Plagiarism does not seem like a good idea. | El plagio, no parece buena idea.

in blurt •  3 years ago  (edited)



The easy way is not always the best way

In previous posts I had commented on the increase of spam and users who somehow take the easy way, some just looking to monetize the quickest and easiest way. On previous occasions I could detect how some users were dedicated to make print screen of food tutorials on YouTube to pass them off as their own, believe it or not there are many ways to detect this type of plagiarism, as well as some think that just changing some words or rearranging paragraphs can mislead, if you are not very skilled or little observant is possible that you can be fooled repeatedly, others think that by uploading the images on the front end we will not realize that re upload content from other platforms; remember that usually has the same users or in the worst case a plagiarism detector or images are used. These users who tend to cheat should be banned once it is detected that has violated the rules. So I invite you to follow the development of this research. First of all, I leave you two publications. One made in Blurt and the other in a portal with Russian domain, what strikes me first of all is that no credit is given to a publication made in the months of October, there is no reference to the previous source. Everything consists only in translating from the Russian language to the English language.

Benefit of the Doubt

Since we cannot assume that the person has stolen the content, I have left a message requesting him to prove that he is the creator of said content on both platforms, the content was previously published on another gastronomy portal and does not mention any author so I can assume that he is someone who writes for the mentioned portal, if the person can prove that he is the author of both publications for sure I will have to make a public post assuming my mistake, but as I can not just leave things to chance, I wrote to the portal in order to make the query if that content is copyrighted, or on the contrary its author is the same of our platform. This way we can all know also the opinion of the mentioned portal. So it's up to us to wait.



In Blurt we do not agree with content plagiarism, if you are the owner of an already published content it makes sense to openly indicate that you have done so, this way we can avoid cumbersome impasses. As well as it can be taken into consideration by other users, your formality, doing things well speaks of you and the work you present us day after day. Avoid Stealing content, don't use the easy way.

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El camino fácil no siempre es el mejor

En publicaciones previas había comentado sobre el aumento del spam y de usuarios que de alguna forma toman el camino fácil, algunos solo buscan rentabilizar de la forma más rápida y fácil. En ocasiones previas pude detectar como algunos usuarios se dedicaban a realizar print screen de tutoriales de comida en YouTube para hacerlos pasar como propios, aunque usted no lo crea hay muchas formas de detectar ese tipo de plagio, así como algunos piensan que solo cambiando algunas palabras o reordenando los párrafos pueden despistar, si no eres muy hábil o poco observador es posible que puedas ser engañado de forma recurrente, otros piensan que subiendo las imágenes por el front end no nos daremos cuenta que re suben contenido de otras plataformas; recuerden que por lo general tiene el mismo usuarios o en el peor de los casos se usa un detector de plagio o imágenes. Estos usuarios que suelen hacer trampa deberían ser inhabilitados una vez se detecte que ha infringido las normas. Por lo cual los invito a seguir el desarrollo de esta investigación. En primer lugar, les dejo dos publicaciones. Una realizada en Blurt y otra en un portal con dominio ruso, lo que me llama en primer lugar la atención es que no se le da crédito a una publicación realizada en los meses de octubre, no hay una referencia a la fuente previa. Todo consiste solo en traducir del idioma ruso al idioma Ingles.

El beneficio de la Duda

Como no podemos dar por sentado que la persona ha robado el contenido, le he dejado un mensaje solicitando que demuestre que es el creador de dicho contenido en ambas plataformas, el contenido fue publicado previamente en otro portal de gastronomía y no menciona a ningún autor así que puedo asumir que es alguien que redacta para el portal mencionado, si la persona puede demostrar que es el autor de ambas publicaciones con seguridad tendré que hacer un post publico asumiendo mi error, pero como no puedo simplemente dejar las cosas al azar, le escribí al portal con el fin de hacer la consulta si ese contenido tiene derecho de autor, o por el contrario su autor es el mismo de nuestra plataforma. De esta forma todos podemos saber también la opinión del portal mencionado. Así que nos toca esperar.



En Blurt no estamos de acuerdo con el plagio de contenido, si usted es el dueño de un contenido ya publicado lo lógico es que indique abiertamente que así lo ha hecho, de esta forma podemos evitar impases engorrosos. Así como puede ser tomado en consideración por otros usuarios, su formalidad, el hacer las cosas bien habla de usted y del trabajo que nos presenta día tras día. Evite Robar contenido, no use el camino fácil.

Vota por mi como Witness Link

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What gets me is the boring topics they usually pick to plagiarize. Just doing a quick Google search for the phrase

useful cranberry jelly

returns 62.800,000 results.

