Endless global conflicts

in blurt •  3 years ago 

As the Arabs of today continue to look towards the affectionate mother Washington.. They stare with their eyes and their necks crunchy every time they read a leak or hear a statement by an American official of the tenth class, and they become anxious as if the wind is beneath them, if and when the US President or his Secretary of State delivers a word about a fleeting policy change in his country Towards a file or issue, especially if he showed apathy towards what some Arabs think is the mother of battles and the root of files.

We say: In the context of such an absurd Arab scene, it has not and will not reach a result, as long as it is in the Arab countries inhabited by terror and which are candidates for more chaos, economic collapses, social unrest, declining roles and status, and the promise of defeats and setbacks, because most of them - not even say all of them - are America. A destiny that cannot be escaped or escaped. In the other case, there are indications of the increase and the growing number of countries and regional powers, especially international ones, that reject American hegemony and effectively resist American dictates, and are publicly working to trim the nails of the imperialist empire, which has granted itself an exceptional role and position, empowered by two false economic figures and politicians, and by false sanctions and politicians. And financially on them, and always threaten to wage wars and besiege them and delegitimize them.

Not for a fundamental reason or related to international law and the Bill of Human Rights, and for what the family of peoples was humbled by presenting the logic of peace and common interests, over the logic of wars, selfishness and plundering the wealth of peoples, as a “culture” perpetuated by Western colonialism centuries ago. And its false sense of an excess of power, that it is able to maintain it and advance its perpetuation, and to work with all methods of bullying, intimidation, blackmail, containment and revolutions, to prevent the emergence of forces that restrain it and call it to “prudence”, and to realize the fact that “power has limits” and that a world that seeks to live in safety cannot rise. And it continues, without respecting the peoples' interests and their right to choose the systems and way of life they want "freely".

Let's look at a "sample" of those who reject American dictates, the limits of the challenge, and let's quote and point out some statements and positions, and let's start with China, which celebrated the seventies of its republican regime. President “Xi” said: There is no force capable of stopping China’s development.

You ask what about North Korea?: Pyongyang did not stop at saying that the future of nuclear negotiations is in Washington’s hands (meaning that it threw the ball in its court), but yesterday, on the eve of resuming dialogue with the Trump administration, quickly launched two ballistic missiles, one of which reached the exclusive economic zone For Japan... Please don't forget Cuba, Venezuela and Iran.

Posted from https://blurt.live

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