Hagra Shake Chaloon (Heartfelt Story)

in blurt-192372 •  2 months ago 

Hagra Shake Chaloon (Heartfelt Story)


Following 18 years, I went to visit an understudy's home close to Dhaka to dispose of an exhausting life. Right away, the understudy's dad was late to perceive. There are explanations behind not knowing. Progress in years around sixty. Hair, facial hair and eye power have given name to the elderly person's record. In the mean time, because old enough, I have become a portion of my age with hair. It was not to him that he would come to meet after so lengthy. However, albeit the understudy's dad was late in perceiving the understudy's mom, it was not late. At the primary sight, he perceived and shouted, Hello sir you!! Did you come to Koitthika? I showed their senior child for a long time when they were in Dhaka. Sooner or later they left the city and moved to the town. That understudy of mine currently works in Dhaka. got hitched There was no contact with them for quite a while. I was reluctant to come to meet after so lengthy. I will be amazed in the event that I don't remember it. In any case, I'm extremely glad to imagine that he actually recollects that me as his child's educator. I said happily, I have come from Dhaka. The understudy's dad was stunned by the expressions of the understudy's mom. Presently he perceived and hopped from the overhang seat. At the point when he came to the patio, he held my right hand and shook it often, as though it was his shortcoming that I didn't remember him from the outset. The understudy's dad additionally has motivation to feel regretful. I was with him when he got some land in this town. Despite the fact that he had little training, he was unable to peruse the transcribed reports of the muhuris connected with land. I went to Kachari with these issues. For this commitment of mine, he cherished me like his more youthful sibling. The understudy's dad let me sit in the house with a draw from the yard. The understudy's mom gave him chira, mudri and jaggery when he was unable to sit on the choki in the house. He likewise poured a bowl of hot milk from a newly drained cow. Such accommodation of the straightforward individuals of the town is exceptional. They eat from their souls what they can bear. The flavor of these town food sources isn't tantamount to the costly food of the city. The understudy's dad additionally plunked down to eat with me. Stomach was full subsequent to eating. After this there is no requirement for a feast around early afternoon. Yet, toward the finish of the feast, after numerous conversations, when the understudy's dad expressed farewell to get back to Dhaka, the understudy's dad admonished him. They actually revered me enough. Some of the time he was welcome to eat. I arrived at that house after so lengthy - - Might they at any point send me away without eating rice? Despite the fact that they needed to bid farewell, it was unrealistic to express farewell because of the injury of the two of them. I understood that I need to eat rice regardless of whether I feel hungry. I began attempting to get the chicken. Own chickens. As there was no notification ahead of time of the appearance of the visitor, everything was left in the first part of the day. Getting a delivered chicken is troublesome. Pondering that, I told the understudy's mom, I think - quit getting chicken, I could do without chicken meat, I eat chicken consistently in Dhaka city, feed all the food that isn't accessible in Dhaka city. The understudy's mom raised her eyes and said, Might you at any point eat in Dhaka city? I said, I don't get new vegetables, they cook new vegetables picked from the trees. Indeed, even after I told them, they attempted to get the chicken for quite a while, however they couldn't get it. At last, he cooked the vegetables as I said. While eating, the understudy's dad likewise plunked down to eat with me. The understudy's mom said, "Sir, I'm setting up the skins of dugga hagra vegetables for you." I'm running with fish, eating them will be enjoyable. I have eaten numerous vegetables in my day to day existence, yet I have never eaten this hagra vegetable, the town weed. I was blissful and said, give it. Seeing my cheerful articulation, the understudy's mom gave me two spoonfuls of hagra vegetables with bits of taki fish. At the point when an individual eats blended vegetables in with rice, the beat flips around. I shut my eyes and bit and gulped. I have known the hagra tree since youth. It is a weed. At the point when the rising water evaporates around the town house or in the ranch, it occurs because of reckless carelessness. The tree bears thorny organic product when developed. This plant has an unconventional smell. Cows and goats don't eat this plant, presumably due to the smell. I thought perhaps it doesn't smell subsequent to cooking. In any case, I didn't have a clue about that even subsequent to cooking with taki fish, its unusual smell remains. In the event that I knew, could I be cheerful and request that the understudy's mom give this vegetable? Subsequent to eating half of the vegetable, the understudy's mom said.

