RE: I've lost my voting virginity

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I've lost my voting virginity

in blurt •  2 years ago 
Este es un dato interesante que no sabía… sin embargo puedo llegar a entender por qué funciona de esta manera. Las votaciones son la principal forma de ejercer la soberanía que tienen los ciudadanos hablando de los sistemas democráticos de derecho, eligiendo quiénes son los que los representarán, entonces se entiende que se trate de incentivar a las personas a ejercer su derecho al voto con multas si no lo haces, refuerza la doble concepción del voto como derecho y a su vez como obligación. No me resulta nada descabellado, el desarrollo de un país depende de todos y una parte de esto se hace a partir de quiénes se elijan para estar en posiciones de poder, la política no sólo es política, tiene impacto en la vida cotidiana.
This is an interesting fact that I did not know... however I can understand why it works this way. Voting is the main way of exercising the sovereignty that citizens have in democratic systems of law, choosing who will represent them, so it is understandable that they try to encourage people to exercise their right to vote with fines if you do not do it, it reinforces the double conception of voting as a right and at the same time as an obligation. The development of a country depends on everyone and part of this depends on who is elected to be in positions of power, politics is not only politics, it has an impact on daily life.
Me gusta mucho Australia, es evidente que es un país bello y lleno de vida, me encantaría visitarlo alguna vez.
I really like Australia, it is obviously a beautiful country full of life, I would love to visit it sometime.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You'd be welcome here if you visited!

The development of a country depends on everyone and part of this depends on who is elected to be in positions of power, politics is not only politics, it has an impact on daily life.

I agree. I know people can't be bothered voting, don't think it matters OR would rather they were free to choose / not forced but this system works and I can't say American or British politics is much better. At least this way everyone from very poor to rich and from every social group gets their say.

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