Blurt for sale, but who buys? | Blurt a la venta, pero quien lo compra?

in blurt •  2 years ago 


Eliminate Fees

Jacob Gadikian has lost all his sanity, if he has any left. Many will wonder why this statement, this is what several users have told me when reading the publication made by the co-founder and developer of the platform many hours ago. Summarizing, in short, his statement was an observation to the community in general and the witnesses to analyze the increase in fees. As these days everything has been so sensitive due to many debates, it was not to be expected multiple reactions about it, some definitely expressed all their love towards his release and the measure. What is the reason for the request to increase the fees? what are these fees for? will we die if these fees are increased? will the witnesses become millionaires for charging the fees? these answers can be answered very quickly if we dig into the internet about the implementation of the fees in the Blockchain and what are they for? I guess many just think it is an unfair measure for the average user, but they don't know the behind the scenes problems of our platform. Here is a nice and illustrative example of something you can find out for yourselves, don't take my word for it if you don't want to.


A modus operandi became fashionable a few months ago the creation of new accounts, this does not seem to have anything strange right? If we review the history of the accounts that have been created or the famous presentations to the community we will be able to notice that there is a person or groups of people stealing identities on other platforms to make this type of publications. Everything is part of a vicious circle in order to get the most #Blurt and this motivated to the cost of creating each account: 10 Blurt vs any reward, which you can withdraw almost without paying many fees, so it becomes very profitable to apply this procedure invest 10 blurt, publish for less than 1 and withdraw on average 50 or 60 Blurt if you receive small votes. Now think that the fees that are implemented can counteract this situation making this procedure unprofitable. This is the first point, the fees serve to combat spam or some practices aimed at milking the reward funds. It does not imply that this may not lead to side effects, but as Jacob states it can greatly reduce junk content and practices aimed at damaging the ecosystem, not to mention that the fees generated are usually burned which helps the price of the currency, no, this does not go to the witnesses.

Sla̲y̲e̲r - R̲e̲ign In B̲l̲o̲od (1986), is what is playing as I write this post. As a general rule, I first choose the song that I will use while writing.

Illustrative Example

Look at the attached images, they correspond to a presentation in the #introduceyourself channel something that has nothing strange, until you start to see that a person sends 1 Blurt to post, nothing strange? No, unless you start checking the wallet and the associated users; you will notice that once they receive the rewards from the introduction post they start a Power Down, send 1 Blurt to another new account created by themselves and the circle restarts. Something that you can track to more than 50 accounts if you have a lot of patience to link the dots. So in this way easily according to what I could half see one 5 thousand Blurt was destined to an account that is responsible for withdrawing everything. So at the moment it is more profitable to start a Farming circle in Blurt than to post daily.





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Eliminemos los Fees

Jacob Gadikian ha perdido toda la cordura, si es que le queda algo. Muchos se preguntarán el porqué de esta afirmación, es lo que me han comentado varios usuarios al leer la publicación realizada por el cofundador y desarrollador de la plataforma hace muchas horas. Resumiendo, en breves palabras su comunicado era una observación hacia la comunidad en general y los testigos para analizar el incremento de los fees. Como estos días todo ha estado tan sensible por muchos debates, no era de esperarse múltiples reacciones al respecto, algunos definitivamente expresaron todo su amor hacia su publicación y la medida. ¿A qué se debe que se solicite incrementar los fees? para que sirven estos fees? ¿moriremos si estos fees se incrementan? los testigos se harán millonarios por cobrar los fees? estas respuestas pueden ser respondidas muy rápidamente si indagamos en internet acerca de la implementación de los fees en la Blockchain y para qué sirven. Supongo que muchos solo opinan que es una medida injusta para el usuario promedio, pero no saben los problemas tras bastidores de nuestra plataforma. Aquí les voy a dejar un ejemplo bonito e ilustrativo de algo que pueden indagar por ustedes mismos, no me crean a mi sino lo desean


Un modus operandi se puso de moda hace algunos meses la creación de cuentas nuevas, ¿esto no pareciera tener nada extraño verdad? Si revisamos el historial de las cuentas que se han creado o las famosas presentaciones a la comunidad vamos a poder notar que existe una persona o grupos de personas robando identidades en otras plataformas para hacer este tipo de publicaciones. Todo es parte de un círculo vicioso con el fin de obtener la mayor cantidad de #Blurt y esto motivado al costo que conlleva crear cada cuenta: 10 Blurt vs cualquier recompensa, que puedes retirar casi sin pagar muchos fees, por lo cual se vuelve muy rentable aplicar este procedimiento invertir 10 blurt, publicar por menos de 1 y retirar en promedio 50 o 60 Blurt si recibes votos pequeños. Ahora piense que los fees que se implementan pueden contra restar esta situación haciendo que este procedimiento no llegue a ser rentable. Este es el primer punto los fees sirven para combatir spam o algunas prácticas destinadas a ordeñar los fondos de recompensas. No implica que esto no pueda conllevar a tener efectos colaterales, pero como afirma Jacob puede reducir en gran medida el contenido basura y las practicas destinadas a dañar el ecosistema, sin mencionar que los fees generados normalmente son quemados lo que ayuda al precio de la moneda, no, esto no va a los testigos.

