Blurtlatam Frontend Esp- Eng

in blurt •  2 years ago 



  • Una serie de Eventos desafortunados

Para los que no lo saben vivo en Venezuela, un país que se ha visto envuelto en una serie de catástrofes naturales, las cuales han afectado no solo a cientos de venezolanos sino a miles y a mí personalmente. Inundaciones en muchos estados, personas muertas en deslaves y aun se espera que persistan las tormentas y empeore la situación, así como no hay energía eléctrica a ciertas horas o servicio de internet; ¿Para qué les comento esto?

Lo que fue un simple problema técnico en el funcionamiento del frontend Blurtlatam, derivó en una serie de publicaciones, acusaciones e informaciones sobre por qué el frontend no estaba disponible. Las mismas personas que proclamaban usar este aplicativo como un medio libre se han dedicado a realizar una serie de afirmaciones para dañar a otros creando teorías conspirativas y sobre todo a emitir comunicados falsos sin tener información alguna de mi parte. La guinda del pastel fue el grupo de usuarios que escribieron al Dm para realizar insultos e improperios, algunos otros solo consultaron de forma amable. También existe la teoría conspirativa que me han ordenado apagar el frontend, o mejor aún que me han pagado toneladas de Blurt.

Primeramente debo aclarar que el fallo de Blurtlatam se originó en Cloudflare un proveedor de servicios, el cual por cierto es el más utilizado en el mundo, el frontend no se mostraba al público, pero como bien comentaron algunos usuarios el servidor estaba en funcionamiento por el mensaje mostrado. Sin embargo, me encontraba imposibilitado como para accesar al mismo y sobre todo mis prioridades y mi cabeza no se encontraban enfocados en este momento en la plataforma sino en mi familia.

Antes la ola de declaraciones dadas por un grupo de personas debo desmentir algunas afirmaciones y sobre todo emitir información de interés para la comunidad en general

1- No soy miembro de la fundación, el desarrollo, funcionamiento del frontend está a cargo de tres venezolanos que lo mantienen con sus propios fondos, para lo cual se incurren en gastos de nodo rpc, frontend y testigos. Siempre hemos querido demostrar que con bajos costos podemos ofrecer alternativas en Blurt.

2- Nadie me ha ofrecido dinero, ni votos a favor, mucho menos me ha solicitado que retire el frontend por las opiniones emitidas por cualquier usuario de esta plataforma. Blurtlatam es autónomo y siempre ha sido fiel en el concepto de mantener múltiples interfaces y sobre todo que no sean un simple clon de Blurt.Blog por ese motivo nuestra interfaz poseía un elemento diferenciador de las demás

3- En Blurt existen múltiples interfaces, las cuales son administradas por sus propietarios y cada uno elige como desean que funcionen, que actualizar, que desarrollar o incluso si desean detenerlos. Para lo cual, si usted como usuario posee ideas, conocimiento lo invito a formar parte del equipo de desarrollo de cualquier interfaz, aplicación que le guste o tan solo sugiera ideas para que el desarrollo avance.

4- Tekraze no administra, no toma decisiones con respecto a Blurtlatam, no es dueño del dominio. Pero si ha sido el programador y colaborador del trabajo que hicimos juntos.

5- Actualmente se encuentran desarrollando alternativas que permitirán con seguridad tener nuevas interfaces, dapps y otros. Esa es la magia de la descentralización y que permite derrumbar mitos y leyendas urbanas, por lo cual si no te gusta algo de Blurt modifícalo, constrúyelo, compártelo y promociónalo. El código fuente está allí y tú puedes crear lo que necesitas o replicarlo.

6- La comunicación es importante a cualquier nivel, en dos días se ha demostrado que la información puede ser manipulada si la comunicación no es oportuna. Puede ser usarse como arma, por lo cual siempre debemos ir a la fuente y buscar la información real.

A la comunidad en general.

