I just powered up 9000 BLURT. With this, I have a cumulated voting power of 1,951,824 BLURT and am ranked 25th on the richlist by BlurtPower.
On my way to the 2 million mark! ⚡
Please consider taking a moment to vote for my witness, if you haven't already done so!
You can do this by logging into your wallet with your active key! 🗳️
It only takes a few seconds and doesn't cost a cent!
Recieve upvotes and the chance to win a 50K BlurtPower delegation for one month!
Right on!! You're nearing 2 million. I had a lot more BP than you for months, but once you became witness you have surged ahead. I'm at 1.2 now and should hit 2 million in about 2028, if I keep up the posting and curating. It really seems like witnessing the blockchain is where it's at! The witnesses are all moving up the ranks, while creators and investors like me are moving down. I wasn't able to figure out how to witness... or I'd definitely be nearing 2 million as well. I guess the only consolation to me is that BLURT is worthless now, so even if I had 2 million, it wouldn't make a difference! Although 2 million at the price I paid 3 years ago would be $60,000 USD. But I guess we just keep growing, and keep hoping : ))
A Blurtarians virtue is patience! 😂😜 Check out my new post! 💫 You are of course the first to be featured. I fed ChatGPT with some into about you, and off it went! 💪😂
Mein Glückwunsch, heute setzte ich mich ran und werde mein Witness wieder aktivieren. Ich hoffe es kommt nix da zwischen.
Vielen Dank und viel Erfolg beim Witness-Server!!!! 🍀💪🌞
Congratz @outofthematrix, You close, soon u get 2 million mile stone
Thank you! 🙏🏽❤️ Yes! 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
Many congratulations to you. You will soon reach number one.
Haha! 😂 Number one would be awesome! 😜🤙
Congratulations @outofthematrix your doing a great job and thank you for your always support 👍