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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What can I say?
I can only be in conversation to you and give you my perspective.
I mean, can I really be understood that way that you think of my answer as wanting to change the thoughts in a questionable way?
Do you want to converse with me? I am not sure. If not, that is alright. Though that is what I would prefer, that you refer to what I replied. Before I answered, I went through the post you linked in detail and took my time to read all over it once again, reflected on it.

You could contradict me and give me some perspectives back. ...
I find that refreshing, actually. To give you an example how a comment section can be enlivened, I would like you to see over the comments from this former article of mine:

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks I'll check it out. I know my comments are a bit short and sketchy while yours are pretty full on, but I'm a bit rushed at the moment. All I ever want to do is post stuff online that I think is true, and if that attracts an audience, great, but that is beyond my control!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I hope you will come back to me if you are not in a rush. It would disappoint me a bit in case you'd skip it, to be honest.
Publishing in open space is an act in and of itself to attract readers/viewers.
If you are inclined to meet the confirmation and taste of the mediocre that ain't a problem, right? If you, on the other hand, raise some controversial issues this will invite some radical reactions besides those which are aligned towards what you publish.
I agree that you cannot control the feedback of others directly. What one does is to "control" oneself resp. the form of expression one wants to use and may change it in order to not meet one sided reactions/feedbacks.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If i have time I'll do a post this week collecting up a few controversial issues!


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My answer to this picture is a philosophical one.
What I instantly feel by locking at this human being is disgust. Now, where does this disgust come from?

It is a recognition of myself. I see in it everything that I perceive about myself as undisciplined, gluttonous and ugly. If I were not the recogniser, this picture would mean nothing to me. The person it shows is no one I have ever met. Yet she is synonymous with my nasty judgements of what I dislike about myself.

But I could also take it with humour, couldn't I? Make fun of me as a recogniser of the fact that I play hide-and-seek with myself.

There is a much greater chance that something else will be expressed: pity. Not with the person depicted, but with myself. And where I feel such pity, I don't want it to be exposed to ridicule. In recognising myself, what I consider despicable, I do not rise above not taking it as mockery and will attack the image-giver, in this case you. Since you are showing me something I am not prepared to reflect.

I want to "punish" the messenger.
That's why I think your way of communicating is so highly attacked.

I have no offense to you, as I try to understand what happens with me when you present me with these pics.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I just see a fat ugly libtard moron meme and have to share it around!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

lol, you see what you see. I see what I see. Difference is that I don't put an exclamation mark behind it.
Share it, share it. Not many people though will not wanting to throw stones at ya. You make me believe that you might want that?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Holy cow that's a lot of comments...

I did a post on Hive around the same time saying covid was just the flu. Im more inclined now to think of it as poisoning, it feels diffrent to the flu.

And viruses are just another red herring, a side effect rather than a cause.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Holy cow that's a lot of comments...

HaHa, yes :D! How did you like the course of communication?

I will have a look at your blog and see what you will come up with.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

As sift666 on Steemit i occasionally had over 100 comments on a post, but nothing like that on Hive or Blurt

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Did you enjoy it?

How much of these many comments would you consider qualitative ones?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That raises the question: If you can't and if you don't want to, what is actually what you do want and can do?