Question About Blurt Logo Use

in blurt •  8 months ago 

I'd like to make a Blurt 3D model. Similar to what I did with the Hive logo based on the Hive brand assets.

According to the Terms of Service of under "Trademark Policy" it states that to use the logo in the upper left-hand corner of the website I'd need to get written permission to do so. The ToS isn't clear on how to request permission other than maybe the contact information in the ToS given for DMCA takedown notices. Anyway, my preference would be to make the 3D model I would create available on sites like Thingiverse for free so others can use it.

The variation of the Blurt logo below seems to be commonly used on the Blurt platform. Other users like @offgridlife seem to be adapting the image for their own art so I am hoping that means this variation of the Blurt logo is under one of the Creative Commons licenses. After searching through some relevant posts I am having trouble verifying if in fact this image is Creative Commons, if so which license it is under, and who the original creator of the image is to give attribution.

Can I adapt this for a 3D model?


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  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Hi, you have our permissiom to make cool things with the logo, please note as of Halloween day we put up an easter egg of a new logo we haven’t formally announced yet, here it is:

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Thanks. I also need to know what license I should put my 3D model of that Blurt logo under. When I make the 3D model and upload it to Thingiverse it will ask which license applies to the model so other users can know if there are any restrictions like non-commercial use. Also do I attribute the original creator as you @megadrive or Blurt Foundation or someone else?

Image Source:

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

I’m just thinking creative commons attribution should be fine, we don’t mind you making money off Blurt merch, brand reach is most important.

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Hi, I’m not really sure about what the right licensing would be, maybe @saboin might have a better idea. But i’m not really that concerned about what you use as license, as long as the Blurt brand is getting out there, you can credit Blurt.Blog or Blurt Core (which we renamed the foundation to)

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Sounds like it can be put under a CC-BY license. If nobody objects within 24 hours then I'll just assume that.

Anyway, have you heard some crazy story going around about counterfeit silver, gold, and bronze Blurt tokens? Don't know where that started. Probably just a rumor.😀



  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Haha those look cool, each one probably costs more than one BLURT token love your work! Those would be great collectibles in a virtual space.

Yip CC-BY is fine.

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

They would also probably look good 3D printed as physical tokens. This is the faux Hive token I 3D printed using silver colored PLA. My Tronxy XY-2 PRO is having a problem right now so it will be awhile before I can counterfeit 3D print a Blurt token.


  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Aw sorry to hear your 3D printer is down, the coins look great, can’t wait to see the Blurt one.

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Hey, I don’t think it was by chance I came across your post, there is some element of providence here as we have similar interests. I had a look at your Hive profile and saw some posts about Unity being dead.

Apart from being co-founder of Blurt I also founded @gamestate, a metaverse project built on Unity with a Web3 SDK for token/NFT gating, we raised a modest ~100K and built the platform, it has many cool features and in-game menus and settings, Streamyard integration and Ready Player Me avatars, so you can sign in with your Blurt avatar and meet in virtual space.

It’s not VR but if I connect my Xreal Light AR glasses I can play it from my Macbook on a real big screen infront of me, which is fairly immersive.

Wishlist features would be voice chat, private text and voice chat, maybe integrating Matrix for that. Improving load times and mobile version, maybe look into pixel streaming so it can be used on low power devices, marketplace for NFT assets and an ingame environment builder or at least an object placement system.

Our launch was dampened by a trifecta of calamities, namely the Ukraine war, Luna crash and FTX fiasco, we approached so many VC’s amd were unable to raise further funding, while apps like Spatial and Monaverse have soared ahead.

Our unity devs are hired from a studio so only work when there is money, which ran out a good 6 months ago.

I also saw the Unity news and wish we had built on something open source like Godot, which with the right narrative may interest VC’s.

I’m at a point where I’m out of my own ideas on how to move forward and waiting for the right opportunity or people to present themselves.

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Right now I am just starting to learn game development so I can do something with 3D gaming. Ideally a game I can connect to the Hive blockchain. Maybe also something else for Blurt. I am hoping by the end of 2024 I'll know enough to have a simple game prototype.

Back on January 1, 2020 I posted on Hive about this decade being the "Theatron '20s". "Theatron" being Greek for "seeing place". Back on June 16, 2018 I posted about different groups that were working on holographic television. That's a post I will definitely be updating in 2024. So I am a strong believer that volumetric 3D entertainment is the future. I am sure the right opportunity will come along for you. For all we know the technology for that opportunity will be invented tomorrow.

I hope after the economy recovers you can make up for lost time. I've seen a few YouTube videos about converting from Unity to Godot. I don't know how far along in your project you were so maybe switching game engines isn't an option. In either case I wish you luck. It sounds interesting.

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

I think that the future may lean more towards portable wearables rather than fixed position TV’s. I have seen some interesting uses of volumetric filming of events to be displayed inside a virtual space where you can walk your avatar around the scene.

Looking forward to seeing your game creations come to life, feel free to share your journey on Blurt!

  ·  8 months ago  ·  


Hi @holovision, great news! Your content was selected by curators @nalexadre, @ten-years-before to receive a special curation from BeBlurt 🎉 Don't hesitate to upvote this comment as the curators will receive 80% of the rewards for their involvement.

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  ·  8 months ago  ·  


I have tagged you in the announcement of my tool where the upvote calculator is added.

Have a nice day!

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Thanks for letting me know.