Mount Kemukus Historical Deviations

in blurt •  3 years ago 


The bending of the history of Mount Kemukus apparently occurred since the Dutch colonial era, to be precise around the 1930s.

The history of Mount Kemukus is actually the history of Prince Samudro, a preacher of Islam and died then was buried in Bukit Kemukus. Before he died there was a message from Prince Samudro which was later misinterpreted into negative things.

This explanation was conveyed by the Regent of Sragen, Kusdinar Untung Yuni Sukowati, in a Virtual Solopos Talk Show with the theme The New Face of Mount Kemukus, Wednesday (26/1/2022). Yuni, as he is familiarly called, said that the history was in Pendem Village, Sumberlawang District, which was surrounded by Kedung Ombo Reservoir (WKO).

He told me that Prince Samudro was a son of the King of Majapahit who studied religion in Demak. He was guided by Sunan Kalijaga. After leaving Demak, Prince Samudro matured his religious knowledge by studying on the slopes of Mount Lawu, namely to Ki Ageng Gugur.

"Well, after coming from Lawu back to Demak. Until we arrived at Padang Oro-oro Kabar, which experienced hot weather. The news is now a hamlet in Jogorame Village, Gemolong District, Sragen. Despite the hot weather, he kept walking until he reached Doyong, Miri, and finally died. According to the mandate of the Sultan of Demak, Prince Samudro's body was buried in the hills facing west with a height of 300 meters above sea level," said Yuni.

Meanwhile, the origin of the name Kemukus, continued Yuni, originated from local people who saw thick smoke at the top of the hill. The smoke is shaped like a steamer or a place to cook rice from bamboo. From there then the hill was known as Mount Kemukus.

Before he died, Prince Samudro gave a message by using the term demenan in Javanese. He said that the word was then misinterpreted to mean someone who is not an official partner or an affair. Meanwhile, the Sragen Regency Government interpreted the word "demenan" as a wish on Mount Kemukus that could be achieved by praying to God.

“The fraud has occurred since the Dutch era, namely in 1930. Then it was told continuously and stigmatized so that it took root. So, little by little, we are continuously erasing the negative stigma and straightening out history," he said.

Now, Mount Kemukus is included in the National Tourism Strategic Area. The district government has started to organize it since 2015 by building the Barong Bridge using funds from Central Java Province. The arrangement also includes registering commercial sex workers (CSWs) in Mount Kemukus and bringing them in order. The gong is the revitalization of Mount Kemukus by the Ministry of PUPR.

He is now confident in inviting children to come to Mount Kemukus and asking them to make a story about one of the mainstay attractions of Bumi Sukowati.

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