Social Etiquette and How to Succeed on Blurt
This post is intended to generate some suggestions to all users who share posts on Blurt, engage in the official Discord, and participate in the Telegram community.
At Blurt we aspire for users to create content from their own voice, without resorting to plagiarism, but above all that they do not abuse tagging other users with the intention of obtaining votes. Therefore, we recommend that if you are this type of user, we ask you not to continue doing so.
For all the users on Blurt who are used to tagging other users for the purpose of requesting votes and money, we ask you, do not continue doing this, instead of getting attention you are looking for, the effect is simply the opposite.
What can you do in Blurt?
In Blurt you can build community by inviting friends and family with common ideas that they can share. You can also talk to other people in your real-world communities and get them to join you on Blurt and continue the interaction here. Blurt users would love to know about your community and interests.
Do you want more visibility on Blurt?
Create great content that adds value for you and others, that generates readership interest; content that informs of what you do will generate value in your publications and with it, bring greater visibility.
If you are a new user, be patient, everything starts little by little, encourage yourself to share comments that add value to other users and in this way you will begin to know and build a community with others.
Don't @ Mention Spam
We often see users try get the attention of whales, foundation members and witnesses by "@" mentioning them in your post, we wish to discourage this as it can be annoying and then you likely won't get votes. Tag key people only if you have a great collaborative idea, not for every photo of a mushroom you may have taken. Mention spam also distracts our team and developers and servers to slow down the progress and growth of Blurt.
What does it mean to create value?
Write new content created on Blurt, content that is important to you, but also to others. At Blurt we celebrate the creativity of our users and we are happy that you feel free to write about any topic that is of your own creativity.
Don't abuse
In Blurt we are creating very interesting communities, groups of people who create their own and great content, do not plagiarize other users or authors, write from your own voice. At Blurt we like to read about your own inner being, your own ideas. It is not necessary to plagiarize other authors, therefore we invite you to respect the copyright of others.
Discord User Guide
The official Blurt Discord is a useful tool to interactively form a community with other usersl; you can make use of this space to share valuable information that is of interest to everyone.
Private Messages on Discord
If you are an active user in Discord, avoid sending direct messages (DM's) requesting votes, delegations or Blurt donations, to any member of the Blurt foundation, the team, witness or moderators, with this action, you will achieve the opposite effect of what you want and and may get you kicked from Discord.
Direct messaging whales and power users will frustrate them and may annoy them to the point they will leave Blurt, which is bad for everyone.
We invite you to be happy and active in the chat in a respectful way, help other users and collaborate so you can in this virtual community.
Using the different channels on Discord
In Discord, you have different types of channels to interact, if you have any questions you can freely make your query and as soon as possible you will receive a response. Make use of the #helpdesk channel, where one of our friendly operators will assist you.
Keep in mind that Blurt is made up of users from different parts of the world, therefore the schedules are different, have a little patience if you do not receive an answer immediately.
We are interested in helping you, so if you have any questions, ask the question you require in the discord on the #helpdesk channel and we will be happy to help you, even give you some idea of how you can improve your publications.
Telegram User Guide
All questions you need to ask will be answered on the public channel. Do not write direct messages to other users because it will be considered as SPAM.
If you have a proposal, you can design a working paper and share it in the Discord, be patient and wait for one of the moderators to attend you.
Respect and good communication will always be the best option. Do not abuse.
Members of the Blurt foundation and team.
Let no one turn off your inner light
Blurt continues to grow // Blurt continúa creciendo
Que nadie apague tu luz interior // Let no one turn off your inner light
Información Importante: para publicar su contenido creativo, de calidad y obtener recompensas. para acceder a su billetera Blurt y para ver el explorador de blockchain de Blurt. Puede iniciar sesión con sus claves de cadena de bloques Steem del 20 de mayo de 2020, pero si no tiene sus claves Steem preexistentes, para crear una cuenta nueva, $BLURT actualmente cotiza en, and y pronto otros más. proporciona detalles técnicos acerca de Blurt el cual es de código abierto.
This one is so annoying. I disliked it from the first I saw it years ago at Steem, so much I always leave out the @ symbol now when referencing someone.