Fuera de contexto

Sla̲y̲e̲r - R̲e̲ign In B̲l̲o̲od (1986), es lo que suena mientras redacto esta publicación. Por norma general elijo primero la canción que usare mientras redacto.

Ejemplo Ilustrativo

Observen las imágenes adjuntas, las mismas corresponden a una presentación en el canal #introduceyourself algo que no tiene nada extraño, hasta que comienzas a ver que una persona envía 1 Blurt para publicar ¿nada extraño? No, a menos que empieces a revisar las wallet y los usuarios asociados; podrás notar que una vez recibe las recompensas del post de introducción inicia un Power Down, envía 1 Blurt a otra cuenta nueva creada por ellos mismos y así se reinicia el círculo. Algo que puedes rastrear a más de 50 cuentas si tienes mucha paciencia para enlazar los puntos. Así de esta forma fácilmente de acuerdo a lo que pude medio ver se destinaron uno 5 mil Blurt a una cuenta que se encarga de retirar todo. Así que en este momento es más rentable iniciar un circulo Farming en Blurt que publicar diariamente.





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I expressed concern about the impact higher fees will have on the newcomers and many average users in @jacobgadikian's post. I noticed some anger in some of his replies to comments. Decisions like this should never be made until calmness settles in. Statements he left the impression he really does not care about users and what fees will do to some. They can just go away...

Cheating, spamming and farming for votes will always go on. They will find a way. Punishing everyone because of a few has never made sense to me. Besides this seems to have come to the forefront with the drama that had been going on, and not for reasons stated in this post.

I know I recently went to edit one of my posts and was shocked by the high fee it was going to cost me. I did not edit it. Maybe if I wrote shorter posts, with less content it would help me absorb the fees. I always upvote and reply to comments on my personal posts this will cost me more.

I had been on a buying spree with Blurt, doing what I could to add support to the token. I discontinued that last night. I really felt discouraged. I am glad I did stop because now I am reading where more Witnesses are raising fees. I am not sure how this works with some raising fees and some not raising fees. Please enlighten me...

Also how can I check to see what fees witnesses have listed, and any other pertinent information?

I made sure that all top ten witnesses had my votes, in the event a takeover was attempted as part of the drama that was going on... I did that on steemit years ago, but as things unfolded I dropped all my votes. I started voting again on Hive until the platform "went off the deep end", and the whales began going after the small and average user. Now we have Blurt raising fees. This action will make it difficult in trying to convince some to have more content in their posts, or to leave quality comments other's posts.

The fees on commenting on this post is much higher than I am used to. Maybe it is also a way to deter comments when something controversial comes up.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I expressed concern about the impact higher fees will have on the newcomers and many average users in @jacobgadikian's post. I noticed some anger in some of his replies to comments. Decisions like this should never be made until calmness settles in. Statements he left the impression he really does not care about users and what fees will do to some. They can just go away...

Hello good afternoon, thank you for taking a moment of your time to share your concerns about the case. As you well mention, currently any issue that is put on the table will be susceptible to criticism and opposition by the people who make life within the platform, first because I believe that many people are being reactive to all the storm that is happening within the platform. For which I consider that timely information and grounded by solid bases can lead to obtain a better debate and above all to obtain better observations and criticisms about what we want to raise. It is clear that we currently need that, first hand information from the main actors of this platform but also based on explanations, observations and a language ready for the whole community, even for the detractors.

Cheating, spamming and farming for votes will always go on. They will find a way. Punishing everyone because of a few has never made sense to me. Besides this seems to have come to the forefront with the drama that had been going on, and not for reasons stated in this post.

There has always been, and there will always be methods to cheat the platform, the implementation of different security methods seek to minimize the effects of these. Being a computer scientist I recognize that every time you fix a bug, a scam 1000 more arise but that does not imply that we should stand idly by and do nothing to address them. We need more explanation of why the fees can be positive for Blurt and the Blockchain as well as their adverse effects on a group of users. In addition to this I consider that many users have been mixing topics such as drama, fees and other topics because many do not know the basis of what is being discussed, returning to the initial point where we require non-reactive information, not focused on generating more conflict but debates and observations.