I've been at a loss to understand why someone would feel the world needs yet another source for what surely is duplicated on many tens of millions of sources elsewhere.

I saw this a lot in self publishing. It boggles my mind, even if someone was to just write from memory. But to take it one step further and just steal it to pass as ones own.

People have such low self image they not only don't feel that they are worthy of standing as themselves before others, but they don't even care about the false image they put in front of us. Like a resignation they are less than.

I always assume when I see a list or health/relationship article that it has been stolen from someone else. I'm usually not interested so probably would have moved on anyway with that one piece, but its in my mind now the person is probably a thief.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

When you know the modus operandi, you know which words to use, plagiarism can be detected quickly. The truth is that it bores me to see the amount of recipes that are published, many cut the images so that the environment is not noticed, many do not even appear in the photos, others are more blatant that they do not even care. The most curious thing is that the author only answered me that he added the source, as if that would minimize the situation, he never proved that he was the owner of the other articles.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

"I cited the source"
"I didn't know it was wrong to do it on this platform"
"I used information that my friend gave me - i thought it was his."
"I'm honest and I've never been accused of plagiarism before."
"Its not like ALL my posts are plagiarized."

I've heard these and so many more. It never ceases to amaze me that if they spent the same amount of time CREATING an original post, as they spent the time DEFENDING the plagiarism - we wouldn't even be there discussing it!

If they only channeled their energies into a more profitable use of everyone's time! I agree with @vickyguevara . They waste EVERYONE'S time, and time is very expensive to waste!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

On the platform that I was on in 2020 (it has been destroyed by spammers and scammers - so I won't even bother mentioning it since it no longer exists...) the reason why they plagiarized general topics is because it didn't matter in the least.

It was only a placeholder for their clan to come and mass upvote.
then their clan would drop meaningless comments like "nice post", "good info", "I learned a lot"

and literally every one of those comments would get 40 upvotes.

They would reach new levels - and grow en masse.

When we would downvote the posts, and the comments - they would run to the "authorities" and cry foul. What happened? We got punished. (and we only had 1 downvote per person. Nothing was unbalanced - it was a fair system to maintain the integrity of the platform)

And what happened? well - months later the entire platform was overrun.

To the spammers and scammers - it has nothing to do with integrity, quality, or the longevity of the platform. It was only a matter of earning their weekly wage - and at the end of the week, they absolutely cashed out and kept the value of the token low (while others held for the entire year - and were left with nothing in the end)

The thing that makes me intrigued with Blurt's system - is that every operation has a cost. So that is somewhat of a deterrent. UNLESS, the "gangs" are willing to invest enough to outweigh that, and THEN grow like a cancer.

I guess time will tell??

UNLESS, the "gangs" are willing to invest enough to outweigh that, and THEN grow like a cancer.

Unlike the parent and sister chain, this isn't a problem as much. Let me explain why.

Our resident math genius has designed the reward pool in such a way so that one can't use the ludicrous saying of

They violently raped the reward pool.

My pull doesn't affect your pull, and the pool grows and shrinks based on how much is powered up. If you wish to know more about the way it is designed, I'm sure rycharde who designed it will be happy to explain it more to you.

So then that leaves an observation of mine from years ago.

Either the math is good and can actually accommodate for the pull promised, or there is a bait and switch taking place. Everyone always hated on haejin and Rancho for their pull, but they were only exercising their promised reward mechanism as promised by the math. It's only possible due to investing and staking. So many overlook the benefits to the entire community of those who actually invest and then lock it up in stake. Without those doing this, there is no monetary value beyond what pump and dump exchange people maneuver in their continual quest to leave a trail of bag holders behind them.

Because of the way Blurt is designed, the only negative impact that those who invest heavily to use as an extraction tool are having is their flooding of the markets with the rewards they extract, as promised to them.

I defend their right to post absolute drivel to upvote themselves 100% as promised with their investment. As mentioned, their pull doesn't take from mine.