I have been known to back out of a post I enjoyed when I got to the bottom and saw several powerful accounts being tagged. Not a good look and so obvious why it was done. You never see low stake holders tagged in such a way, lol.
One must approach those here as an equal, understanding stake doesn't confer some form of superiority. Social interaction best takes place among those who have mutual respect for one another, not haves and have nots like some form of caste system. Some of the most heavily voted accounts by myself are ones that are not the largest stakeholders. But what they offer is genuine and because of that I see them. Their energy invites one to see them, to see the life in what they share.
There is a reason why people tend to avoid areas of cities where beggars are numerous. Much of it has to do with approach really.
When I was a young man, I hitchhiked many times across the country thousands of miles, often without one penny to my name. I would see many homeless in my travels, with their begging signs. I preferred eating and never was one for begging. I would go into restaurants, explain I hadn't eaten recently and ask if there was any work I could do in exchange for a meal. I was never turned away. NEVER. There were times the manager would not only feed me well, but give me money as well. Because they respected my approach, I wasn't there as a bum, I was there as a human seeing a way that we could meet in the middle with mutual respect.
In a social community that has value, it is important to note to fit in one must not seek a hand out but instead demand a mutually beneficial hand up because we see one another which leads to caring for one another. It's so easy to see the pain of those who have not, but all to often this same respect is not extended to those who have. A grave mistake in my opinion many without make.
☝️This! ☝️All of this! ☝️So much this!
In my house they always taught me that work is a blessing and that as long as I breathe there is always something we can do to earn some income, because nothing falls from the sky.
Your comment reminds me of this thought from my parents.
It also reminded me of an experience I had while competing to work at the university, my colleagues said that if I was not from the political party that governed the university, it was useless if I passed my exam with good marks. But I always thought that when one is sure of oneself and of one's capacity, that it is the worst thing that can happen that one makes a mistake and that no more happens. and that my parents taught me not to depend, and if I was left without a job, I would invent anything to find a livelihood, but I would not die of hunger.
That is how my crusade began at the university. I never cared for any boss to like me politically, because the facts and the actions speak for themselves, I just work and with dedication, the actions were not silenced, even though others did want to get out of me. . But when you want to work there is nothing that prevents you.
I don't ask anyone for anything, because I think that things are hard-earned and that's the way it is here at Blurt, it is not required to ask for votes or money, but rather to ask, how can I contribute? What talent do I have, with which I can collaborate? How do i help others? and the rest will come alone.
For this reason, I love your contributions and the work that you also do here at Blurt, because generating human value by making this chain a special place.
Thank you for bringing me this memory, I send you a hug. and it is always a pleasure to read and hear from you,
Good vibes.
I'm always humbled in a great way when I read of your experiences and family structure. Feeling a kinship as though we were perhaps from the same family that are aligned in integrity and intent.
I read your experience at university, your demand for respect of action that is independent of applications having no bearing on the tasks in question and smile. I believe this is the way for most who are confident that are also critical thinkers who believe in self sufficiency and pride in ones action and conduct.
The high esteem that you have here at Blurt is a reflection on several aspects. First being the acknowledgment and appreciation of the kind yet strong structures that make up who you are. Secondly, it reflects that Blurt is a quality platform for recognizing and rewarding the values that come from you, testifying to the world this is what Blurt has to offer, these are the qualities that are found desirable here at Blurt.
I read with sadness and concern on your other comment I've yet to get to that the road is still rocky for your father. I'm sorry to hear that. I can remember when I had Covid and I had to try sleeping sitting up for a month due to the impact on my breathing. Please try to keep him upright even though it gets maddening after some time due to how difficult it is to try sleeping, only getting small bits. It aids in helping one get oxygen somewhat, and despite the immediate discomfort being added from such a maneuver, might make a difference in his healing by aiding him in getting more oxygen so his body can get a higher cellular respiration.
I would also ask if you can coax him into trying some visualization exercises. Consisting of holding images in his mind of his lungs, repeating the words "Im healing" as he envisions health invading his lungs, forcing a clearer passage for air/oxygen to get through. Envisioning a healing emanate from those lungs outwards through his entire body, perhaps a green color (or blue) to represent the force of healing. A force so powerful that all invaders are powerless in its path of intent.
Keeping you and your father in my thoughts.