হাগড়া শাকের ছালুন (রম্য গল্প)

থাকা এক ঘেয়েমি জীবন থেকে মুক্ত হওয়ার জন্য ১৮ বছর পর ঢাকার অদূরে এক ছাত্রের বাড়ি বেড়াতে গিয়েছিলাম। প্রথম দেখায় ছাত্রের বাবার চিনতে দেরি হলো। না চেনার কারণও আছে। ষাটের কাছাকাছি বয়স। চুল, দাড়ি পেকে চোখের পাওয়ার কমে বুড়োর খাতায় নাম দিয়েছেন। এদিকে আমিও বয়সের কারণে চুল পেকে আধা বয়সি হয়েছি। এতদিন পর দেখা করতে আসবো এটা তার চিন্তায় ছিল না। কিন্তু ছাত্রের বাবার চিনতে দেরি হলেও ছাত্রের মায়ের চিনতে দেরি হলো না। প্রথম দেখাতেই চিনতে পেরে চিল্লিয়ে উঠলেন, আরে স্যার আপনি!! আপনি কোইত্থিকা আইলেন?তারা যখন ঢাকায় ছিল তখন তাদের বড় ছেলেকে তিন বছর পড়িয়েছি। একটা পর্যায়ে তারা শহর ছেড়ে গ্রামে চলে আসে। আমার সেই ছাত্র এখন ঢাকায় চাকরী করে। বিয়ে শাদী করেছে। দীর্ঘদিন তাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ ছিল না। এতদিন পর দেখা করতে এসে দ্বিধা দ্বন্দে ছিলাম। যদি চিনতে না পারে তবে আহাম্মক হবো। কিন্তু ছেলের শিক্ষক হিসাবে এখনও যে আমাকে মনে রেখেছে সেইটা ভেবেই আমি খুব খুশি হলাম। হাসি হাসি মুখে বললাম, ঢাকা থেকে এসেছি।ছাত্রের মায়ের কথায় ছাত্রের বাবার হুশ হলো। এবার তিনি চিনতে পেরে বারান্দার চেয়ার থেকে লাফিয়ে উঠলেন। উঠানে এসে আমার ডান হাত চেপে ধরে ঘন ঘন ঝাঁকিয়ে প্রথমে না চিনতে পারাটা যেন তার অপরাধ হয়েছে এমনই ভাব প্রকাশ করতে লাগলেন। ছাত্রের বাবার মনে অপরাধবোধ হওয়ার কারণও আছে। এই গ্রামে কিছু জমি কেনার সময় আমি তার সাথে ছিলাম। তিনি অল্প লেখাপড়া জানলেও জমি সংক্রান্ত মুহুরীদের হাতে লেখা দলিল পড়তে পারতেন না। তার এই বিষয়গুলো নিয়ে কাচারী পর্যন্ত গিয়েছিলাম। আমার এই অবদানের জন্য তিনি আমাকে নিজের ছোট ভাইয়ের মত আদর করতেন।ছাত্রের বাবা আমাকে উঠান থেকে এক টানে ঘরে নিয়ে বসতে দিলেন। ঘরে চোকির উপর বসতে না বসতেই ছাত্রের মা চিড়া, মুড়ি, গুড় খেতে দিলেন। সদ্য গাই দোয়ানো এক বাটি গরম দুধও পাতে ঢেলে দিলেন। গ্রামের সহজ সরল মানুষের এরকম আতিথেয়তার তুলনা হয় না। তারা সাধ্য অনুযায়ী যা খাওয়ায় তা অন্তর থেকেই খাওয়ায়। শহরের দামী খাবারের চেয়ে গ্রামের এইসব খাবারের স্বাদের তুলনা হয় না।