in blurt •  3 years ago 


Greetings everyone,

We are back with an update for the BlurtBooks community on Blurt.

If you wish to be a part of this community, and get further and new updates from us, kindly follow us to enable our publications show up on your feed.

We want to put out some of our achievements so far, and the plans we have for the nearest future.


So far, we have received a total of 203,000 Blurt Power Delegations from 9 different delegators. We won't be putting out the names yet, until we have to.

We are grateful for all delegations, and promise to use them effectively and efficiently for the growth of both Blurt and Blurtbooks.


We promised to reward our delegators with our BBK tokens at the ratio of 10:1. So for every 10 Blurt power delegation you give to us, we give you 1 BBK token at the end of the month.

If you delegate 1000 Blurt power, you will get 100 BBK tokens at the end of the month.

For this month of November, we are supposed to pro-rate and give out the tokens according to the number of days since we received your delegation.

However, as a way of freebies, we will give half of what you are to receive monthly to you this month.

So if you delegate 10,000 Blurt Power today, you will receive 1,000 BBK tokens monthly. However, if we are to pro-rate it for this month of November, it would come down to;

7days/30days x 1,000 BBK tokens = 233 BBK tokens

Fortunately, for this month, you will receive 500 BBK tokens instead of 233 BBK tokens. Sounds awesome right??

This freebie elapses on the 27th of November, 2021, 11:59PM UTC. Any other delegations received after that period this month would be prorated.


We had planned to list the BBK market the past Sunday at 12AM UTC. However, we received mails from two upcoming projects for collaborations.

They would love to give out some of their tokens to our community members. One of the projects plans to launch on Hive-Engine, while the other is still considering launching on Algorand or Solana blockchain.

We are in talks with them and hope we can strike a deal that would be beneficial to our members and supporters.

However, we hope to launch the market anytime this week on Hive-Engine. We will put out an official statement about this pretty soon. But endeavour to get your Hive bags ready in order to fill up your BBK bags. The ride is going to be awesome.


  • We are currently working with some writers on our Discord page already to prepare some books as we work towards our launch date. We would also love to list books written by members of Blurt as well. Several prizes will be won, and all sales accruing to the books will get to the author.

  • We are still in need of Translators as well - German, Spanish and possibly Indonesian. We will put out an official post soon.

  • Delegations are also still being accepted. If you delegate in this month, the benefits are humongous. Read 2 above.

  • To learn more about the project and delegations and rewards to delegators, visit this link

Anticipate hearing from us.


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Great Project, Keep it up.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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Delegate more BP for better support and daily BLURT reward 😉