Lemahnya Kontrol Sosial | Weak Social Control

in blurt •  3 years ago 


kontrol sosial di masyarakat begitu lemah, sehingga berbagai aliran dan budaya merambah dengan cepat mengubah pola perilaku manusia. Maka di butuhkan kontrol dalam diri, sebaik-baik pengontrol diri adalah iman dan ilmu pengetahuan agama...

Social controls in society are so weak that various streams and cultures expand rapidly to change patterns of human behavior. So in need of control within, as well as self-controller is the faith and science of religion ...


Karena jika begini wanita yang dipundak nya di beri tanggung jawab melahirkan, membesarkan dan mendidik putra putri bangsa, oh apa jadinya negeri ini ? Sebab sebuah negara di pandang dari kedudukan dan martabat wanita. Jika baik wanita baik pula negaranya, jika buruk wanitanya bobrok pula negaranya...

Because if this woman is on her shoulder given the responsibility of giving birth, raising and educating the nation's son, oh what would this country be? For a country in view of the position and dignity of women. If both the good lady is also her country, if bad woman is also dilapidated her country ...

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