আমার সাথে ছাত্রের বাবাও খেতে বসলেন। চিড়া মুড়ি খেয়েই পেট ভরে গেল। এর পরে দুপুরে খাবারের প্রয়োজন হবে বলে মনে হয় না। কিন্তু খাওয়া শেষে অনেক আলাপ আলোচনার পর ঢাকায় ফেরার জন্য বিদায় নেয়ার কথা বলতেই ছাত্রের বাবা ধমক দিয়ে উঠলেন, অনেক দিন পর আইছেন, ভাত না খায়া ক্যামতে যাইবেন?ছেলেটিকে তিন বছর পড়িয়েছি। তখনও তারা আমাকে যথেষ্ঠ আদর করতো। মাঝে মাঝেই দাওয়াত দিয়ে খাওয়াতো। সেই বাড়িতে এতদিন পর এসেছি- - আমাকে কি তারা ভাত না খাইয়ে বিদায় দিতে পারে? বিদায় নিতে চাইলেও উভয়ের চোখ রাঙানির চোটে বিদায় নেয়া সম্ভব হলো না। বুঝতে পেলাম ক্ষুধা লাগুক আর না লাগুক ভাত খেয়েই যেতে হবে।মুরগী ধরার জন্য চেষ্টা করতে লাগল। নিজেদের খোয়াড়ের মুরগী। মেহমান আসার অগ্রীম আভাস না থাকায় সকাল বেলা সব ছেড়ে দিয়েছে। ছেড়ে দেয়া মুরগী ধরা কষ্ট। সেই দিকে চিন্তা করে ছাত্রের মাকে লক্ষ্য করে বললাম, ভাবি- - মুরগী ধরা বন্ধ করেন, মুরগীর মাংসে আমার রুচি নাই, ঢাকা শহরে প্রতি সপ্তাহেই মুরগী খাই, যেই খাবার ঢাকা শহরে পাওয়া যায় না সেই সব খাবার খাওয়ান।ছাত্রের মা চোখ কপালে তুলে বললেন, ঢাকা শহরে কি খাইতে পান না?বললাম, টাটকা শাক-সব্জি পাই না, গাছ থেকে তুলে আনা টাটকা শাক-সব্জি রান্না করেন।আমার বলার পরও অনেকক্ষণ মুরগী ধরার চেষ্টা করল কিন্তু ধরতে পারল না। অবশেষে আমার কথামত শাক সব্জিই রান্না করলো।খাওয়ার সময় ছাত্রের বাবাও আমার সাথে খেতে বসলেন। ছাত্রের মা বলল, স্যার আপনার জন্যে দুগ্গা হাগড়া শাকের ছালুন রানছি। টাকি মাছ দিয়া রানছি, খায়া দ্যাহেন মজা পাইবেন।জীবনে অনেক শাক খেয়েছি কিন্তু গ্রামের আগাছা এই হাগড়া শাক কোনদিন খাইনি। খুশি হয়েই বললাম, দেন।আমার খুশি খুশি ভাব দেখে ছাত্রের মা পুরো দুই চামচ টাকি মাছের টুকরাসহ হাগড়া শাক আমার পাতে তুলে দিলেন। ভাতের সাথে হাগড়া শাক মিলিয়ে এক লোকমা মুখে দিতেই নাড়ি ভুড়ি উল্টে আসার অবস্থা। চোখ বন্ধ করে চিবিয়ে গিলে ফেললাম।হাগড়া গাছকে আমি ছোট থেকেই চিনি। এটি একটি আগাছা। গ্রামের বাড়ির আশেপাশে বা খেত খামারে বন্যার পানি শুকিয়ে গেলে অযত্ন অবহেলায় এমনিতেই হয়। গাছটি বড়া হলে কাঁটাযুক্ত ফল ধরে। এই গাছের একটা বিদঘুটে গন্ধ আছে। সম্ভাবত গন্ধের কারণে গরু ছাগলেও এই গাছ খায় না। ভেবেছিলাম রান্নার পর হয়তো এর গন্ধ থাকে না। কিন্তু টাকি মাছ দিয়ে রান্নার পরও যে এটার বিদঘুটে গন্ধ থেকে যায় এটা আমার জানা ছিল না। যদি জানতাম তাহলে কি আর ছাত্রের মাকে খুশি হয়ে এই শাক দিতে বলি?অর্ধেক শাক ।

