I think You're wrong. Firstly, I have studied psychopathy for 50+ years. Secondly, I fully grasp that many of Them would TRY to do ghastly things, but... Without money, how the hell can They attain widespread control?
Don't just cherry pick things to respond to. Answer that question.
Without money, how would the other 96%, transact?
Widespread control starts with local control, yes ? (it rhetorical).
Local control starts with the majority of a local population not understanding psychopathy, yes? (not rhetorical)
Ergo, education at the the local level, prevents any widespread control.
And then money can keep being used for used, for the useful ftool it is.
Or are you thinking of there being some kind of utopian communism ? (good luck with that one - not rhetorical, sarcastic)
(and p.s the % is closer to 4, than 1, just saying - according to stats from hare, onwards...?)