RE: How much do I make monthly on Blurt?

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How much do I make monthly on Blurt?

in blurt •  2 years ago 

For my part, I don't need satanic symbolism to realize when a space is compromised by some powers. The evil not necessarrily needs to look evil (devil with horns and fire) - the evil can be as banal as an apple pie and also really really nice. The thoughtless evil, I think, is done by naive people who followed the evil intentions of some few characters without knowing it. They did and do to their best knowledge and good faith. You can't actually beat that if they don't know themselves.

There are some disturbed characters, I agree.

666 - lol

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I never did work which ones knew and which ones were clueless. I started out tending to give them the benefit of the doubt, but these days I think anyone earning over $100 for every post they do on Hive knows full well who their masters are, and they endorse what they are told to endorse - the responses to the coronahoax injections were VERY revealing...

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That may be so in many but not in all cases.

I would also add that the person who abides by the online rules of the game and can look at handsome payouts from his posts is not necessarily a follower in his other (also offline) sphere of activity. Some seem to howl with the wolves, but if you look or read closely, there is not per se an agreement with the dominant view, though there seems to be none with the minor one either.

It can be strategically wise to act between these poles because, for example, one is not alone in the world but cares for a family or pulls others along who have lost jobs and reputations due to their oppositional nature (or coming out).
All I can say is that not all those who look like they support mainstream opinion actually do in all there spheres of activities. They are pretending (by necessity). Which I consider realistic because people are very different in their choice of life strategies.

I'm with you, though, when I look superficially at all these beautiful payouts, a certain anger comes up. Doesn't help me much -lol.
If you venture into the lion's den and want to criticise, you have to wash yourself with all the waters and sometimes realise that you will not receive approval or will even fall victim to the downvotes. I see it as a very great art to prove myself in a space where everyone is (or seems to be) against me and still come out of it respectable. If I cannot achieve that, I may have mercy with myself. :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I cant post on Hive anymore, but I'm convinced i stumbled upon a few dark secrets.


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

True. You've got to maintain that blind eye.

But do you rule out that there are some smarter folks out there who do not tow the party line, who do not pay into the dominant views, who do not do what they are told and STILL fare very well?

I am inclined to ask "what dark secrets"? and hopefully not regret it :D lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

HIVE - I think there are three big rabbit holes (and same with the original Steemit):

  1. The satanic stuff that @world-travel-pro covered brilliantly here:

  2. The cabal control of the reward pool, with certain insider accounts raking in most of the rewards for boring and repetitive posts written by contractors - I'm not going to name any here because I don't want to start another war, but some of the biggest names on Hive are doing that, and have been since Steemit.

  3. The CIA initial set up and continued control - like most social media it's all about data gathering, and experimental mind programming.

    Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have been following all this quietly. I know the post you linked here. I've read many other reactions and counter-reactions over time and from my perspective I would say that openly opposing what you perceive as diabolical actually only benefits those who enjoy receiving that headwind.

The longer you expose yourself to it, the more you have to be careful not to be drawn into the dark abysses of souls yourself. Being in direct confrontation with someone who has perfected ridiculing, provoking and exercising power requires stamina. I also fear that it creates a certain form of hatred because what I confront will inevitably rub off on me if I am not up to it.

The anger, as well as the attempts, some of which are pardoned, of those who are inferior in Voting Power and Currency to speak to those who have it at their disposal is water on their mills because they delight in being pitted against them. Where they do not receive love, they settle for negative attention and hate.

These are deeply unfortunate traits and if I give too much attention to these dark sides in a person, their share will increase, not decrease.

As with children who scream and cry because of their great self-centredness because they do not receive something, the only remedy is to distract them and not enter into a power struggle with them.

The one who is deeply entangled in the habit of desiring flattery and confirmation as the only attention because of his good deeds will do everything to keep up the façade of goodness. He who publicly scratches at this façade, questions it, tries to unmask it, will find his master, if he does not also possess these certain qualities himself. Plus money power. Defeating someone is only possible if you use the same means. We know where that can lead when Anakin Skywalker finally becomes Darth Vader himself.

Unless I have the same form of obsession that I accuse the others of, I will lose this battle.

But I do not need to take any of these positions. My strategy is distraction and a form of language and communication that is understood by all as non-threatening as possible. Am I succeeding in this? Sometimes more, sometimes less.

If I am continuously not a threat to those who have become hungry for the power struggle, may the distraction on my part rub off on them and calm their hearts and minds that are full of fear.

I am aware that it takes a lot more people to do this and where the limits of my influence are or where it is overlooked that it is the peacefulness of the many that makes a livable everyday life possible for all those who remain trapped in the perpetual frenzy of fear.

To put it a bit ... heroic (?): You must make those who spy on you, watch you and distrust you learn to love you. So as not to be a cold blooded strategy but a genuine felt trait in oneself.

I myself am probably not there :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm not at all sure about that...any of it...

I CAN'T change the thoughts of my stalkers, and I don’t want to!


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What can I say?
I can only be in conversation to you and give you my perspective.
I mean, can I really be understood that way that you think of my answer as wanting to change the thoughts in a questionable way?
Do you want to converse with me? I am not sure. If not, that is alright. Though that is what I would prefer, that you refer to what I replied. Before I answered, I went through the post you linked in detail and took my time to read all over it once again, reflected on it.

You could contradict me and give me some perspectives back. ...
I find that refreshing, actually. To give you an example how a comment section can be enlivened, I would like you to see over the comments from this former article of mine:

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That raises the question: If you can't and if you don't want to, what is actually what you do want and can do?