Thank you for that wonderful reflection, my father is doing something similar, he has written to me because he speaks little and is isolated, that he himself is regenerating with a lot of faith in his heart and hope. Today I have good news for you, his oxygenation increased and that makes me very happy.
The world does not stop, here we are fighting against this strong disease, but also hopeful and with the firm conviction that Blurt will become stronger and more solid.
Words like yours fill my soul and I also think that you are like an energy in the universe that met mine and it seems to me that I have known you for a long time, like old souls.
Good vibes.
That is wonderful news. I'm so glad (yet not surprised) that he already does something similar.
Yes :)
You earned so much respect from me for this. You are setting a great example for anyone reading this. Thank you for being a good human being :-)
Agree - but I do use the @ symbol when I think of someone to pull into the conversation! And my use of it has nothing to do with status hahahaha
I often actually use the @ symbol SPECIFICALLY for low ranking accounts to get them to meet others like them.
So for me - (and i have been all roles. LOL - i've been minnow, dolphin - up to whale) it's about authenticity.
If someone tags me and I appreciate being considered in that conversation, I join in!
If someone tags me and its an obvious moneygrab - I simply ignore it.
p.s. I love your approach when you're in need! Asking how you can earn something is so much better than sticking your hand out on the side of the road. Love that people honored your work ethic and blessed you more!!!
En mi caso particular, no voy en favor de usar Discord. Nuestro medio principal y donde deben existir la interaccion principalmente es nuestro Front End, comentarios., concursos, publicaciones. Discord es solo un metodo alternativo para compartir algunas cosas. Se ha vendido la idea erronea en otros proyectos que hacer comundad es interactuar por Discord, En Blurt funciona mendiante la interaccion en las diferentes publicaciones. Slds
Sí, deja el Discord y di las cosas aquí donde todo el mundo pueda verlas.
Yes, down with Discord and say things here where everyone can see it.
Por ello, hacer comunidad y publicar es una gran alternativa, el Discord puede ser un medio de acercamiento, pero el verdadero aporte está en la creación de comunidades en la blockchain para que el mundo sepa qué hacemos en Blurt. Gracias por el aporte.
Buena vibra.
I think a good piece of advice is also,
comment on other posts.
And not only in the form: "great post", but to share your opinion, to discuss, to exchange.
Then it happens very quickly that you "meet" new people.
And what I also noticed is that comments are often not upvoted, probably because some people want to save their Blurt tokens...
In my opinion, it is better to also upvote comments that you like.
One gets the fees but ultimately double and triple back....
I try to upvote every meaningful comment. It’s nice when someone reads your post and engages with it in a meaningful way.
I’m also more likely to check out someone’s profile and follow them if they engage in meaningful conversation.
I’m less likely to vote on comments like “great post” or when it’s obvious someone didn’t read the post they are commenting on.
My dear friend, how nice to be able to greet you. I certainly like to read meaningful comments, it leads me to review your profile and get to know a little more about that user.
Nice words of contribution or even constructive criticism are welcome.
Good vibes.
Upvoting comments is another great way to grow. When you upvote a comment you double the amount spent. Nice point!
Thanks for sharing this, I think some points mentioned would be good.
Mentions are nice sometimes, but not in all posts.
Also blurt community is growing so may messages and notifications, which we should save.
You touched on an important point, the mentions are pleasant when they directly refer to something about that user, in addition, recognition is always valued and is humbly appreciated.
It's good to greet you, thank you for sharing your opinion.
Good vibes.
I am proud to be a member of the Blurt community. Here I can get many benefits. Gain additional knowledge, make new friends and money of course :)
Moreover, the dev team and moderators are friendly. So I feel more comfortable here...
Thank you for the explanation you provided. This is certainly very useful for all members at Blurt, including me.
I'm glad you liked it, the important thing is to share the information so that other members are informed and collaborate.
Good vibes.
You have shared a beautiful and super advice.
To be honest, I used to mention witnesses in my post. I did so several times, specially you. After reading your post, I realized my mistake and I promise to not committ it again in future except when it is necessary. Because I came to this beautiful platform not to gain blurt only but help blurt and it's family as well.
What a nice contribution, to say that you have come to share, that is the attitude. At blurt everyone is welcome and we are happy to receive users who want to help others.