Blurtlatam, Freakeao decidimos de manera conjunta no mantener más el frontend. Algo que debe prevalecer pesar de ser seres virtuales es el respeto, algo que muchos han querido violentar con un discurso de odio. Puedo entender que todos tenemos el derecho de expresarnos, pero tus derechos terminan donde empiezan los míos, tus opiniones son tuyas y yo no estoy para cambiarlas, tampoco para obligarte a pensar como yo, por lo cual tampoco voy a obligar a otros a ver el mundo como yo lo veo. Lo que no podemos permitir es que se nos desee disminuir con un voto, pensar que tienen la capacidad de manipularnos u obligarnos a someternos como personas. usted es libre de otorgar un voto o quitarlo de cualquiera de nuestros proyectos. No preguntaremos por qué quito u otorgo su voto, es su dinero, es su apuesta, es su decisión. Así como nosotros somos plenamente libres de mantener el frontend o no. Esta es una decisión personal del equipo. Se ha usado Blurtlatam como una bandera plena de libertad, pero apenas falla surgen teorías conspirativas y toda clase de afirmaciones que no son afines a nuestros pensamientos y que solo buscan perjudicar a terceros.

Seguiremos trabajando, impulsando desde nuestro pequeño pedacito de tierra. A todos nuestros hermanos que viven un momento difícil, estamos para ustedes, a nuestros hermanos de Blurt sigan construyendo.


  • A series of unfortunate events

For those who do not know, I live in Venezuela, a country that has been involved in a series of natural catastrophes, which have affected not only hundreds of Venezuelans but thousands and me personally. Floods in many states, people killed in landslides and storms are still expected to persist and worsen the situation, as well as no electricity at certain times or internet service; Why am I telling you this?

What was a simple technical problem in the operation of the Blurtlatam frontend, led to a series of publications, accusations and information about why the frontend was not available. The same people who claimed to use this application as a free medium have dedicated themselves to making a series of statements to harm others, creating conspiracy theories and, above all, issuing false statements without having any information from me. The icing on the cake was the group of users who wrote to Dm to make insults and expletives, some others only consulted in a friendly way. There is also the conspiracy theory that I have been ordered to shut down the frontend, or better yet that I have been paid tons of Blurt.

Firstly, I must clarify that the Blurtlatam failure originated in Cloudflare, a service provider, which by the way is the most used in the world, the frontend was not shown to the public, but as some users commented, the server was in operation by the displayed message. However, I was unable to access it and above all my priorities and my head were not focused at this time on the platform but on my family.

Before the wave of statements given by a group of people, I must deny some statements and, above all, issue information of interest to the community in general.

1- I am not a member of the foundation, the development and operation of the frontend is in charge of three Venezuelans who maintain it with their own funds, for which rpc node, frontend and witness expenses are incurred. We have always wanted to show that with low costs we can offer alternatives to Blurt.

2- Nobody has offered me money, or votes in favor, much less has asked me to remove the frontend for the opinions issued by any user of this platform. Blurtlatam is autonomous and has always been faithful to the concept of maintaining multiple interfaces and above all that they are not a simple clone of Blurt.Blog for that reason our interface had a differentiating element from the others

3- In Blurt there are multiple interfaces, which are managed by their owners and each one chooses how they want them to work, what to update, what to develop or even if they want to stop them. For which, if you as a user have ideas, knowledge, I invite you to be part of the development team of any interface, application that you like or just suggest ideas for the development to advance.

4- Tekraze does not manage, does not make decisions regarding Blurtlatam, does not own the domain. But if he has been the programmer and collaborator of the work we did together.

5- Alternatives are currently being developed that will safely allow new interfaces, dapps and others. That is the magic of decentralization and that allows myths and urban legends to collapse, so if you don't like something from Blurt, modify it, build it, share it and promote it. The source code is there and you can create what you need or replicate it.

6- Communication is important at any level, in two days it has been shown that information can be manipulated if communication is not timely. It can be used as a weapon, so we must always go to the source and look for the real information.

To the community at large.

Blurtlatam, Freakeao we jointly decided not to maintain the frontend anymore. Something that must prevail despite being virtual beings is respect, something that many have wanted to violate with hate speech. I can understand that we all have the right to express ourselves, but your rights end where mine begin, your opinions are yours and I am not here to change them, nor to force you to think like me, for which I am not going to force others to see the world as I see it. What we cannot allow is that they want to diminish us with a vote, to think that they have the ability to manipulate us or force us to submit as people. you are free to give a vote or remove it from any of our projects. We will not ask why I remove or grant your vote, it is your money, it is your bet, it is your decision. Just as we are completely free to maintain the frontend or not. This is a personal team decision. Blurtlatam has been used as a flag full of freedom, but as soon as it fails, conspiracy theories and all kinds of statements arise that are not related to our thoughts and that

We will continue working, promoting from our little piece of land. To all our brothers who are going through a difficult time, we are here for you, to our brothers from Blurt, keep building.

