First Impressions of Blurt; Let's Get Deeper

in blurt •  3 years ago 

As far as a first day goes, I have to say, it completely rocked :) So many people showed up to welcome me, and foundations of friendship have already been laid. Awesome. I was not expecting much to be honest. I definitely didn't expect to post again so soon.

But because I'm feeling as if there might indeed be something here, I think it's worth my time to do a more in depth introduction.


For those of you who were around in the early days of steemit, 2016 through 2017 specifically, you know what I mean when I say it was absolute magic. I met so many fantastic people from all over the world and it broadened my horizons in ways I will always be grateful for. I remember thinking "Facebook calls itself a global platform, steemit actually IS one."

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"Then one day" really does seem like it happened extremely fast, although I'm sure the decline was a bit more gradual and I just failed to notice. I had at that point made an excellent circle of friends and we were one another's support for so long that it took a bit for me to pop my head up and say "Uh guys? Is that smoke? Are their flames over there?" Haha, maybe not quite like that, but a good enough analogy.

By the time steemit forked over to Hive, quite a number of people had already dropped away and I myself had lost a lot of enthusiasm, but there was still enough of us to make Hive feel homey for a bit.


Then, well covid happened. The entire world was turned on its head, and if Hive had been like the early days of steemit...

Okay I need to stop here to clarify that what I'm about to say is not to bash hive. There are many great things about the platform, and many wonderful people doing their best to run things. I still have friends who are doing well over there, some of whom I love dearly. I myself still do fine.

...but. But if Hive had been like early steemit, I know for a fact that it would have been a harbor for me when covid hit. A giant support network. Instead I retreated from it all together, found myself using FB a lot for the first time ever.


The thing is I'm not, generally speaking, a controversial blogger. My focus was always on either fiction, or inspirational stories, traveling, hiking and camping, touring wineries and breweries etc. Don't get me wrong, I have always had strong personal opinions, but for the most part on social platforms I limit them to comments on other people's posts that I agree with.

During the early days of the plandemic however, I found myself having a lot to say, and didn't feel comfortable using Hive as a vehicle for that. Oddly enough, I was not aware that people were using it that way, and that it ultimately caused problems for them.


In the end, I'm glad I listened to my gut, I didn't need more reasons to dislike people. Feeling negative about people is way out of character for me, and what I needed was to remember all of the reasons I had liked them in the first place so I could find my way back to the solid ground of my core being.

I wrote a post awhile back called Love-Minded if not Like-Minded that touched on this.



It's great to find like-minded people, really why else am I here trying this new place? There's something awesome about being on the same page, particularly with some of the bigger issues facing us right now.


But I will not shred my relationships just because we see things differently. I have a tribe of friends I've known for between 15 and 25 years in the natural realm, and another group for the past 5 or 6 in the digital, and they are a mixed bag of beliefs.


At this point we all know where each other stands.. and love each other anyway. This whole new era of people not being able to agree to disagree on almost Anything- this is what's causing the worst of the division.



For awhile it seemed that it was all coming from one side, but now I'm seeing it from the other side too. We are a world that has lost its equilibrium. So far out of balance, that lifelong friends are now enemies, each accusing the other of atrocious things. We've somehow gotten the idea that finding middle ground is a bad thing, so no one wants to give an inch in the other direction.

And this has all been manufactured by the same people who have lied about our history, pushed an experiment on us, and seem to be motivated by a desire for depopulation and are happy to accomplish it in any number of ways.


What I say next might be an unpopular opinion here. I've been debating leaving it out, but I think this is the perfect test of whether or not Blurt is truly the more accepting platform, so I'm going for it.

This new trend of people I generally see eye to eye with, calling people- and I'm not talking about elites, or royals, or Hollywood- but peasants like the rest of us.. satanists and pedofiles? That is also a manufactured idea my friends. I watched as the so-called left fell off a cliff of insanity into All Trump Supporters are Racist Homophobic terrorists and now I'm watching the right and the fringe do the same thing with a different set of shitty labels.

And right on the heels of division is confusion. I listen while people on all sides talk about how the top one percent have too much money and power and control, but one side thinks "communism" is the answer- because that's what they're being programmed to think; and another side thinks a "dictator" is the answer- again with the programming.

Imagine a world where we recognized that we agreed on the main topic, discarded the solutions being fed to us, and came up with our own?


We're so deep in the division and confusion we don't even see that we do agree on something.

Instead we have people who got the fauci ouchy wanting to see the people who didn't, die of covid, while those who didn't get it want to see those who did, die of Aids and blood clots, all so they can feel justified in their decisions. Have that "Ha, I Told You So" moment.

We've all heard the saying United we stand, divided we fall". Not only is it the truth, but it's a truth that those calling the shots behind the scenes are well aware of. And it's very useful to them.


