Tell Your Friends About Blurt

in blurt-network •  2 years ago 


Hi great blurtants community, I trust we are doing great. Today am engaged in a contest with the topic **Tell your friend about blurt**.

Blurt like every other social media platforms is a media platforms but different from the normal Social media platforms because of its decentralized nature. In that no particular person has a full control of the whole platform. So an individual in the platform has a full control of the his/her blog except that plagerism is not allowed on the platform.

The above is position because the consensus algorithm of the blockchain is such that different witnesses have to be in agreement of a particular input before it can be recorded into the blockchain. It is important to note that what ever is inputted into the blockchain is irreversible.

This platform seeks to reward it users with a native token called blurt. So unlike the normal Social media platforms were you only get likes from your post, the blurt platform rewards it users for the creativity and originally when content are created.

On the reward section of the platform, there is blurt and the blurt power. Now blurt is the native reward from the post you make from the platform. And the blurt power determines your voting strength on the platform.

There's something we should note on this platform, which is that without your native token which is the blurt, you cannot carry out activities on the platform, like the posting, editing and deleting.

One very important incorporation in the blurt platform is the removal of the down vote button where people can't be downvoted which reduces molestation.

The crust of this whole matter my friends, is that you can be doing this as a side hustle and gaining monetary rewards to keep up with your expenses while growing the platform with your very creative platform.

Thank you.


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