Posted from

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Hey Freakeao,

Hope you are safe and I pray for your country. We all have read reports of what has been going on in Venezuela. Life is tough and I know it will get better soon.

It is unfortunate to see the kind of comments and conspiracy theories these guys are creating and spreading, probably too much time at hand and no work.

In my country they say that "empty vessels make the most sound" and it seems to be the case here.

Anyways, take care of your family and stay safe.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Over the years, I have learned that we can all have different opinions, but that does not mean that I should be someone's enemy, we can sit down and have a coffee or even a beer if there is mutual respect, that is what shows the maturity to move forward in different conflicts.

I am currently doing well, as is my family. Others have not been as lucky, and the news does not seem to be very encouraging. I only hope that these things do not continue to happen and that there is some peace of mind, it is hard enough to live in a destroyed economy to also have to lose everything you have fought for, or even your life.

Thank you for commenting

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Dear @freakeao and the Blurtlatam family, as co-founder of Blurt I thank you for the time you took to build on our protocol. Huge respect to you as builders, and Blurt Core wishes you all the best for the future.

I hope your family is safe, feel free to use Blurt to promote awareness of the catastrophe happening in your country.

Thank you also for clarifying the misinformation being spread on Blurt, as more people stand up and show the truth, the FUD will be exposed for what it is. I find it so sad that we can't all get along in a common cause of simply promoting Blurt rather than trying to take down people who are actually building on it.

My recent slogan is "Vote for builders, not haters!", I really like your one-liner

I can understand that we all have the right to express ourselves, but your rights end where mine begin...

"your rights end where mine begin" is succinct and appropriate to what has been happening on Blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I know how hard to live in a high-inflation country. But I don't have much experience like you guys. But before everything in the digital world, we need to care about our real-life problems.

Once everything will be fine with your personal problems, I hope you will be back with the front end if it's possible. Thank you for all your efforts.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What is happening in this country has neither head nor tail. A way of saying that all kinds of things are happening, from the unsustainable economy, to the politics that I don't think will change in many years. And now these events that have left many families homeless. Be strong and above all keep fighting with the drive you show every day. thanks for commenting

I am happy that both yourself and your family are safe.
the truth remains the truth even if know one acknowledges it.
Just like @megadrive said, lets focus on builders and I am glad you are doing a great job. Part of the reasons I wanted to become a Dev badly was also to appreciate the work you Gus do to make sure people have a common place to express themselves and share ideas, and i am happy i am getting closer everyday.
please never relent, we are with you in our common solidarity and best wishes despite the tough moments for your people in the country.
Have the assurance of our esteem best regards

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Stay strong and safe friend, people know your contributions well. No need to explain to those people.

Thanks for keeping the frontend running

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for the support and support, for always being willing to exchange opinions, even when they are different or go in another direction. Hopefully soon there will be much more development from you and other programmers, not only to get good dividends, but also to have a growing community.

So sorry to hear this is the end of Blurtlatam. However, I am glad to hear you and your family are safe and hope things stay that way and improve as soon as possible for everyone in your country and worldwide. 🖖

These are strange and unprecedented times and when I see the trouble Blurt has also had recently with image uploads... and now the IBOR (Internet Bill Of Rights) tag seems to have just 'Disappeared' from the Trending list... It is difficult not to wonder if something else is going on behind the scenes that nobody wants to talk about...

And I guess none of us should expect any of the Blurt Dev's will replicate one of the best features of Blurlatam which was automated cross posting to Hive too soon if ever either.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sorry for your situation in Venezuela @freakeao
I myself is trying to keep my head up from the water and holding to my dear life literally, it is a matter of survival and it is one man effort because no one really is helping me around but only myself and the mercy of God on my broken body.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lolol! This isn't about you, damn you're completely despicable.


Hola, me alegra que tú y tu familia estén bien.

Que lamentable que haya gente que solo disfruta de los conflictos, todo es una acusación y una negatividad. Al parecer no les gusta convivir en un ambiente tranquilo y de paz. No dejes que eso te afecte, ya suficiente tienes con los problemas e inconvenientes en la vida real.

