Blurt does NOT "dust" (negate) small payouts!

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Every vote on Blurt counts! We don't "dust" small rewards like Steem and Hive do, and I will demonstrate that in this post.


For over a week, I've been doing research and experiments about Blurt's curation, voting power, and rewards. You can read about a lot of it in this post if you're interested.

Something which came up is the concept of "dusting", which on Steem and Hive refers to the cancellation of any payout less than a certain base amount, generally $0.02 (2 cents). It seems like a minor detail, but it can have major implications. For example, on Steem and Hive you don't consistently earn curation rewards until you've grown to a certain size (to generate rewards of at least 2 cents). This makes it hard to grow... a vicious circle that discourages newcomers.

I remember when the token price was low a few years ago, and I still hadn't built up much of a following, my posts and comments often made less than $0.02, and then got dusted down to zero. Sometimes, even voting on my own posts, plus the combined rewards from a few other small voters, my posts would pay out nothing because of this rule. I had invested thousands of dollars and years of daily content creation into the blockchain, but wasn't able to grow because most of my payouts were dusted to nothing!

Blurt doesn't do that. All payouts, no matter how small, are awarded to the creator (50%) and curators (50%).

Of course, my votes are worth about $0.25 now, and in no danger of being dusted even if Blurt had that policy. But we don't. This is great news for new users! It means every vote you make is going to pay out, and you're going to get a share of the rewards. Even if you're tiny, you matter on Blurt! We also don't have downvotes here, so once you vote on a post or comment, when it hits 7 days old, the author and you will split that payout. Nobody can come along and cancel out your curation rewards with a downvote, like happens often on Hive.

On Blurt, we pay a small fee for every action, including curation. This means it's impossible to "dust" payouts, since the fee effectively guarantees a payout. Once a post or comment has any amount of pending rewards, unless all curators remove their votes, the payout will occur.

Not only will you grow faster because your post and comment payouts don't get dusted down to zero, but you grow faster because your small votes don't get dusted down to zero either, and generate you curation rewards!

Here it is in action:


There's a comment of mine from 7 days ago, just before it paid out.


There it is AFTER it paid out, showing the same amount (0.29 BLURT for the creator and 0.29 BLURT for curators). On Steem or Hive that would now say 0.00.


At that exact moment, this 0.29 BLURT payment arrived in my wallet (25% in liquid BLURT and 75% in BP).

0.29 BLURT is currently worth $0.001 USD (one tenth of a cent). Instead of being reduced to zero and added back into the reward pool (to be distributed to richer/bigger accounts), on Blurt it goes to you. It may not seem like much, but every bit helps, especially for newer and smaller users!


Just another reason why Blurt is the #1 blogchain!



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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That was fun to read. I remember years ago posts paying out zero even though it should have been 1 cent. If it wasn't for some kind people I would have quit. My Blurt vote seems to be around 4 cents. It's small but it doesn't dissapear into dust.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Great analysis. Let's grow Blurt and build what we have. This is an opportunity to really make something.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's why it's better on Blurt. I always loathed the dust rule because so many votes defaulted to zero. Blurt is a sleeper we need to let more people know about.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Another thing in Blurts favour 👍

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Aww so that is what happens to my tiny votes on HIVE and why I never see them again.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

😂 And with my rewards!, lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

MK says Hive has stopped dusting rewards. I haven't noticed that myself, but then again, everything I post (including comments) is hit with huge downvotes from several whales, so I wouldn't know. Everything goes to zero before payout, nothing left to dust! (Another reason Blurt is better.)
EDIT: From what I can tell, Hive is still dusting. Pending posts say "must reach $0.02 for payout", and posts less than that are still being reduced to zero. Hmmm.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah I have luckily not got hit by the down votes even though I have made some blurt focused posts in the past. I mainly post in the pinemapple community and have really good results there. I do not vote or curate my stake is too low and gets dusted as you say, even before I cleaned out my hive power a few months ago it did not seem like my vote did much there.

Before pob went to shit I could actually vote a couple of POB. But ever since then curation has been dead to me on HIVE.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Look at this, my friend:


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I must admit that this part of Hive and Steemit, regarding the dust, I did not know. In fact, I wouldn't have even imagined it.

It has been here at Blurt, where I have begun to learn all those little details, that in the past I did not pay attention to. And wow, knowledge is power, because since I've been learning, both from publications like this one, and on my own by reading in other chains, I've been able to verify what is the best mechanism to maximize some things.

