We have been working since 3 months ago, it is estimated that in early December 2021 the construction of children's learning places can be used, many things make our work slow down, one of which is insufficient funds and the rainy season, so it becomes an obstacle for us to work.
Kami telah bekerja semenjak 3 bulan yang lalu, perkiraan awal bulan Desember 2021 pembanguanan tempat belajar anak anak sudah bisa di pakai, banyak hal yang membuat pekerjaan kami melambat, salah satunya adalah dana yang tidak memadai dan musim huja, sehingga menjadi suatu kendala bagi kami untuk bekerja.
The construction was built with an area of 12x14, has two rooms at the front, adds a peak in the middle of the roof, the height of the foundation is 1.20 cm. We cannot employ many people, currently there are only 6 active workers, because of the conditions and constraints I mentioned earlier.
Pembangunan di bangun dengan luas 12x14, memiliki dua kamar pada bagian depan, menambah puncak di bagian tengah atap, ketinggian dari pondasi 1,20 cm.
Kami tidak dapat memperkerja banyak orang, saat ini cuma 6 pekerja aktif, karena kondisi dan kendala yang saya katakan tadi.
Sekarang pekerjaan sudah di tahap atas, yaitu tahap pemasangan seng dan plafon, target kami dalam 2 minggu ini sudah selesai bagian atas bangunan.
Now that the work is at the top stage, namely the installation of zinc and ceilings, our target is to finish the top of the building in 2 weeks.
As for the bottom, we have to finish installing ceramics and wall paint, as well as the stairs of the building have not been done. When the end of the year comes all the prices of goods and materials go up, such as iron, cement, sand, etc
Adapun pada bagian bawah kami harus menyelesaikan pemasangan keramik dan cat dinding, Begitu juga tangga bangunan pun belum di kerjakan.
Ketika akhir tahun tiba semua harga barang dan material naik, seperti besi, semen, pasir dll
Semoga pertengahan bulan depan pembangunan tempat belajar anak anak dapat di selesaikan
Hopefully by the middle of next month the construction of the children's study area can be completed
Construction always takes a lot of time and I think the kids will be happy once you finish the construction.
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