No person is born with all the learning, so what we can help here we will be to share, the important thing is to learn from mistakes and continue. I send you a big hug.
Good vibes.
It means a lot that you sent me big hug. I can't believe it. I can't describe it in my words. Thanks a lot for this.
At Blurt we are a family where we share good energy.
Yeah mam! You are right.
I endorse this message. ;-)
Thanks for posting!
Hopefully, we won't be getting flooded with notifications after this, and we'll be able to concentrate more on building and improving Blurt.
This message was born from everyone's contribution, it is the best way to build community. Blurt we are all and we are good vibes.
There are many users on Blurt so if you're feeling discouraged about people not seeing your content using the right tags can also certainly help. Don't lose hope!
Great tips shared! I appreciate them!
We will continue to grow and we will be many more users, therefore consistency, creativity, and creating a community with other members of the chain is important for visibility, as well as the correct use of labels.
Don't lose hope, everything takes time.
Good vibes.
These are such obvious things that it is very strange if someone could not understand this. Although, it probably happens if you have to write about it.
We have many users that this is their first time on blockchain and we understand that they do not know the information. But with a lot of love and patience, we will be here to support you and share the necessary information.
It is always nice to greet you, I hope you are well.
Good vibes.
Yes, I can see it. Blurt is a very comfortable place. Everyone remains kind and patient even if someone does something wrong. Best wishes 🌺
Sometimes it is annoying when people message us for votes. I always try to help everyone but the whole idea of Blurt is to contribute and help others without thinking about ourselves.
A very timely post and hope it helps every newbie.
How nice to read you. This sometimes happens due to ignorance, so it is important to inform.
Good vibes.
This is a great summary! I think it helps a lot of people here on blurt.
I have a suggestion for one additional point for Social Etiquette and How to Succeed on Blurt.
Don' t use to often intentionally wrong tags in articles
For example if someone writes an article in english or another language, then don't use tags like blurtgerman or deutsch
Tags bring together common themes and languages. It is a good suggestion, thanks for the input.
It is important that the members who make use of a specific label, also share comments to the users who make incorrect use of the label, as a way of creating community, orienting others.
Good vibes.
Many greetings and thanks from me to all the members of the Blurt community for giving us the opportunity to work on creating such a beautiful platform.
I am very proud of myself because I am a Blurt user because if I had not come here I would never have realized how beautiful it is to have the opportunity to work with one another and to get enough support from Khan to share my knowledge and experience. Possible
Thank you very much. Very nicely. The kind of collaborative information you need for a new user is included in your question. Also those old users have understood what kind of mistakes they are making in their work through this post and what a wonderful way to work in the future. I am very glad that I have read your post today and I am able to comment here in line with your words.
Thank you so much for providing us with such important information in such a beautiful way
What a nice comment, it is also very important to feel proud of yourself, congratulations for that, continue to grow at Blurt and build a community by helping others. Invite your friends to meet us, they will always be welcome.
Thank you for sharing and I receive your words with great pleasure and good energy and that is what we are here at blurt, a great energy that connects us all.
Good vibes.
If we hadn't been together here I would never have been in touch with you. I can make some money from it. I can make some money from it. I can share my experience with everyone which is really an acceptance for me. One is treating the other as well as everyone here is presenting their knowledge. As I can read this is a big credit to me. I really need to thank all those involved for creating such a beautiful platform.
"their own". People often look past this. I believe the entire concept of stealing others content stems from the mentality of taking taking and more taking without any regard for hard work and value of one's craftsmanship.
This is not the first place where plagiarism is a huge problem. The last few days I spent my own time searching and hunting down plagiarised content. Reported it to the abuse channel on the official discord group. But I wonder what would these people answer if I asked them to steal something from a shop.
Most likely they'd say no. At least I hope they would say no.
I take pride and joy in my work and content. I feel satisfied when I create something for others to enjoy and reflect upon. That feeling is incredible. I have no clue how plagiarism does the same for anyone else. They'd rather think of BLURT as an easy faucet to steal and dump already published content for a few unchallenged upvotes. Abstaining from voting them is one thing, but educating them to do better should hopefully turn the tides.
To add oil to the fire, they'll go around parading their stolen content by mentions and DMs. Where is the pride? Where is the self-respect? Advertising your stolen content? WOW! Unbelievable!