I know I recently went to edit one of my posts and was shocked by the high fee it was going to cost me. I did not edit it. Maybe if I wrote shorter posts, with less content it would help me absorb the fees. I always upvote and reply to comments on my personal posts this will cost me more.

Commenting, posting and other exercises within the platform will undoubtedly suffer an increase. But will this be a devastating effect? The current situation reminds me of the ethereum network which charges crazy and unconscionable fees, there the network is running, some complain, others love it but their fees are astronomical. Which led to devise other methods and more efficient networks. This brings me to my second reflection, not to stay with the problem but to propose solutions. In Axi Infinitie buying an nft was 500$ and the fees 300$, with these costs anyone in the world would think that no one would buy them, in Venezuela people who had no jobs and saw this as a way to generate income invested thousands of dollars. So my third reflection is focused on how the usefulness of the token, advertising and profitability led to invest many thousands of dollars regardless of the fees they had to pay. Now would you get more blurt than you pay? I would say yes.

I had been on a buying spree with Blurt, doing what I could to add support to the token. I discontinued that last night. I really felt discouraged. I am glad I did stop because now I am reading where more Witnesses are raising fees. I am not sure how this works with some raising fees and some not raising fees. Please enlighten me... Also how can I check to see what fees witnesses have listed, and any other pertinent information?

The fees are a mathematical calculation, basically using the median (not the average) of all the fees implemented by the witnesses, so it is not necessary that they all have the same value. The mathematical calculation will take the median of the top 20 witnesses only. The value of these fees is usually discussed among all the witnesses to reach an acceptable consensus. There have been occasions where they have been raised and then lowered again over time. This information can be seen in any block explorer and is represented by the names RFee, KBFee OFFee. It is worth mentioning that each witness is autonomous when establishing their fees, for this reason there may be a variety in the amounts established. You can see this information here.

The fees on commenting on this post is much higher than I am used to. Maybe it is also a way to deter comments when something controversial comes up.

Yes, a correct statement is that the liquid blurt for all accounts will be affected by the increase in fees, I usually take the time to leave comments, I do reblogs among others and that will imply that I must consume more Blurt, but The return I normally get for commenting at this point I think can be higher, long comments will consume more blurt, the average user doesn't reply as long. For there to be a censorship of comments, the costs must be high, very high for the impossibility of publishing to exist. This quoted and extensive commentary is around 4 blurts.

Thank you for taking the time to make all these observations and above all for bringing your concerns to the community in general.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think I need to be more self reflective on how I vote some introposts. I also need to have less sympathy for average posts that could be farming.

I try very hard to discern potential farming but it is a big job while trying to get through a days worth of posts in the community that I curate. I am already always just able to keep up with 6 days old to 5 days old posts on any given day.

I can see how increased fees will help. I can also see where they can hurt growing accounts. I have already put out a statement in my last post to the community on how they can also make better use of these changes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

For this particular case, reducing the voting on these tags is the first and most logical option. However it is not the only method that is applied to defraud the community. So we can not only focus on the example, there is a lot to cut about the increase of fees.

Posted from

I agree... 👍 Just simply cut down on voting the #introduceyourself posts...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Saludos hermano, no he tenido la oportunidad de ver la publicación de Jacob pero considero que siempre se deben tomar las medidas necesarias para mantener un equilibrio sano en cualquier sistema o plataforma, esto para garantizar su funcionamiento y durabilidad en el tiempo. El sistema más sano es aquel es que autosustentable. Salud, éxito y felicidad para ti.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I wonder how much the charges are on a comment now. It looks like Blurt is becoming easier to avoid everyday.

¡Qué dolor en el cuello!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If you look at my previous comment to YAYO, the cost was 1.25 blurt (it was not a dollar), I consider it to have been quite extensive. And performing a test says that this can be 0.245 Blurt.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


That is what I am seeing now. Thank you. I don't think anyone should worry about the cost. It's less than a cent.... but I was saying that if one day for some odd reason Blurt is selling for 1 dollar then fees will be one dollar.

Stay healthy. I'm not worried about Blurt. It suspect it will be around :)

This is a very sad event. I think that's because the price of world cryptocurrency has come down at the present time. That makes us think a lot more. If this is the case with our favorite platforms, if everyone sells coins and leaves, then what can be done, then nothing comes to mind.

However, it seems to me that those who have a lot of coins at the present time are getting themselves involved in selling these coins. I think those who are really coming here to work, they are really working here, they will never want to sell coins at such a low rate anytime soon. Because they understand the real meaning. They know how to work and what to do. That's why they don't want to sell their coins as soon as the price goes up.