moist climate is basic for tobacco improvement. Tobacco is created in different conditions in different countries of the world. Tobacco grows best at 22c - 26c. Excessive deluge or waterlogging is unfavorable to tobacco advancement. 1400-2100 mm: Yearly precipitation is adequate for tobacco improvement. Air moisture should not be under half during plant improvement. As the leaves show up at advancement, the air sogginess should be hardly lower. Accepting it storms during leaf grouping, the idea of the leaves is poor. Tobacco seeds require a temperature of 30c for germination. Soil: Tobacco fills in an extensive variety of soil. Nonetheless, tobacco fills well in light loamy soil. The soil ought to be rich in normal matter. Accepting there is any absence of potassium in the soil, the taste, assortment and smell of tobacco leaves are awful. Hence it is critical to apply green manure as expected in tobacco advancement land. Overall around exhausted rich sandy-dirt soils are best for tobacco improvement. Species and Arrangements: Two kinds of tobacco Virginia (Nicotiana tobacum) and Bilati or Motihari (Nicotiana rustica) tobacco are created in this country. Cigarettes and stogies are conveyed by Virginia, and hookah tobacco is made constantly. The Bangladesh Tobacco Improvement Board has picked the going with varieties for improvement in the nation (1) Cigarette Tobacco: (a) Harrison One of a kind, (b) Sesmaria, (c) N.C - 95, (d) Poker-254, (e) White Grain, (f) Spat G, (g) Virginia Gol Arinco. (2) Stogie Tobacco: (a) Sumatra (for stogie covering) (b) Manila (c) Cayman (for stogie filler) (3) Bidi tobacco: (a) Kelio, (b) Nipani (4) Hookah Tobacco: (a) Motihari, (b) Vengi, (c) T-50 Assurance of seeds: The seeds shouldn't contain dust, crabs, seeds of various varieties and malnourished seeds. Different varieties of tobacco are made from spoiled seeds. As such, extraordinary seeds should be accumulated by arriving at a strong affiliation or the local sub-partner authorities of the Green Extension Division. Arranging of seed bed: For the seed bed, high, shadeless new land should be picked. From the focal point of the extended length of Shravan, the soil should be wrinkled 8-10 times by wrinkling and scooping. A seedbed of 120 x 305 x 15 cm size should be cut around the land. A 40-50 cm channel should be made between two consecutive seedbeds and the seed bed should be raised with the soil of the said channel. 5-6 kg of cow waste compost should be given in each plot of seed bed. At the last period of seedbed arranging, 20/25 kg of waste manure

How much manure is settled depending upon the productivity of the land. Commonly 50-60 quintals of dung compost is applied during land availability. All the while 80 kg murate of potash per hectare (satisfactory trash instead of potash fertilizer) can be applied.

All regular item ought to be procured to hinder natural item fly infiltrations Normal items should be accumulated preceding maturing Polluted pomegranate should be demolished Give each plant 2 ml of malathion or dimethoate or 2.5 g of sevin in 1 liter of water something like 3-4 times as long as around fourteen days before pomegranate collection. This fly bug can in like manner be controlled using poison traps B Top Teri Nigam 125 grams of lead arsenate should be mixed in with 250 grams of sugarcane molasses. Then lead arsenate and molasses should be mixed in with 4 liters of water and used Adding citronella oil to this trap makes regular item flies more attracted to it

A couple of Dietary and Helpful Properties of Pomegranate.

Pomegranate has different quieting properties. Be that as it may, numerous people would prefer not to eat pomegranate since it is a piece expensive. Eating pomegranate reliably enjoys many benefits for the body. We ought to acknowledge about the clinical benefits of pomegranate.

Pomegranate has different quieting properties. Be that as it may, numerous people would prefer not to eat pomegranate since it is a piece exorbitant. Eating pomegranate reliably enjoys many benefits for the body. We ought to acknowledge about the clinical benefits of pomegranate.