Thank you for your concern and collaboration, it is always important to report when we find plagiarized content because we can be vigilant.
Blurt being a place where there are no negative votes, perhaps it can be lent so that abusive users commit this type of mistakes, but everything in the chain is known and sooner or later those that are missing are discovered and it is thanks to other concerned users such as you, who want to make Blurt a better place.
If users were clear that by making good content, their own and creative, they can make Blurt a reference chain that others like to read, and in this way we all grow, so I am happy to know that you like what you create here because that pleasure is transmitted to other users inside and outside of Blurt who want to read.
Thanks for your encouragement and energy.
Good vibes.
1 votes
Great post, i will be putting a link in a lot of the posts I come across curating and I just move on.
Your work is wonderful, continue animated and with good energy because perseverance always gives good results.
Good vibes
Thank you.
I already know that starting anew in a blockchain is not easy. I'm putting in the right level of work and I hope to get good recognition on the long run.
I came in 6 days ago. I hope to enjoy here in a grand way
Welcome, beginnings are always difficult but perseverance and doing things well always have good results. I wish you the best of success.
Good vibes.
Thanks Dear... I can already attest to that because the experience I have about blockchain and other blogging sites shows that anyone that wants to be recognised, need to come with their 'A' game and give their best round the clock. Hehehe.
It's good to meet you.
1 votes
Una publicación que sin duda alguna es de gran ayuda para nosotros los nuevos de esta forma nos vamos puliendo en cuanto a qué hacer y que NO hacer, eso de etiquetar a personas importantes siempre me ha parecido falta de creatividad, soy de las personas que piensa que si deseas llamar la atención de alguien debes destarcarte con tu creatividad con tu contenido, solo así se gana la verdadera buena reputación.
La idea de comentar las publicaciones de otros me parece algo muy valioso, lo digo por mi, siempre que veo una notificación me llena de satisfacción leer bonitos mensajes y si son de sugerencias me motivan mucho más.
La interacción x discord me parece bueno como para compartir experiencia y conocernos, pero es mucho más gratificante y productivo ser personas proactivas dentro de blurt.
Gracias por estos consejos los tendré presente y seguiré aprendiendo, Saludos Angélica .
Siempre podemos aprender cosas nuevas y cuando comentamos a otros dejamos un poquito de nosotros en cada publicación y eso tiene valor, además es una de las mejores formar de hacer comunidad de forma orgánica.
Gracias por tu valioso tiempo de compartir tus pensamientos.
Buena vibra.
1 votes
This is a nice idea, besides I have read most memos written by blurtcurator for bloggers to request for vote after certain hours and for me I've gone to the community's official discord and I've never seen people requesting for votes so how actually does this work, please it will be a pleasure if you can clarify me on this thanks Ma.
We have seen irregularly how some users write to private DMs in the discord of members of the blurt foundation team to request money and votes for their publications and that is considered as spam.
I hope I have clarified your doubt.
Good vibes.
Ok in this regard private DMs is actually wrong from all perspective of view if the intention is to beg for vote or money it's very bad. Alright thanks for your response Ma bye.
Thank you for using my upvote tool 🙂

Your post has been upvoted (13.06 %)
Delegate more BP for better support and daily BLURT reward 😉
Good advice and orders for that matter, mentioning someone's name to ask for their vote, it's not allowed, I think the notification about name calling is more of a "messy notification" So those who should be approaching the call instead stay away from it. I've also used "@" to call those they should see, it's only natural, because maybe the ideas I convey are read by them, not just to call them just for Upvote, but it's more of a notification of understanding, I mean as an exchange of opinions about the platform.
Well if as you say it is very true, they called him only for personal gain, not for an exchange of opinion. I agree with that, hopefully with this the platform will grow in the future. 🥰🥰🤗🤗
Thank you for your good wishes, if each user in the blurt family generates good content, invites a friend and talks about blurt with their family and friends, then we can grow organically. Therefore, each of us is important because we can make blurt a very recognized platform, but everything requires work and dedication.
Good vibes.
Thanks for giving us a guide, it will be helpful to everyone especially the newcomers.
