Perfectionism isn't real

in blurt •  2 years ago 


Refusing to embrace the fact that no one is flawless may be leading you astray in ways that you maybe no longer productive, Perfectionism is not real and it doesn't exist and almost everyone thinks they are perfect. Perfectionism might be regard as a mask we wear to cover all our fears and this is because you're scared of being judge by others that are neither perfect.

It's s not that we don't want to be perfect but sometimes this feeling of not being good enough just appear from no where and sometimes you really want to put your heart somewhere or at something you really love doing but that feeling of rejection keeps holding you back and this is what leads to hiding behind this saying “well I'm just a perfectionist".

Let me give you an example: have you ever gone to a friend's house and discovered some great paintings and art and thought to yourself, "omg!! "Who did all of this?"....And the response was that he did everything and you questioned them why didn't I know you were good at painting.

Their response was that; “it wasn't perfect and I don't want to receive any negative comments concerning it" and you try to like motivate that friends with different ideas like, creating art show and posting it online so people can come over to see all these amazing work of yours and he responded that; these aren't perfect yet and he wants it to be perfect before putting it out there in any social media.

What's happening is that, he is just scared of being judged and scared of hearing negative opinions which might be damaging to their mental health.

The reason why perfectionism is affecting your productivity is that you are starting and also waiting for the perfect moment and we all know that the perfect moment doesn't exist. ..... You don't have to be a genius to be successful, if you want to be successful or you want to live that joyful life you aiming for, you just have to start.

One of the most crucial things we as humans forget is that we have the ability to master anything in our lives and you can also dedicate in knowing one thing and master it to be very good and through it we can achieve success, it's not necessary to pursue perfection... Whatever you want to do, now is the perfect time, from now until the minute you pass away and don't ever think there would be a golden seconds that would pop out from somewhere.

If you're willing to start now, just start and while you strive don't do it for perfection but for progress and try to get a little bit better each day.... You can't know wether you're going to be a successful business owner until you start one, you don't know whether you're going to be a successful artistic painter until you start painting, you can't know whether you will be a successful footballer untill you start playing football, this is because something done in a better way is better than pursuing perfection.

There's a reason why success is being regarded as 99% failure and this is because when you fail that's when you realize where the problem came from and from there you cross them out and never go back to it and step by step you become better and find out what works for you... But if you're pursuing perfectionism, you wouldn't want to mess up and because of this you also don't want to mess up and you also won't find what works out for you and gradually you become a failure.

Throughout your existence on earth, have you ever found the perfect tree, or the perfect animal or the perfect house, you can't simply because there's nothing as being perfect and what I would regard as being perfect is you being perfect in your imperfections “doing something wrong is better than doing nothing"

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