My Little Nephew

in blurt-198739 •  4 days ago 

My little nephew.

I thought to do something differently today and share a post I made of my Nephew's naming three years ago. I still can remember it as though it was yesterday.

I haven't always been good with kids most specially new born babies. They look so small and soft and I fear that if I hold them I might mistakenly crush them and so I just play with them in another person's arms or on their bed. Because of this, everyone thinks I'm a bad uncle but I prefer avoiding such circumstances.

I should've arrived there earlier to help set up the canopy and arrange the chairs but had to make a quick sketch first. While doing this, I called my Dad to tell him when we would be arriving but he told me some people came over and had set everything up.
After the sketch, I left immediately but on the way, I fell on a bridge while trying to give way to a young lad that was coming, it was a concrete bridge and I did sustain a serious injury. I couldn't even move my leg at first. I would've taken a short of it but I wouldn't want to show something gruesome.

We took an alternative route afterwards, one we hadn't followed before because we were trying to avoid traffic. We eventually got lost at one point
On getting there, we saw the little lad and my brother @ezun1 took this shot

The little dude probably felt his Uncles so he giggled.

And so the Naming Ceremony began with an opening prayer and then a hymn. After which some worship songs were chorused.


I took this frontal shot before most of the guests came


This is my sister in purple ankara and beside her is my beautiful Mum who has refused to age. Interesting fact, she asked me for a portrait that day and I plan on passing it along this week or next and when I do, I'll share it with you.

I also took a shot of everyone from behind.


After the singing, the Pastor gave a short admonition to parents present and prayers were made for the young lad.


So my nephew was named "Eliakim". It's meaning: 'God will Establish'. Honestly, I was angry with his Dad. I was expecting him to be named Joshua, after me.


That's his Dad, my in-law by the left on ash


After he was named, gifts were given to the baby, most were in cash as seen in these subsequent pictures.




These are my in-laws.


And so after the event, everyone left for home save myself and my brother who had to wait for everyone to leave so as to packup the canopy and chairs. We were able to eventually but then we got home late hence the reason for the lateness of my post last week.

All photos were taken by yours truly using my GIONEE M7L.

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