Sound advantage of pomegranate

Pomegranate is a wonderful and nutritious natural item. The regular item has a lot of dietary advantage. One cup of pomegranate seeds contains 30% of your ordinary essential of L-ascorbic corrosive, 36% of vitamin K, 16% of supplement B9 and 12 percent of potassium. It contains a lot of phosphorus, which is on numerous occasions more than oranges, apples and mangoes, two fold the amount of as papaya and grapes, and practically on different occasions more than plums and pineapples. Per 100 grams of pomegranate, 78% water, 1.5% fat, 0.1% fat, 5.1% fiber, 14.5% sugar, 0.7% mineral, 10mg calcium, 12mg magnesium, 14mg oxalic. Destructive, 70 mg phosphorus, 0.3 mg riboflavin, 0.3 mg niacin, 14 mg L-ascorbic corrosive, etc.

In addition, 50 kg of TSP manure per hectare should in like manner be applied during the last refined of land plan. There is convincing explanation need to apply urea manure during the last yield expecting sufficient waste compost is applied to the land during the second and third altering. Regardless, if satisfactory normal manures (waste or compost fecal matter) are not applied, 40 kg of urea for each hectare should be applied at the same time. Following 6/7 weeks of migrating, 40 kg of urea for every hectare should be applied to loosen up the soil and wipe out the weeds. Break Care: Inside 7/8 days of moving, the seedlings encourage new roots in the field. At this point, the soil should be delivered with a spade or a digging device. Expecting that the stack is outlined, it should be broken. Weeds should be killed. Tobacco plants should be weeded something like on various occasions during the creating season. At the hour of clear planting, the soil between the two lines should be lifted and put at the underpinning of the tree. Hence, little exhausts are molded between the two sections. In like manner, the tree is also serious solid areas for extremely nutritious. Tobacco plants needn't bother with a ton of water framework to create. Water framework may be done 2/3 times depending upon the condition of water or sap in the land. Whether or not it rains out of the blue, care should be taken so that waterlogging doesn't occur. It habitually rains following planting and the land becomes surface crusted. Exactly when 'Joe' comes, the chatta should be broken.
Agal Bhanga: created by Agal Bhanga should be started when the blooms come on the tree. Agal breaking grows the yield of tobacco and results in better quality tobacco. Outflanking is the breaking of the stem of the tree by leaving 15-18 leaves.
Bud break: two or three days after the agal break, the bud emerges from the underpinning of the leaf and grows rapidly and weakens the plant. So the buds should be broken when they are 8-10 cm. The lower 3/4 leaves of the tobacco plant are called poison leaves and those leaves should be cut off. As needs be, light and air can move well in the field. It supports different leaves. Affliction and aggravation control: Contaminations of tobacco integrate 'mosaic', 'leaf turn', 'dropping', 'seedling rot, etc. Wool development is a kind of bacterial attack in tobacco creation locales. In like manner, leaf turning disorder is achieved by a kind of contamination attack. On account of all of these disease attacks, the yield of tobacco is fundamentally diminished and the idea of tobacco is low. At the point when such a pollution of the contamination is seen on any leaf, the plant should be gotten and consumed or made in the progress.

By far most of the country's juice is accumulated from Jessore, Kushtia and Faridpur areas.
On a very basic level, the capacity compartment of the date palm tree is cleaned, the capacity compartment is cut at the tip, and a chong made of a bamboo kanchi is placed on it. Around the completion of the chong is hung an earthen bone or kalsi. Drop by drop of juice comes from that chong and gathers in soil pot or pitcher. Thusly, five to six liters of sap can be accumulated everyday from a tree, as demonstrated by sources from the Plant Information Organization. Regardless, for north of 10 years, there has been a Nipah contamination caution in finishing the juice of these dates.

Storm 2021 is pouring in different states of the country. At this point the farmers became dynamic in establishing Kharif crops. During this kharif season, the farmers, generally speaking, base on various yields including paddy, arhar, soybeans depending upon the district. In any case, beside these, numerous people may not know about the upsides of creating trees with accommodating yields in storms.

purposes. In various vegetables and dishes, you can use horrendous bananas as opposed to potatoes to make them more superb. Crude bananas can make wonderful tikkis. Cruel banana koftas are continually eaten with force everywhere. All out: 225 grams to 260 grams of brutal bananas can be consumed normal. Clearly, a veritable report has examined the ordinary certification, with the exception of getting a couple of data about the all out would be better.

