Hello every one welcome to another post that is also very informative. Today we will talk about assertiveness. Well, if you are a person looking for a job in the industry, you have to make sure that you present or present yourself as a strong person.. Company likes to hire people who are not passive or aggressive bit rather somebody who is an assertive person
Let’s have a look at agenda:
- What is assertiveness?
- Reasons why people are not assertive
- 5 ways to become assertive
- Benefits of assertiveness
- Conclusion
What is Assertiveness?
"Assertive means that if you are someone who stands up for your rights in a very confident way without losing your right or being angry and aggressive about it. So, if you are not a claimant then you can also learn tips and tricks to be aggressive"
Reason People are not Assertiveness:
Low Self Esteem:
It is the one of the key reason why people are not assertiveBig Responsibilities:
They have so much have on their mind. They don’t really want to hurt someone. And they don’t want to be on the back side of somebody And hence they are not assertive.Stress:
Anxiety or stress can also be cause of non assertive personPast experiences:
May be they have bad experiences. It could be a reason of not be an assertive person.Personality Traits:
Some body have personality trait which kind of does not let them be assertive. And then you like to be alone not really being outgoing or friendly. That could also be a sign of not an assertive person.
Assertive thing:
Well, Now I am going to share with you tips of assertive person.
1.Value yourself and your rights
No what are your fundamentals rights no what are your view points about things. Value your rights but nit in aggressive manner, but in a form and polite manner.
2.Voice your needs and wants confidently:
Well if you not ask it, you will never get it. And hence its important that ask whatever you want in this world in confident manner. Don’t control other people’s behavior. Well being assertiveness or rather being assertive does not mean that you have to literally be pushing yourself to others. Let enjoy them freedom. At the same time you cannot push someone’s behavior
3Show yourself in a positive way
Well a part of being assertive, it’s also being around people in a positive manner. People should like to be around you and hence that’s an important. Because you are always smiling and have wonderful energy around you
4.Open to Criticism:
Always take that criticism in a good way. A lot of time we humans love to hear a positive feedback on a self. However when someone gives us negative feedback then we are not ready for accepting any kind of criticism.
Benefits of assertiveness:
Assertiveness definitely gives you high self confidence. If you are somebody who is assertive as an individual. You are looked at confident Personality.
It also helps you recognize your feelings. So you are true for your self rather than being fake to yourself. So you are nice person.
Earning respect is again one of the benefit of assertiveness
Improved Communication is also one of the benefit of being as assertive person.
You have better decision making skill if you are an assertive person.
People who have assertiveness as one of way of communicated. Definitely have relationship that is very honest.
Well to conclude this particular module on assertiveness is important to understand and if you want to become a leader in your respective field. You want to get in to the job, make sure that you are an assertive person.
I hope that you will understand and give me feedback also
I Special Thanks To:
@zahidsun || @blurt-pakistan || @imransoudaghar ||@practicalthought