Cuidense mucho, según hoy y mañana estará intensa la lluvia.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A great post, I hope you will receive apologies from those people who made it difficult for you during this difficult time when you had much more important things to deal with, family is irreplaceable and it is therefore normal that it is the number one priority. I hope that the situation in Venezuela is improving and that your family is doing well

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The family is the only safe haven for all people who are constantly struggling with different situations. I have been following be.blurt closely and look forward to seeing it online in the days to come.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Fuerzas para usted espero la situación haya mejorado y su familia este a salvo, saludos desde Barquisimeto y un abrazo sigue trabajando duro y que nadie te detenga. Lo has hecho bien

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Estaba por escribirte, por algun motivo te tengo asociado a Maracay, espero que usted y su familia tambien se encuentre lo mejor posible y lejos de todo lo que ha acontecido en las ultimas semanas en Venezuela. Gracias por comentar.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Muchas gracias!

No vale, soy guaro… Gracias a Dios por aca no han habido accidentes aunque las lluvias están fuertes igual

Thank you @freakeao for publishing this statement. Re-blurted.

My only other comment would be to point out that since I've been on blurt (about 8+months) I've noticed this same group led by @lucylin and largely supported by @mariuszkarowski. Have made a habit of making extreme negative assumptions while simultaneously jumping to what ever conclusion that will support their hate filled narratives. Then they talk about and promote these false assumptions like they are the 100% truth.

It's not only wrong, it's vile, nasty, and reveals deep character flaws from such individuals. After witnessing this pattern of behavior over and over again, I sincerely conclude that they deserve to be left on an island all to themselves. This relentless glass half empty thinking, totally wrong assumptions, and endless bashing of the platform; including many of the people doing all they can to maintain and grow the place has reached an absolutely ridiculous level.

Thank you again for clarifying what has been going on with blurt latam, and debunking all the false nastiness that has since been pushed to the forefront.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Indeed, they consider themselves optimists as well, smh peak delusion.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

My best wishes going out to Venezuela from Germany! 🍀❤️

So sad to read this though...

You are an inspiration for many people here! 🌞🏆🤙

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Praying for you, your family and the rest who are affected by disaster sir. Philippines is also suffering from the recent typhoon that death hits 110 people.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Gracias por el buen trabajo! Creo que en su momento fueron grandes atribuciones a la plataforma. Te deseo lo mejor y que tengas mucho éxito en tu vida.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Gracias a ti, tambien has hecho un excelente trabajo impulsando la comunidad mexicana, espero pronto podamos sentarnos a buscar ideas conjuntas. Gracias por comentar.

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl

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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No sabéis cuánto esperaba que alguien del equipo se pronunciara, ay que como bien dices, han surgido opiniones bastante conspirativas por parte de algunos usuarios que, con o sin intención de dañar, comunican noticias como si fueran dadas por ustedes, el equipo que maneja el front-end.

Debo decir que particularmente lo uso, y había visto fallas anteriormente pero me dedicaba a esperar que arreglaran el problema para seguir publicando desde Blurtlatam.

Lo que sí me gustaría saber es si el problema que existe se resolverá, y si existe algo en lo que pueda colaborar, será un placer hacerlo.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Buen dia, Dias complicados en Venezuela, Aragua, Miranda, Sucre, Vargas y Anzoategui han estado inmersos en una serie de eventos que han quitado nuevamente la poca tranquilidad que poseen los venezolanos. Para las personas que hacen vida desde hace algun tiempo Blurt, sabran que siempre estoy atento a estas comunicaciones, sin embargo la situacion actual no mer permite estar conectado 24 horas en este lugar. Gracias por comentar.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Mis mejores deseos para ti, hermano, así como para otros usuarios que sé que viven aún en el país.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I wish you and your family to recover from this series of natural disasters

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Praying for you


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the work that you did, i was using your front end, and appreciated having an alterative where i wasnt being muted. All the best in dealing with whatever chaos you have over there.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Es cierto, aquí en Venezuela en los últimos dias han pasado muchas tragedias, me alegra mucho que en medio de todo esto tu y tu familia están a salvo, me parece de mal gusto que las personas hagan comentarios negativos sin saber la realidad de cada quien, lo importante es que tienes tu derecho a expresarte y asi dar a conocer la verdad.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for serving the community, may we continue to be blessed with such individuals as yourself.