The moderators are very friendly and they attend to every questions on discord group. I am happy that the founders of blurt always consider our opinion. Thanks 🙏🙏
Well said, and digested. Thank you for this great post. It is well understable..reblurted already.
Blurt to the moon!!.
Thank you for sharing with other members, it is important that everyone is informed.
Good vibes.
Thanks you so much
This is guidelines provided me
Thanks to you for taking the time to comment.
Good vibes.
Thank you for your guideline
Thanks and good vibes.
It's important for everyone to follow these etiquettes. It would help us grow all the better.
Blurt to the moon
I have invited some of my friends here and they are interested in blurt and I will also make the best content here
That is really wonderful of you to do that. I am onboarding my friends as much as I can and my joy will be to see them succeeding.
That if it is a great call to action to invite your friends, anything if you require support, we will be here. Stay upbeat and cheerful, on Blurt.
Good vibes.
This is interesting!
New users should understand things like this. Because without rules and ethics in a community, they can never succeed. Sometimes we often ignore ethics and rules in communicating so that we will look disgusting. Many people on blockchain prefer to be plagiarist or sycophants.
For the sake of getting profits, sometimes they choose the instant way even though it is prohibited. This post should be echoed more so that people can understand how to be successful with respect.
Greetings from Indonesia!
How nice to receive greetings from Indonesia, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
We can all help other users with some suggestions, that's a great way to build community, sharing a comment to another that adds value by helping to improve.
Thank you for your visit.
Good vibes.
Everyone should campaign for this. It's too easy to build a platform, but it takes years to build a civilization with people who have morals and ethics. All must be successful in an honorable way. As an Indonesian citizen, I will continue to campaign about this to all blurt users from Indonesia. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing.
I have read your post A to Z.
i personally impressed because i felt that you have told besic talk which is very important .
And it is very necessary for users.
In your post guidelines for new users
And I'm also one of those new users
Thank you very much for guiding us.
Welcome to this beautiful Blurt family, we are here to help, learn and grow all together.
Good vibes.
Thanks for this post that clarifies some aspects of BLURT
I only use @ if i want someone to read it, but not for Votes. If i had a discussio with someone and this could be interessting/helpful for this person, or its a long andwer on his Post and i don't want to make it as a comment, because comments are often lost and only read by few Persons.
Some mentions are not bad, when attention is required on some subject, but not continuously.
I love to read a good comment that contributes, it does not matter if it is very long, only that it is about the publication, some memory, even contribution, because you can always learn something new.
In addition, very interesting users are known, here at Blurt I have met very kind and interesting people with whom very good conversations are generated.
Good vibes.
Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord
Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord
Gracias por el apoyo constante y cariño de este maravilloso equipo.
Buena vibra.
This is a great post and very useful every member. Your post will help to make this platform a great place.
This is a really important fact you have highlighted. It's always important to post quality content to grow in this platform or any other similar blogging platforms like steem , hive etc.
Actually, not plagiarizing is like a rule of life, because it is necessary to respect the work of others here, in another chain or in one's own actions in life. I am glad that it has been of contribution.
Good vibes.
Thank you / Gracias!!
Very well written, clear and laconic / está muy bien escrito, claro y al grano.
And more than anything - I liked this: Let no one turn off your inner light !!
Y más que nada me gustó esto: Que nadie apague tu luz interior !!
Saludos y buen fin de semana!
Hola Linda, que bonito verte, Así es, que nadie apague nuestra luz interior que es la que se aprecia desde lejos y las que nos hace sentir plenos.
Buena vibra.
very informative content
i also going to create #blurtpak tag to bringing new users from Pakistan
Hello, I think I am not wrong in saying that the tag is already created even the account. You can investigate it.
I am glad to know that you want to invite more users, as far as I can guide you regarding the creation of content, do not hesitate to ask.
At Blurt we require great creators to rank blurt at the top of search engines, and that's done by creating great, organic content.
Good vibes
I ask help for in Discord 40/50 Blurt to creating account of 2 new user
It's my first day in Blurt, reading your posts is the first capital for me and newcomers for success. Your writing is the biggest motivation for me, so I understand how to become a compatible member according to the Blurt Foundation
You are cordially welcome and if you have any questions just ask. I hope you have a great time with us at Blurt.
Good vibes.
