hahahahahah I had NO idea that he was part of the design here!!!!!!!!!!!
I knew him briefly on Steem, and we used to talk in DM on discord because his mind was BRILLIANT and I was FASCINATED with it!!!!!!! math genius??? I think that is an underestimate hahahahahahaha
Wow... ok - well, just by dropping his name, you've given me some insight into how this system has more integrity!!!
and come to think of it - I'm going to have to find him in DM and ask him to take a look at DreemPort and see where he sees some flaws in how we are designed!!! I am wondering if he would suggest what another old friend suggested hmmmm and now that I know that he helped design this??? lol I bet he would
Just so you know - I've mentioned my project several times- and I hope you don't think I'm pushing it on you. hahahaa I'm not. It's just always on my mind how to make it better. And ALSO just so you know - the beautiful thing about DreemPort (and one of the things I'm MOST proud of) is that it doesn't pull people from their platforms of choice. It actually brings people together briefly and then sends them BACK to their platforms, WITH a few more eyes on their content each day, and gives them a taste of OTHER platforms in a non-aggressive/ very supportive way. (hence... the PORT part of our name) so - please don't think I'm coming to Blurt to steal people... hahaha
on the contrary... I think you'll see more people get exposed to Blurt - now that we are here :)
hmmmm i'm super excited to go find rycharde now hahahaha - this is on my to-do list this week!!!!!
and.. i'm bringing several people to this comment so we can talk about it in our next meeting!!!
@shadowspub @bluefinstudios @penderis @kemmyb @jacoalberts @mcyusuf @makeitrain4ever @samsmith1971
Thanks so much for all that info!!! I'm digesting it!!!
To-do list?
Ehhhh... Seems like someone is done with Thanksgiving Celebration 😂.
Okiiii... Lemme grab a bite of the post and catch the full gist before gracing the Comment section.
hahahahaThanksgiving is TOMORROW.
If I'm able to still push on all things NOW... wait til AFTER Thanksgiving LOLOLOL
And thank you for bringing me here. I'm busy exploring the new terrain and I love it!