Thank you for your hard work and for taking the time to write this explanation in what must be difficult circumstances - I hope that your situation improves, and you're able to find some respite.

Lamento esta situación, verdaderamente no sabía nada de las acusaciones o algo por el estilo. Siempre he publicado en BlurtLatam y me he sentido bien.

Desde hace un par de día el usuario @fervi ha publicado que está disponible el dominio de BlurtLatam desde: y pensé sinceramente que hacía parte de tu equipo y se trataba de una cuestión de carácter técnico. El post es éste:

Lamento todo esto y lamento más aún los problemas por los que está atravesando Venezuela, un país hermano en la geografía y en los sentimientos.

Es lamentable que abandones el proyecto. Y más aún las críticas hacia tu persona.


Posted from

Es interesante que Fervi no haya podido inventarse un nuevo nombre y tenga que tratar de quitarle la credibilidad a un proyecto bien consolidado de fachada, testigo y curación.

@northern-tracey - In case, if you missed reading this post.

Thankyou. At last we know. Just goes to show how conspiracy theories grow from not knowing. I hadn't heard ANY news of Venezuela or what is happening there. I did initially worry something might have happened to Freakeo but as there was no info at all and his witness was still active it just added fuel to the fire.
Even Megadrive did not mention any local disaster causing this but chose to blame 'hate speech' for the shutting down. If he knew of the problems in Venezuela why not tell us? He also added fuel to the fire.
So Blurtlatam is not going to be run by freakeo any more? Does that mean it's not coming back or is someone else taking it over?
I'm very happy that freakeo is ok after all and wish him all the best in difficult times. Is there any way blurt and its caring communities can help Venezuela would be my last question?

I'll start something on my own - similar to
I've recently purchased domain on my own -
I'll host which would be similar to

A catchy name might be better. Thats a bit of a mouthful to remember. Am using Fervi's new frontend for now (also not a catchy name tho) blurt.intinte
but will be happy to take a look at yours when it's up.
PS am not interested in mobile apps tho, I'm anti-mobile now. They're an NWO tool ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Http:// and are both available …

Dblurt = Decentralized Blurt

Yeah choose something we don’t have to read to type lol like a 5 letter word or words everyone knows

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Just use this … … it will take you there.

Posted from

Oh nice he used your host

Yes @offgridlife & @northern-tracey.
I just purchased domain & VPS for it. It does not come cheap.
I'll try to buy may be next month.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

hello there, matey....









I don't see that as being a difficult thing to execute ? ...Do you ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·

I accept each of the recommendations and observations made, all ideas that may arise from moments like these are always welcome.

As an observation and just an exchange of ideas, any person who may go through a tragedy in his family, or who may have a complicated moment with his family, would have 20 seconds to think about Blurt? to think about sending a message to the community in general or to his loved ones?

In the previous link I only leave an open mouth of the situation that has happened in previous days.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm sorry if I missed something....

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lololol! The entitlement of the narscasistic douchebag.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

...oh...the blurtlatam and freakeao witness vote, has been reinstated from myself.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

One other question - can you confirm/deny - to let people know..

......Is tekraze the main developer behind blurtlatam ?


You have recieved a coconutty upvote! 🥥 Thank you for contributing to the Blurt Blockchain!

Keep up the great work!

Curated by @outofthematrix!

Please take a moment to vote for my witness. 🗳️


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Emotional words

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

LOL I wouldn’t worry I got told I was a member of a sycophant jerk circle or something before I even got the login for the curation account I was suppose to be jerking 😂 you know what the best thing to do with people that are crazy like that is mute them, you wouldn’t justify yourself to a crazy person in the street that just walked up to you and started hurling abuse at you for no reason, why do we feel the need to do it on an online blog? Thanks for your front end it’s my favourite and I hope the situation out there improves ❤️ Just don’t bother reading any of it if it’s not polite and let them waste hours of their time writing endless posts and comments about it, if someone wants to spend that much time bitching to their 6 followers on an online blog instead of doing stuff with their real life leave them to it I say.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If they're on your blog they're 'bitching' to everyone who follows you, aren't they?