After the benefits and uses of crude bananas, we are standard the disadvantages of disagreeable bananas.

The upsides of eating crude bananas are many, yet it are consumed in the best total to think about that they. Consuming disagreeable bananas in flood can hurt you, for example: Certain, crude bananas contain 2.6 grams of fiber, but enduring that rough bananas are eaten reliably in immense totals, the stomach related structure becomes unsatisfactory to manage the fiber. It can make issues like gas, broadening and stomach cramps. Unforgiving bananas can decrease how much sugar present in the blood. So people who have low sugar issue ought to direct an expert preceding consuming it to avoid any disagreeable effects. People who are actually affected to bananas shouldn't consume it. In this post you have sorted out a decent strategy for getting benefits of eating rough bananas. Clearly, it can safeguard against various contaminations, yet it can't be a reaction for any issue. Moreover, eating crude bananas is significant just while following a fair lifestyle. So why delay, in the event that you correspondingly need to get the compensations of crude bananas, survey them for your eating routine expeditiously on the bearing of an informed power. We really need to recognize

This plant is known as Bhat Phul, which creates dismissed out and about, under greenery. The blooms of the green multi-leaved bhat plant are pale white. Roses bloomed in groups. Bhat bloom has five petals and the groundwork of the petals is light purple in assortment. Nature has helpful properties other than improving. This blossom is notable with young people as a toy.

Zabedul Islam, associate teacher of Bahumukhi Auxiliary School in Doma, said that Rituraj Basant suggests the presence of blooms of various tones. Bhat bloom is a remarkable plant of nation Bengal. Disregarding the way that it has different names depending upon the area, it is known as Bhat Phul in Nilphamari.

At one time bhat trees were seen on the rural roads, but as of now the thistles are being slashed down due to the advancement of homes. Woods are being demolished. Moreover, the amount of trees has diminished overall in view of the rebuild of roads reliably.

Ayurvedic expert Jobed Ali said, Bhat bloom enjoys many benefits. Expecting you are eaten by something harmful, the juice of the bloom is applied to the injury and it recovers quickly. Numerous people eat
Coordinates supplement affirmation
Riboflavin and niacin B supplements are by and large found in animal sources, but you can help them through button mushrooms. The substance and dietary advantage of button mushrooms make them an ideal choice for veggie darlings and vegetarians. Additionally, as a result of a provitamin called ergosterol, B supplements advance ideal working of the tangible framework. It is changed over totally to vitamin D after receptiveness to light. They foster under light; In that limit, provitamin trimmings increase their vitamin D obsession.

Helps your safe structure
Eating them helps your safe system as they are well off in selenium. The way that helps safe system capacity makes selenium a mineral. They are moreover well off in disease anticipation specialists like ergothioneine. These are quieting compounds. They can assist safe framework contaminations with loving sclerosis and rheumatoid joint agony. Believe it or not, they are one of the most broadly perceived invulnerability helping food sources you can have!
Despite malignant growth anticipation specialists, mushrooms are copious in B-complex supplements, protein, fiber and supplements. Polysaccharides are the truly bioactive combinations in white button mushrooms.

tomorrow The Sanskrit name of Kashmar is the logical name of Cassia sophera. Kalkasunda trees fill in adequate amount in the neglected place that is known for country Bengal during storm. Its blossoms are yellow in variety and have cases like beans. At the point when it dries, its seeds emerged. Its leaf tail has four to six sets of leaves. A sort of smell is gotten when the leaves are taken close by. Their blossoms are yellow and the natural product is level. The product of this plant is a long unit. The tree can grow up to 7 feet tall. The storage compartment tone is dim green. quite hard Normally this tree develops among rainstorm and harvest time. What's more, keeps on developing for the rest of winter.

Spot of birth:

The tree is plentiful from Bangladesh and Himalayas to Sinhalese and from western India to Myanmar. Since antiquated times, the stems and leaves of this plant have been utilized as different drugs.

Every one of the infections that are feeling better:

The leaves and foundations of the plant are utilized as medication. As per Sanskrit authors, the nature of the little Kalkesenda is available in the Huge Kalkesenda.

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