I have always questions and there must be obstacles. If later I want to ask further?
please share me the official channel discord blurt
Thank you for this social etiquette. However, we just have to accept the fact that no matter how much we talk and complain about it, there will still be defaulters.
It's better to constantly ignore. What better way to treat people that don't want to listen than to ignore them.
I personally know how to put in the effort, I hope others will do so too in other to succeed in life.
Thank you for sharing your opinion, certainly sometimes some users commit abuses and they are due to ignorance, therefore we have a duty to inform and share the information of how we want this ecosystem to be. Because we are all blurt.
I am delighted to meet you and I welcome your contribution.
Good vibes.
You brought up some great points. In addition to those, as BLURT grows bigger in the future, I think we will inevitably need to use "MUTE" feature more often to suppress spamming and abusing.
In my opinion, it would be good to establish a general guideline/etiquette for spam suppression and muting.
Thank you, and let's grow BLURT chain together!
Thanks to you for commenting and sharing.
Good vibes.
This is where we all have responsibilities and yes we are all human and we can make mistakes but let’s all
Help eachother and create the new #benice
Have a great Sunday
Wow thanks for this article would really help me a lot in making my stay here a success and it contains healthful tips on how to do that
Welcome, thanks for commenting.
Good vibes.
This information are very useful especially for the newbies thank you so much for sharing this
I am glad that it has been of contribution.
Good vibes.
This is a very nice information at least I have learnt a lot from it and I believe if everyone can follow the good steps mentioned here then we are good to go.
As a newbie on Blurt, I appreciate this post.
Thank you very much for sharing
Receive the warmest of welcomes to the Blurt family. I hope you enjoy sharing your own creative content, let your own voice speak. For any question, we will be here.
Good vibes.
Thank you Angelica.
I promise I'll do as instructed.
Thanks for the guide and for the great work helping the community :)
I humbly appreciate recognition, because when you work with love, you do it with pleasure.
Good vibes.
Thanks for sharing this information to me, I learnt slot🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓
Thank you for this post.
This is well informative enough thanks, will adjust to the following procedure soon
I'm glad it was helpful.
Thanks for your suggestions.It will help new users a lot.
Blurt to the Moon 🚀
Thanks @angelica7 for sharing this information 🙏
Thanks so much
very nice so i cant spam i posted 4 things today so hope it become best my bkurt acount im ready to make some friends and followers to
Nice post dear
I'll see to that
Amazing information, this will help me alot.
Thank you.
Thanks for the information. Blurt keeps getting better.
Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.
Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness
Thanks for the info
Thanks for the update
Very beauty miss
I m New here i learn many thing to this article
Thanks MAM
Already I submitted my Blurt post in discord. After visiting your content I will share my post next time other place.
I hope it will be helpful for me.
Thanks for the information
Nice one ma'am... This article is so helpful! Thanks for sharing with us
This is very helpful all you have said have been carefully noted thank you very much
Thank you for this informative words, I will take note of them. I will share the link to those I will recruit.
Thank you for sharing your idea God bless!......
Thanks very much. This post really helped me as a newcomer to Blurt. I got a lot of important information here, especially about publishing and content creation procedures.
I hope that with this Blurt, I can re-stimulate my creative reasoning through writing and photos that can be useful for many people here.
Once again, thank you for being directed to this post, and allow me to share this on my blog, so that others (especially newbies like me) can get this important information.
Well Explained.
Thank you very much for the information you provided. This became a guideline for me as a novice user to create and post various creative ideas.
Thanks to you for the guiding instructive information about the platform. This will help to improve my writing. Once again, Thank you!.
@angelica7 iam new on blurt.... And Thanks for the tips🙂
Hello buddy, I wanted to make my first post, but the power of my Post wasn't enough. Does a friend have a solution?
Everything has a small fee. and requires you to have blurt liquidity in your wallet. If you ever in need of blurt for transaction, ie, posting, commenting, voting etc, check out @powerclub.
you can also ask in the discord server for blurt here:
I just read this article now and Iam so thankful for the information you've shared.This is appreciated.
Nice Post, thanks fo4 the information, really helpful
I Angelica. I just took a look at your post here. I think that is some great advice and I believe Blurt has a great future. I plan to join the discord chat in the coming weeks. Keep up the great work!