Never be silent on plagiarism| let's take care of the Blurt

in blurt •  3 years ago  (edited)


I hope that on this platform there are plagiarim and abusers supervisor, such as cheetah in steemit, or something like that, or some people assigned by the Blurt team as eradicators, hopefully they really are on Blurt.

Saya berharap di Platform ini ada pengintai plagiat dan penyalahgunaan, seperti cheatah di steemit, atau semisil itu, atau beberapa orang yang di tugaskan oleh team Blurt sebagai pemberantas, mudah mudahan benar ada di Blurt.

During the 7 days I joined Blurt, I saw a lot of posts containing plagiarism, image plagiarism and also text plagiarism, I was surprised, and asked myself..
Is such a thing allowed here?
Is it not considered cheating or wrong here?
Or no one wants to eradicate?
I am a new user, without power and rank, this question will certainly appear in my head. Something that really amazes me is why the whales voted for posts that contain plagiarism.

Selama 7 hari saya bergabung di Blurt, saya melihat banyak postingan yang mengandung Plagiat, plagiat gambar dan juga plagiat teks, Saya heran, dan Bertanya pada diri sendiri..
Apakah diperbolehkan hal seperti itu di sini?
Apakah perkara itu tidak di anggap curang atau salah di sini?
Atau tidak ada yang ingin memberantas?
Saya pengguna baru, tanpa kekuatan dan jabatan tentu akan muncul pertanyaan ini di kepala saya.
Sesuatu yang sangat mengherankan saya adalah kenapa paus memilih suara kepada postingan yang mengandung plagiat.

Yesterday I found someone doing double post + repeating the same post = SPAM, I have published that account. Then Today I found some Doing double posting + plagiarism = SPAM AND Plagiarism.

Kemarin saya menemukan seseorang melakukan postingan ganda + mengulang ulang postingan yang sama = SPAM, saya telah mempublikasikan akun itu.
Kemudian Hari ini saya menemukan beberapa Melakukan postingan ganda + plagiat = SPAM DAN PLAGIAT. Salah seorang adalah This

He has posted 15 posts in 24 hours and he is fooling the bots so that the bots upvote his posts. Each post contains plagiarism, whether he has permission for the image, or he took it on a site that has permission, I don't know about that, ask him for more details.

Dia telah memposting 15 postingan dalam 24 jam dan dia membodohi bot supaya bot avote postingannya. Setiap postingan itu mengandung plagiat gambar, apakah dia memiliki izin atas gambar gambar itu, atau dia mengambil di situs yang telah ada keizinan nya, saya tidak tau tentang itu, tanyakan ke dia lebih mendetail.

Post 1
This Source

Post 2
This Source

Post 3
This source

Post 4 plagiarims text

If you check deeper, I'm sure you find more plagiarism and spam in this person's post

Jika anda memeriksa lebih dalam, saya yakin anda menemukan lebih banyak plagiat dan spam pada postingan orang ini


Positive or Negative

What do you think about my writing..
Did I attack other accounts?
Am I fishing for sensitive whales?
Am I expecting decent value?
That judgment lies in the hearts of all of you, I'm not asking for positive or negative, I just hope there are snoopers on Blurt who can direct new users.

Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang tulisan saya..
Apakah saya menyerang akun lain?
Apakah saya memancing sensitif whales?
Apakah saya sedang berharap nilai yang layak?
Penilaian itu terletak di hati anda semua, saya tidak meninta positif atau negatif, saya cuma berharap ada pengintai di Blurt yang dapat mengarahkan bagi pengguna baru.

Thank you..

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you. There are lots people keeping an eye out for plagiarism on Blurt. It is not a centralized or controlled responsibility… anyone who invests in Blurt does not want to see plagiarism or theft of their work … so everyone is keeping a look out. It is not vigilantism or censorship. It is just artists keeping an eye out for the theft of other artist’s property. There is no Cheetah, no Hivewatchers, no spies, no inner sanctum of Downvoting whales. Just simple bloggers keeping a watch for stolen goods.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your explanation, now I understand, then what if there is no change in someone. I mean still repeating that bad deed over and over again. What is everyone doing?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Everyday bloggers will be commenting. Asking them to please stop, Quietly reporting to the upvote bots, Not upvoting, and muting.

I think it rly shows sometimes how society is no where near ready to be trusted with conducting themselves within a community 🤣

I believe the blurt team are working on that, this had been discussed on the discord channel before.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The best way to tell those people to stop plagiarism or highlight those account by tagging and posting with pinned. It will make them feel to learn and never repeat those cut copy paste.

Or at least stop people liking them

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Amen. Theft is theft.

We need to alert @ctime to stop giving upvotes to this account.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This account, you mean?

Stop giving upvote to Teco

You are right @abangzack , and I must really appreciate your effort as a newcomer.
plagiarism needs to be properly checked before giving your vote.

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

logo3 Discord.png

Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Plagiarism is a crime. In the academic world, someone who is caught plagiarizing will have his academic title revoked and can be jailed or fined.

I know there are a lot of users who think they can steal content from others and post it here. We are in the process of finding a better solution. I hope we will be able to find a blockchain-level solution to this big problem.

And personally, I do not think that you have attacked any user but it is always better to research and have proof with you so that you are not wrong.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have source link there as proof

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Please no centralized control like steemit or hive has ,.. the solution is simple ,.. just do not vote on those post's ,. and leave a comment at those post's telling about their wrong doing's , with your proof added , and so warning others about the crime committed in these post's .

If you want to starve the beast ,.. just stop feeding it . ;-)