in blurt •  3 years ago 


Can you feel how much it hurts if you hit a mine trap on your leg?We really regret the fate of our pet buffalo, it has been 7 days trapped in the leg, I wonder at this kind of incident, whether the culprit is ahuman or a buffalo, if the culprit is human, why is there no conscience tohurt animals without reason

Bisakah anda merasakan betapa sakit jika terkena tanjau kawat di kaki anda?
Sungguh sangat di sayangkan nasib seekor kerbau peliharaan kami, sudah 7 hari terkena perangkap di kaki, saya heran atas kejadian semacam ini, apakah pelakunya manusia atau kerbau, jika pelakunya manusia, kenapa tidak ada hati nurani telah menyakiti binatang tanpa akal.

The wire that was used as a trap mine had pierced the buffalo's flesh, he couldn't walk because of the pain, his leg was infected, we had to open the trap from the buffalo's leg so he was safe.

Kawat yang di jadikan sebagai perangkap sudah menusuk daging kerbau, dia tidak bisa berjalan karna rasa sakit, kaki nya sudah terinfeksi, kami harus membuka perangkap dari kaki kerbau agar dia selamat.


First we tame the buffalo with our way and tradition, namely giving water that has been mixed with salt. Water that has been mixed with salt buffalo is very fond of, and makes him addicted, so the solution to tame him is salt water. Add salt to the water, stir until evenly distributed then spray into the buffalo's mouth until he licks the water

Terlebih dahulu kami menjinakkan kerbau dengan cara dan tradisi kami, yaitu membari air yang telah di campurkan garam. Air yang telah di campur garam kerbau sangat suka, dan membuat dia ketagihan, maka solusi untuk menjinakkan dia adalah air garam.
Masukkan garam ke air, aduk sampe merata lalu somprot ke mulut kerbau hingga dia menjilat jilat air asin itu.



After being completely tame and obedient to our words, we began to open traps at the buffalo's feet, I saw that it was very painful, I didn't want to release the iron wire from the buffalo's leg because I couldn't hold back the pity, but I had to force myself to get the iron wire it does not add to the infection of the buffalo's feet.

Setelah benar benar jinak dan patuh atas ucapan, kami mulai membuka perangkap di kaki kerbau, saya yang melihat terasa sangat sakit, rasanya saya tidak ingin melepaskan kawat besi itu dari kaki kerbau karna tidak sanggup menahan rasa iba, namun saya harus memaksaka diri agar kawat besi itu tidak menambah infeksi pada bagian kaki kerbau.

Thankfully, we removed the iron wire, and then we gave anti-effect medicine and accelerated the healing of the buffalo's foot wound

Syukurlah kawat besi itu selesai kami lepaskan, dan selanjutnya kami memberi obat anti efeksi dan mempercepat penyembuhan pada luka kaki kerbau.

Love animals, don't hurt animals, they also have pain, and they also have animals rights

The atmosphere on the river as a place for buffalo herders



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@abangzack| @cekmae

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ya Allah... Tega banget pelakunya... Semoga si Moo (namanya si Moo, khan?) segera diberikan kesembuhan...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ngak di kasih nama mas..
Semoga cepat sembuh dia