I'm not perfect. Trust me, I have had thoughts in the past couple years I'm not proud of. Even now I sometimes find myself with a feeling of superiority in terms of decisions I've made and the fact that things that are muddied for others are crystal clear to me.

The only thing that has saved me from toppling off the edge of the love. I love all of the people in my life. No matter what "side" they're on, no matter what choices they've made, whether we agree or not, I Love them, therefore I will do whatever it takes to find common ground and keep lines of communication open. To be a bridge across that ever widening divide.

We need to remember who the real enemies are. And who they are Not. Because they are Not our family, and friends, and neighbors; they are those who have been pitting us against each other.


I believe it's particularly the responsibility of those of us who did not choose the experiment, those of us who have not forgotten how to think critically, those of us who know that there are agendas within agendas; to be the voices of reason and peace.

If they're the"sheep", then perhaps it's time we started being shepherds. Because time for anything that will help this world is running short.


I'm going to wrap this up with a shower thought from my husband:

Everything in moderation...except for Love.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Great post. I’m just sick and tired of all the ridiculous Conspiracy theories. People need stop living in constant Fear and just go outside and enjoy life. It’s a very big beautiful World out there. And people are wasting away, living in Fear and believing every dumb Conspiracy theory they watch on YouTube.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I couldn't agree more. So much of it comes from spending too much time in this artificial realm. Spending a lot of time in nature brings clarity, helps shake off the many forms of programming.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

insane conspiracy theories are so much fun !!!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

One side against one other is ALWAYS a fairytale, told to us by our slave masters. Ukraine is today's fairy tale. Covid was the prior fairy tale. What will be the next one, and when? Starvation. If covid was any indication, they will tell us we are starving and we will starve. Or will we?

Like your pitchfork cartoon, there are the two sides, each side focuses their ire onto the other, and neither places any blame on the slave masters, the pseudo-governments. It is extremely important that we step out of any roles we have been assigned to play, and beliefs we have been coerced into believing.

Welcome. I feel positive timelines emanating from your presence here. I have a hunch that happens wherever you go.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Exactly right, we all need to recognize when we're being assigned those roles too, sometimes it happens without us even noticing. They've had many many years of practice in the skill of indoctrination. I have been working to shed them all, but everytime I think I'm clear, there's another thing I was programmed to think.

Aw, I just love you, what a sweet thing to say! Like attracts like ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Another awesome post, it's only your second post and you already don't need any reblurt help from me - way to go

You have an amazing ability to know what time it is, but not go off like an alarm clock! I would probably do well to take a leaf out of your book, but I feel my buzzer is counting down...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am really grateful that you brought this place to my attention my friend! I'm really liking the vibe here. If it wasn't for you, I may have let my feelings about that WTP guy discourage me from giving it a chance, so thank you!

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Im friends with him here on Blurt now, great guy, im not sure how it all plays out, i just have to laugh about the whole thing.

Both of you started posting because i was going on about it, but @lucylin was telling me to get on Blurt for six months before i finally did. Life is strange!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yea... She's got the reigns here 👏👍🖖

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Are you calling lucylin a tranny?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Naw man... I was tipping my hat to the lady... @dreamit. She'll bee Queen inn know time here. With her background 😎
@lucylin is a bruv... 🤬🥓👍
,,, Mate 🆔

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Make sure you transvestigate him, his name is very suspect

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Don't bring me into your world....(shudders)...

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Ha, it's okay, we can each have friends the other doesn't particularly like ;) Though I do want to point out that the only thing you actually have in common with him is that you both hate hive...on the surface it looks the same, but there are fundamentally different reasons for how you both came to that conclusion. Cough Yours being legitimate cough 😁

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I know this is not your favourite part, but i came to essentially the same conclusions and the same names...

On Steemit I hit up one particular account from several of my alts asking if he was into satanism. Not once did he deny it. In fact he enthusiastically agreed multiple times, always making out the question was beneath him.


So i really like that all research, it validated a bunch of stuff i was thinking but not saying.

Damn, i probably shouldnt have said that, you will think im a numpty now...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If it's meesterboom, he would indeed be enthusiastic. Imagine if you didn't believe in anything like that and it was ridiculous to you, you would mess with whoever was asking.
That's what he's doing, and a very good chance any of them would do the same if you're talking about someone else, though I can't personally vouch for any but the two you know.

That doesn't change the fact that the guy were talking about is not genuine. Others gave him this info, and he was happy to use it as he was in revenge mode. Had never considered this stuff before, and was voted on by the very same people until they caught him milking autovotes by reposting. It wasn't about controversial issues, he had no such material until he started his campaign against them.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I like the shower quote and the time quote...

April showers always bring May flowers....

But time?

No one has it.

I like to see different points of view even if they don't make sense to others... Love is understanding to disagree.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Absolutely, otherwise we're in an echo chamber, and we can't learn anything new from that. Also, developing total empathy requires seeing all different points of view :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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