Thank you for asking.
Real people VS cold and empty posts.
If I had to give one definitive recommendation to everyone who might read this post, it is only one: be real people. Many of the users come with the misconception that we want to know that they have a cat, or that a selfi should get a lot of rewards, in other cases they want to let us know that they ate a pizza, the reality is that we would like to know your appreciation of the pizza, whether or not you recommend the place where you ate the culinary experience is not just the photo, we are not interested in a cold photo that we can search in any search engine. Something I have learned is that the more real the content is you will have more followers willing to connect with your experiences that translates into followers and positive votes, plus a lot of comments.
For whatever you love most in this world, leave a comment!!!!!!.
If we do a quick exercise and go to trendig publications we can observe that they are the ones that receive more comments within our social network, additional commenting to other users helps them to know that we have read their content and for sure we can have some kind of feedback, we can also receive votes for our comments. Here I must make a warning, a comment is not to say I like it, a comment is to know how to show interest in the subject, for example, a good friend left me this little comment and it has become a titanic exercise to exchange opinions with him, but I enjoy it. So, to comment, so that other users can also know that there are other people with the same interests, otherwise you are just an invisible being.
Out of context there is no explanation for today's musical selection, I just like the song.
##! I'm going to make money posting thousands of times a day!
I do not think this statement is very true, many of the people who are well valued within the community publishes once a day even spend days in between without publishing, but when they do they do impressive work, attract others with their titles, with their words, reaching the point of receiving many comments and positive ratings. So it's your choice to write thousands of posts or spend the time necessary to bring quality to the platform.
#Tags are the key
You can use two or three tags or twenty, the reality is that if there is no content that is valuable to others you will go under the table, so I suggest being careful with the choice of tags in your posts. If you want to publish real content, your own, of value and above all that are not two lines or an inert paragraph I invite you to visit #beingsocial #newvisionlife . Tags focused on real content and human experiences.
Warning if you post just a selfie in these tags you may be muted so take them very seriously; we do not accept spammers or people who do not strive to create valuable content.
If you have something to share with us, the comments section is for you to express yourself as long as it is with due respect.
Vota por mi como Witness Link


Gracias por Preguntar.
Personas reales VS publicaciones frías y vacías.
Si tuviese que dar una recomendación definitiva a todos los que puedan leer este post, es una sola: sean personas reales. Muchos de los usuarios llegan con la idea errónea que queremos saber que tienen un gato, o que una selfi debe obtener muchas recompensas, en otros casos quieren hacernos saber que se comieron una pizza, la realidad es que quisiéramos saber tu apreciación de la pizza, si recomiendas o no el lugar donde comiste la experiencia culinaria no es solo la foto, no estamos interesados en una foto fría que podemos buscar en cualquier buscador. Algo que he aprendido es que mientras más real es el contenido tendrás más seguidores dispuestos a conectarse con tus experiencias eso se traduce en seguidores y votos positivos, además de muchos comentarios.
Por lo que más quieras en este mundo, deja un comentario!!!!!!.
Si hacemos un ejercicio rápido y vamos a las publicaciones trendig podemos observar que son las que más comentarios reciben dentro de nuestra red social, adicional el comentar a otros usuarios les ayuda a saber que hemos leído su contenido y con seguridad podemos tener algún tipo de retroalimentación, podemos recibir también votos por nuestros comentarios. Aquí debo hacer una alerta, un comentario no es decir me gusta, un comentario es saber demostrar interés en el tema, por ejemplo, un buen amigo me dejo este pequeño comentario y se ha vuelto un ejercicio titánico poder intercambiar opiniones con él, pero lo disfruto. Así que, a comentar, para que otros usuarios puedan también saber que hay otras personas con los mismos intereses, de caso contrario eres solo un ser invisible.
Fuera de contexto no hay explicación para la selección musical de hoy, solo me gusta la canción.
##! Voy a ganar dinero publicando miles de veces al día ¡
No creo que sea muy cierta esta afirmación, muchas de las personas que son bien valoradas dentro de la comunidad publica una vez al día incluso pasan días intermedios sin publicar, pero cuando lo hacen realizan trabajos impresionantes, atraen a otros con sus títulos, con sus palabras, llegando al punto de recibir muchos comentarios y valoraciones positivas. Así que es tu decisión escribir miles de post o dedicar el tiempo necesario para aportar calidad a la plataforma.
Los #Tags son la clave
Puedes usar dos o tres tags o veinte, la realidad es que si no hay un contenido que sea valioso para otros pasaras por debajo de la mesa, por lo cual sugiero ser cuidadoso con las elección de los tags en tus publicaciones. Si tu deseas publicar contenido real, propio, de valor y sobre todo que no sean dos líneas o un párrafo inerte te invito a visitar #beingsocial #newvisionlife . Etiquetas enfocadas en el contenido real y experiencias humanas.
Advertencia si publicas solo una selfi en estas etiquetas es posible que seas silenciado así que tómalas muy en serio; no aceptamos spammer ni personas que no se esfuercen en crear contenido valioso.
Si tienes algo para compartir con nosotros, la sección de comentarios esta para expresarte siempre y cuando sea con el respeto debido.
Vota por mi como Witness Link