I believe instead as a community that the focus should instead be on asking

Why is the demand not keeping up with the supply? If we create more access points of interest to make folks want to be a part of this, to make them want to invest then it shouldn't matter how much the extraction investors extract because the demand is greater than anything they can produce. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)


hahahahahah I had NO idea that he was part of the design here!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew him briefly on Steem, and we used to talk in DM on discord because his mind was BRILLIANT and I was FASCINATED with it!!!!!!! math genius??? I think that is an underestimate hahahahahahaha

Wow... ok - well, just by dropping his name, you've given me some insight into how this system has more integrity!!!

and come to think of it - I'm going to have to find him in DM and ask him to take a look at DreemPort and see where he sees some flaws in how we are designed!!! I am wondering if he would suggest what another old friend suggested hmmmm and now that I know that he helped design this??? lol I bet he would

Just so you know - I've mentioned my project several times- and I hope you don't think I'm pushing it on you. hahahaa I'm not. It's just always on my mind how to make it better. And ALSO just so you know - the beautiful thing about DreemPort (and one of the things I'm MOST proud of) is that it doesn't pull people from their platforms of choice. It actually brings people together briefly and then sends them BACK to their platforms, WITH a few more eyes on their content each day, and gives them a taste of OTHER platforms in a non-aggressive/ very supportive way. (hence... the PORT part of our name) so - please don't think I'm coming to Blurt to steal people... hahaha

on the contrary... I think you'll see more people get exposed to Blurt - now that we are here :)

hmmmm i'm super excited to go find rycharde now hahahaha - this is on my to-do list this week!!!!!

and.. i'm bringing several people to this comment so we can talk about it in our next meeting!!!
@shadowspub @bluefinstudios @penderis @kemmyb @jacoalberts @mcyusuf @makeitrain4ever @samsmith1971

Thanks so much for all that info!!! I'm digesting it!!!

To-do list?

Ehhhh... Seems like someone is done with Thanksgiving Celebration 😂.

Okiiii... Lemme grab a bite of the post and catch the full gist before gracing the Comment section.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

hahahahaThanksgiving is TOMORROW.

If I'm able to still push on all things NOW... wait til AFTER Thanksgiving LOLOLOL

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

And thank you for bringing me here. I'm busy exploring the new terrain and I love it!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Totally agree with you, you summarize a lot of why it is harmful all this that we can observe in blurt and sister chains.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

hmmm I can't see my direct parent comment here. It keeps telling me that the comment doesn't exist hahaha

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

ahhh ok - i can see the comments now hahahaa

I just had to refresh the page. and yes - but hopefully what practicalthought shared is why this ISN'T going to be taken advantage of here???

i really hope so! because all platforms deserve to thrive!! :)

This situation is very annoying, especially when you do curation work. Instead of reading and rewarding good publications, you have to waste time trying to detect plagiarism. Then it takes a lot of time and becomes tedious. We have even detected cases where they take screenshots of youtube videos and copy the audio. I think it would be easier to make an original post than to take all that work to plagiarize someone else.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

There must be some mechanism to combat people who violate the rules of the platform. We cannot have half dyes.

Esta publicación ha recibido el voto de @blurthispano. Te invitamos a usar el tag #blurthispano. Nos puedes encontrar en Discord

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This is a very important issue that you have highlighted today

The copyright issue is really very strong on this platform. I think if the authorities do not take proper action to create a copyright issue here, it will not create a good environment here.

Thank you for talking so nicely about it

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In my opinion, plagiarism is harmful to any site. This hinders the creation of better content. Accounts rich in plagiarism should be punished.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

One easy way to detect a plagiarized content with regards to text is to copy some of the paragraphs and search it on google.

Highlight the paragraph, right click and choose "search....", then you will get one way of plag detection @freakeao 👌✔

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, indeed such a search works. If and only if the text has not been modified. But there are other more efficient and advanced methods for plagiarism detection. You face another dimension if it is a video from which information or images have been plagiarized. But for all that there is always a detection method. Even if they want to make it more complicated.

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

To be honest, I didn't know what plagiarism is. So, before awaring of it, some plagiarism occurred from me. But after knowing it, I didn't committ this offensive crime.

However, good post and suited it to the situation.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I would comment here - but I just left a comment on @practicalthought's comment below that probably is better than just adding a new comment that would say what he already said! hahahahaha

but yes ...i agree with you - and I have such an abhorrence to spam... its theft, and shameful, and it comes with a mindset that puts the spammer's importance higher than everyone else's. ugh... its disgusting.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for commenting. This enriches our topic of conversation and does not give another dimension on the subject.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm not sure why @freakeao... but it won't let me go back to the full context of the post. Should I wait and come back?

Or was something deleted? When I comment, I always like to go back to the full post and read along again hahahahaha

I saw the two posts you highlighted above and it's one of those stuff you see when people choose to get rich quick without genuinely working for it. It's ludicrous, so to speak.

You must have also noticed that when such people easily succed in getting juicy rewards despite posting plagiarised contents, they will go on to do it again and Again.

That's basically why it's not acceptable to pat them on the back. I'm glad that you left a message for the person that owns that plagiarized content.

Well Done