RE: Social Etiquette and How to Succeed on Blurt

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Social Etiquette and How to Succeed on Blurt

in blurt •  3 years ago 

When I was a young man, I hitchhiked many times across the country thousands of miles, often without one penny to my name. I would see many homeless in my travels, with their begging signs. I preferred eating and never was one for begging. I would go into restaurants, explain I hadn't eaten recently and ask if there was any work I could do in exchange for a meal. I was never turned away. NEVER. There were times the manager would not only feed me well, but give me money as well. Because they respected my approach, I wasn't there as a bum, I was there as a human seeing a way that we could meet in the middle with mutual respect.

You earned so much respect from me for this. You are setting a great example for anyone reading this. Thank you for being a good human being :-)

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