I believe blurt is a place to express one's thoughts, one's opinions, one's creativity. This is good news for newcomers. Many people are not aware of the work here in the beginning. In this case they are facing some problems. So the right direction is needed. All new users should read this post. Thank you
thanks to you for commenting. You are doing a great job reading, commenting. That's another way to pay dividends and above all make yourself known within the community, I appreciate you taking the time to read this post.
welcome. Through conversation we can increase our familiarity among ourselves. Comments is a big option...
Este conté ido me ha encantado, era justo lo que andaba buscando desde que inicié, y es que solo venir y colgar una foto me hacía sentir vacía por ello trataba de colocar otras y escribir pero aún así me sentía desenfocada.
Al leer su post de hoy ahora veo hacia un horizonte más fijo el cual menatidaraba desenvolverme de una mejor manera.
Con respecto a los comentarios también estaba preocupada ya que no se a quien comentarle mucho pero estoy de acuerdo con usted es algo desagradable recibir por ejemplo una notificación de blurtify de que alguien ha comentado y al entrar emocionados a ver el comentario resulta que solo era un (que linda foto) realmente lejos de animar desmotiva.
Muchas gracias boor está información tan valiosa, veo que usted tiene mucho conocimiento y potencial dentro de blurt y por ello le deseo el mejor de los éxitos.
Espero pronto poder encontrar la Tag perfecta para compartir lo que más me gusta. Saludos amigo Freakeao.
Hay mucho por aprender de las redes sociales, pero sobre todo del como lograr ser parte de una comunidad fuerte y sobre todo el como esto ayuda a nuestros ingresos. Es como cuando un youtuber o un comediante en su acto no sabes conectar con el publico, aunque sea muy bueno lo que tengas que decir para otros sera solamente algo aburrido. Gracias por comentar.
Sin duda este era el post que necesitaba leer, soy nueva en la plataforma y ando es subiendo contenido de mi vida personal, mas como "mi blog". Pero tomaré en cuenta absolutamente todas las sugerencias aquí dadas, tratare de hacer comunidad y conocer personas nuevas. Muchas gracias por este aporte ❤
Gracias por comentar. Este es el inicio de una nueva forma de conectar con otras personas. Volvernos mas reales y sobre todo compartir experiencias.
I studied your whole post in English and really enjoyed it so much. At the same time, I learned so many things. You changed my thoughts. I will try my best to follow your instructions.
I hope it will be useful for you and other Blurt users, although this is not a truth written in stone and other people may find it useful to do other things differently, these points I mention are replicated in each of the existing social networks. Without interaction you are not visible to other users.
Exactly sir! 💯 percent agree with you.
Truly, this content is very helpful to all new members of blurt community. I really appreciate this post and thank you for sharing this to us my friend @freakeao. 👏
Thank you for commenting. Above all, I hope that these few lines will help you to have a better vision of where you want to go on this platform and how to get there.
Yes, it is a very big help for me. Thank you very much.
Yes, you can only repeat this over and over again!
Show who you are, what you love, tell about your hobbies or even about your wishes and dreams.
Tell us something about your country, your city, your village.
Share your traditions with us.
Show us your art
play us your music!
Tell us your opinion!
(There are no downvotes here! You are free in your thoughts!)
All that superficial selfie crap is everywhere!
Blurt is only special if it is different from other blockchaines!
This is my first reblurt that works!
I'm glad...!
Thank you for commenting, I fully agree with you. These last few days I have been able to read some interesting publications; I hope that little by little more people will join to make a real type of content.
Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord
Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord
I'm feeling gladness after reblurting your post.

You made a lot of valuable point in this place and I must say that I've already noticed this within my 24 hours of being in this place.
Writing is not easy but when people fail to make any effort towards adding life to their content, it drives their users away on the long run. Hehe
Thanks for those two Hashtags you shared. It would be nice for us to have proper communities on the long run.
We have tags, I miss specialized communities like Reddit has. There are many valuable tags within Blurt but many focused on real content, human experiences and social connection. Because that's what really feeds our whole ecosystem in the long run, if you comment you get votes and that helps the economy of the chain, you get rewards, additional you connect with other users and you get more positive feedback. so everything is connected but many decide to just create an inert post that nobody reads or votes. Thanks for commenting.
Hehehe... I know how it feels to get valuable comments under my post and that is why I always make up my mind to read quality content and leave good feedback.
I'm barely 24 hours old here, so I won't beat myself up about having poor interaction in my page, but I know that I would love to see everyone engaging properly.
Thanks for taking out time to give me proper explanation on the subject matter. I really appreciate it.
Thank you for the flashback to Green Day. That was my first CD that I bought off of my sister after shoveling a lot of shit on the farm to be able to buy it. I am listing to the rest of the album now.
The rest of what you said is very on point. We want to see alive and awake people in their authenticity.
I remember that the 90's were the years of alternative music, and one of the hits of that time was precisely the album Dooki by this band. Although they have changed their sound a lot over the years I still listen to their songs and as expected I also listen to their classics. thanks for commenting.
Thanks @freakeao, this is a wonderful post sir!!! Thanks for the # tags you shared
Congratulations! This post has been upvoted by the @blurtcurator communal account,
You can request a vote every 12 hours from the #getupvote channel in the official Blurt Discord.Don't wait to join ,lots of good stuff happening there.
OK thanks sir 💙 iam new need time to be good writer, you post blow up my mind to be better
Hello sir! I'm feeling gladness to say that I have tried to create two posts in the light of your this post and according to the instructions.I request you to see them! I'm sharing links:
Look at them once and express your feelings!
Thanks a lot in advance!
Just make friends and have fun :)
Muy bueno el post. Pero lo de dejar un comentario... Bueno...
De las muchas veces que lo he hecho muy poca gente (por no decir que ninguno) responde a mi comentario...
Es como si tomaran a Blurt como un blog sin importancia... 😒