ÉGBERÉ: The Bush Baby

in blurt •  2 years ago 

This is an African myth, and if you are a descendant of the Yoruba tribe in Nigeria, you will be well pretty familiar with this myth, this is because we were told stories concerning the bush baby while we were much younger and it mostly been told at night which makes it more scarier and we tend to have nightmares after which the story have been told to us.... Also, if you watch Nollywood movies, particularly those set in village communities which involves the traditional cultures, you will be well familiar with it... In Yorubà the bush baby is referred to as Égberé.
The bush baby, Stories and movies have this creature to be real and it is said that it only walks at night with a mat which it never sleeps on and this is because it's trying to protect this mat at all cost and that's where the big question comes in... Why is it protecting it?...... They said the mat can make someone wealthy overnight.
So how can you become the owner of the mat, when this creature is always protecting it and never letting it out of its sight?.... The only way to get the mat is to wrestle with the creature and if you win you become the owner of the mat but there's also a myth attached to wrestling this creature, which is if you wrestle you can't win no matter how powerful you're or the kind of weapon you use and there haven't been any proof that someone has defeated this creature before.

The second option is to steal the mat away from this creature while it's sleeping and that's the only possible way because it has been said that people have stolen its mat before and they became rich overnight but another myth is attached to stealing its mat which is after becoming rich overnight, this bush baby will always come back to you every night crying to you to give back its mat.

One crucial fact about this bush baby (égberé) is that it is extremely fast that you can't outrun it and the only possible way to stop it from capturing you is to pour sand that contains stones on the floor and this would make it stop because the bush baby will definitely want to count the stones in it and before it gets halfway in its counting, you should have escaped it although it's also very fast at counting.

People believed that unless you are spiritually powerful, you cannot perceive anything with your physical eyes and I have heard different stories of people encountering it and it's been said that they this creature won't hurt you if you don't try to hurt it and some says it's wicked.... Whatever the story is I'm sure it's real because I was told so.

Have you heard of the bush baby before?

Can this be true?

Thanks for reading 💖💖💖💖

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