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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Really no response to fact usually anywhere.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He thinks Hive is better than blurt since they are upfront about being Evil Satanists, the implication being that blurt is ran by Satanists who pretend to be nice.

LOL... Presumably you meant devisiveness, but that is a good point - the inability to DECIDE is a key flaw of numpties who do things like being "nice" to the rotting scumbags at Hive in order to avoid offending them. One thing I will say about those satanic maggots on Hive is that they don't pretend to be nice - they are evil upfront

And he still persists. Same for his Muppet, he declared numerous times that this place, and Dpos is communist, ran by people with no principles, and still shows up and collects while posing purely putrid retarded and insufferable hypocrisy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Strangely enough MMKK or whatever his name is that is one of the biggest critics of this platform is buying up massive amounts of tokens this week as the price is low.



This is after ctime dumped last week lowering the price. There is some theories that they are one and the same account. Either way this is clearly market manipulations and nothing from this side should be trusted when their actions show another side.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hes the moron that threatens the founders with SEC investigations as if blurt is a security.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well these two characters would need to be a highlight of any investigation.