The biggest thing is that those who really work in Blood so far are not supported in that way. Those who have a lot of coins are supported. Those who have a lot of power. They are supported by all people. But those who come here to work literally share their own containers every day. They are not supported that way. I'm very worried about it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
The "Yes men" of jacob @tekraze and @kamranrkploy had adjusted the fees without an explanation.

This craziness of jacob is like a virus to many account.
I agree with what you stated here so thanks to these anarchists and walez, you just gave hammer to each of us to whack ourselves with it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for commenting, it is necessary to clarify that it is not only this method of farming which may be occurring currently, there are many other mechanisms used to bleed the platform. I think it is necessary to continue to address these issues but it was too late in my country and make it more extensive perhaps many will not read it.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

People will find ways to abuse the system and that system you discussed should be solved together with people concerned about voting the introduceyourself tag and its supporters.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes. It is one of the many methods used to damage the platform and depends on curators and others. However this is an example of how fees were created on the Blockchain to combat this type of abuse when they are massive. Another example of this when Blurt was attacked in December, a 0 cost transaction was used to flood the blockchain with garbage. If the charge had existed at that time, the attacker would have had to spend a lot of money to continue it. So this post has two themes one the use of fees as a means to contain spam and attacks against the chain, and the second the issue of farming and how the platform is being milked.

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It is not like that , i have discussed with rest of the witnesses and then changed the fees. Also i haven't gone with what jacob said , i have kept fees less than one blurt and that too will not take effect unless few other witness change their fees.

Also for the people who really love blurt and have been here team powerclub is planning to help them with some liquid blurt for free every week.

I know that still will not be enough for few people but yes that's what we can do for now unless and until permanent solution is found.

Also one more doubt that is there in people mind is that few accounts will be freezed. To clarify nothing like that will be happening.

Thank you

I am sorry that i didn't explain about the benefits or reasons behind increasing the fees but my write up was still pending. I increased the fees fee hours ago but didn't wrote or made an announcement because i planned to justify increasing fees by keeping some points.

Thanks to freakeao who has explained very well.

thank u

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ok thank you for clarification.

cryptopie can you tell me where to find the information on which witnesses did this?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sir you can see which witnesses adjusted the fees here --->
and you can feel it too when commenting or posting, you pay more than usual now, it quite discourages commenting because you pay and pay.

Thank you. I just want to know which are raising their fees, and which are not. This should help when I get the chance to look closely. I still feel that there will some that will be hurt by it. I may be able to absorb the fees but I cannot believe that all will be able to.

The problem that needed fixing is all the drama that has been taking place; all the FUD. Most of those have the funds to absorb the fees. Some maybe not. The biggest players that are bringing the price down do not really care .

Raising the fee for post for me is not a rational step. Poor contents already suffer because people don't vote such posts. If Jacob wants the growth of blurt he should go and together with @megadrive they can go to places with blurt

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Poor content publications do not get positive ratings for not providing relevant content, however we must mention that if we review the current content of blurt many are dedicated only to make this type of content to get rewards from the healing bots and some votes from the community, multiply this behavior by 20 and you will see a huge domino effect in this whole situation. Introduction post is one problem, voting circles another, multi-accounts, spam, poor content and many other cases that are being experienced at the moment.

Posted from

Thank you for your opinion...Together we shall see Blurt grow

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Honestamente, no sé si mi comentario aporte algo de solución al problema, pero leí un post acerca del aumento de las tarifas el día de ayer e hice un comentario. Realmente soy nuevo, a pesar de que mi cuenta tiene creada 2 años.
Desconozco muchísimo acerca de la blockchain y de los testigos aquí en Blurt.
Una cosa es cierta, convertirse en un granjero y obtener mayor provecho parece que es más viable y rentable para algunos usuarios, mientras que otros hacemos lo necesario para aumentar nuestro poder a través del power up, pero obtenemos muy pocas visualizaciones, sin importar el contenido que hayamos creado.

Tal vez sea necesario crear más contenidos explicativos (o al menos hacer en una publicación una lista de ellos) para poder entender mejor todo este asunto y de alguna forma aportar soluciones. ¿Qué se puede hacer al respecto? ¿Qué es lo que hay que hacer? ¿Cómo puedo o podemos ayudar a que las cosas caminen como debe ser y fortalecer el crecimiento sano de #Blurt?

Básicamente esto es lo que necesitamos saber personas como yo que no entendemos mucho de este asunto, pero sí queremos crecer.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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It is good to know that the increase in blurt fees is to curtail the high rate of farming using new account creation.
Thank you for this enlightenment.

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