, social and cultural revolution advances the governorates. Not for the development funds of these governorates to turn into a machine that “walks in place,” without any real results on the ground.

A comprehensive revolution in which young people stop migrating from villages to cities, to make themselves, and live in dignity.
A revolution that puts our food security at the forefront of development plans, and turns our valley into a real food basket, in which the agricultural airport moves from paper and officials’ lectures to reality, and the establishment of smart cities to attract investment and raise the level of economic growth.

A revolution that stops the bleeding of debt, which is increasing day by day. A revolution that really prepares the productive and industrial profile to be a deep wall of defense to prevent further borrowing.
A revolution that puts royal discussion papers as a strategic and reference title that is translated on the ground, not only in the statements of officials and in seminars here and there!

A revolution in which the Jordanian citizen feels and sees the real renaissance, away from the romantic statements. A revolution in which we better deal with the incomes of families and make them productive families, not dependent on the state and society.
The biggest question today seems to be: Who can implement His Majesty's visions? And when will governments stop being an obstacle to the renaissance, and how do governments begin the actual implementation of these visions?

The assignment books are hardly devoid of partnership approaches between various sectors, urging energy restructuring, securing a fair tax environment, an agile government apparatus, empowering small and medium-sized companies and motivating youth..Why did we not see all of this implemented on the ground?

What must be done is to develop a plan linked to a timetable with a beginning and an end, linked to goals and performance indicators to reach this vision, by slimming the state’s administrative apparatus, increasing efficiency and developing sectors, leading to self-reliance.
Let us admit that we failed in economic planning, and all our resources and wealth must be invested, and solutions come only from the womb of suffering, and we do not expect different outcomes if the approach does not change, the first of which is the development of an economic strategy for the state.

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