Now, coming to the point you made regarding payments here on Blurt, I knew I paid for everything, but I didn't appreciate the importance that this entails: "Everything helps, everything matters", is what makes many start their growth, the Blurt, because however small and insignificant the reward may be, it goes directly to our wallet if it belongs to us.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So I was correct with my observations compared to other 2 platforms, my tiny curation rewards will not turn to ashes during payouts. Plus, the freedom of speech on blurt is way awesome that others, also on appics. I actually love these two, blurt and appics.

Posted from

Thanks, I love blurt the more seeing all this details and analysis. Infact on hive getting that $0.25 on a post is very difficult and in some cases one can be lucky to get $10 downward but on steemit expect you belong to a curation train with huge power or part of one community that vote their members getting a $1 from a post is more hard than seeing the president of USA. Smile

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hive and steem tries to do things to conoensate for the lack of "gas" and avoid ddos. Spammers on Hive and Steem cause only demage and no contirbution so there are the RC and downvotes to try and fight them. But RC is discriminating for new users and downvotes are abused. So thats why I left Hive completely and I thing blurt mechanism is much more positive.

Lovely post mate! Very important feature on Blurt! ❤️🍀🤙

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh yeah, I forgot about that since felt like I was constantly getting nothing for comments.

Posted from

Hive removed dust threshold

How do you explain this Blurt blockchain parameter?



Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This explain why drutter experiment failed, he counted the voting dust in USD but it is counted in rshares. If the BLURT_VOTE_DUST_THRESHOLD is 50.000.000 rshares this is more or less a vote of 0.13 blurt or 2800 blurt power.

Posted from

2800 blurt power

you will need more, because your vote should also make some BLURT to cover transaction fees

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

50 million of what? It does not list the units. 50 million BLURT? I don't know anything about parameters, but 50 million is a lot. There's no dusting on Blurt, so it doesn't appear to mean anything. Perhaps an unused setting.

Do you know when Hive got rid of dusting? And why the Hive blockchain still reduces payouts under $0.02 to zero?


  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Do you know when Hive got rid of dusting?

Dust Votes Won't Get Nulled
Some might not know this but currently any comment or post that doesn't reach at least $0.02 USD doesn't get paid out. Hard Fork 26 will make it so dust payments get paid out.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So in October.
It's very strange that all content on Hive with payout less than $0.02 still says "amount must reach $0.02 for payout". And that every payout less than $0.02 is still being reduced to zero. Perhaps a subsequent hard fork turned dusting back on.

On Hive, here is a pending comment payout at $0.01:


And here is that comment after payout:


Now it's $0.00 and generated no payout.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In view of the above, and left with the uncertainty, I looked in my notifications for the payments that I obtained when I had all my delegated Hive, and I found this surprise:


This shouldn't be called "dust"?

So here they are paying for it. 🤔

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Honestly Ray, I have no idea what I am looking at here. I've never seen that screen before. It's hard for me to recognize, because I don't know much Spanish, and you seem to have cut off the headings at the top of the screen. Does it have something to do with delegations?

yeah, it's strange

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

50 million rshares. I don't know where to find information about rshares... but that comment says it's a vote of 0.13 BLURT.
So payouts between 0.01 and 0.12 BLURT are getting dusted?
Imagine someone paying a 0.077 BLURT voting fee to generate a 0.12 BLURT payout (0.06 BLURT curation reward)... this probably never happens.

I notice the Blurt FAQ says something the Steem and Hive FAQs don't say: "Every vote has an effect. If you have very low Blurt Power, or have voted with a very low weight, then it may be that the value of your vote is below 0.01 BLURT and hence may not show in a post's pending rewards. The precision within your wallet is to the nearest 0.001 BLURT, so it may still have some value."

So every vote has an effect, and has value as long as it is above 0.001 BLURT? I hope nobody is paying 0.077 BLURT to make votes that are paying out 0.001 BLURT. That is $0.0000035.

Even if votes up to 0.12 BLURT are dusted, that is $0.0004, or 50 times smaller than the $0.02 cutoff on Steem and Hive.

So payouts between 0.01 and 0.12 BLURT are getting dusted?

It would be nice to get clear answer from "founding fathers" who created this blockchain

Posted from


You have recieved a coconutty upvote! 🥥
Thank you for contributing to the Blurt Blockchain!
Keep up the great work!

Curated by @outofthematrix!

Please take a moment to vote for my witness.
You can do this by logging into your wallet with your active key! 🗳️

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I wonder if the use of that GIF is legit .
Like is it fair non commercial use ?
Well at least giving the source would not look that bad .
Or are you hiding this use from Coldplay , to avoid paying for copy rights ?