in blurt-192372 •  last month 


Un saludo y happy martes para todos acá en la excelente plataforma BLURT. Aunque seguimos sin computadora y dependemos principalmente de el teléfono como herramienta de trabajo y de una laptop a la cual tengo acceso de vez en cuando, estamos por acá en el SATÉLITE MOSTRO haciendo un intento por retomar el ritmo de publicación acá en BLURT.

Por eso el viernes pudimos publicar después de más de dos semanas, y regresamos por acá con una publicación que tocaba un tema político, el cual fue los indultos que se auto otorgó Joe Biden así mismo y a sus familiares y amigos. Este post lo pueden checkear en el siguiente enlace:

Allí además de tomar el tema con humor, el objetivo principal era mostrarles el vídeo que creamos por acá utilizando herramientas de INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL, si ya lo vieron o ya van a visitarlo, podrán ver allí el vídeo sobre BIDEN realizado con imágenes creadas en REMIX al igual que la música creada con SUNO AI.

Pues bien, ayer estuvimos trabajando en otro vídeo, esta vez uno inspirado en una de mis películas favoritas de toda la vida: STAR WARS, Episodio IV, A NEW HOPE. Se trata de un vídeo musical titulado HARTO DE TATUIN.



Pero, de que va esto? pues nada, el nombre TATUIN se refiere - y por supuesto que los seguidores de STAR WARS conocerán la referencia - al planeta TATOOIN, ese tan famoso y popular de la saga STAR WARS, ya que es en ese planeta amarillento y desértico que se encontraba LUKE SKYWALKER cuando inicia su aventura. Y que es lo que ocurría en ese film THE NEW HOPE con LUKE? pues nada, que él estaba ya cansado de vivir en esa roca, donde no tenía futuro, donde trabajaba con su tío en una granja, y donde era un joven con aspiraciones de viajar, ir a otros planetas, recorrer la galaxia y enfrentar al IMPERIO.

Entonces, en este vídeo he querido recuperar esa parte y hacerla divertida y con humor negro, representando a un LUKE SKYWALKER que literalmente está HARTO DE TATUIN, jeje.

Para ello escribimos unas canciones y unas escenas salteadas para representar los deseos de un joven LUKE que aquí luce más cambiado, ya que quisimos hacerlo todo guapetón para diferenciarlo del LUKE original interpretado por MARK HAMILL. Aquí algunas imágenes de este LUKE:



Y a continuación, la letra de la canción, la cual quise que tuviese suficiente diversión y que además se compaginara bastante que la película original. Aquí lo tienen:



[Intro, scratches]
[Sonidos rayos lásers]

[Verso 1]
Vivo en Tatuin, una roca asquerosa y seca,
Limpiando baños por monedas, en una cantina que da pena,
Estoy harto de este desierto, jalando el ganso todo aburrido,
Colgando yaguas pa' reirme, con dinero ya me hubiese ido.

[Verso 2]
Necesito muchas novias, y mis instintos poder saciar, (sexo)
Quiero dinero y quiero joyas, y un Ferrari equis güin para escapar, (yeah)
Buscaré a Jan Sólo, se cree rudo pero él es suave,
En cuanto se descuide con su mono, le robaré la nave. (Jejeje)

Soy Luk,
y estoy hartooo!!
Estoy hartooo!!
Soy el Luk
Y estoy hartooo!!
Vivir aquíes un partooo!!

¡Quiero acción! ¡Disparar a estormtrupers!
Besar cachetes de princesas, y que bailen sobre las mesas!.
¡Patear traseros imperiales, en especial al emperador,
Bailaré sobre su tumba, bailaré sobre su hedor.

[Sólo de guitarra]
[Sonidos de R2D2]

[Intro, scratches]
[Laser beam sounds]

[Verse 1]
I live in Tatuin, a dry and disgusting rock,
Cleaning bathrooms for coins, in a pitiful bar,
I'm sick of this desert, pulling the goose all bored,
Hanging yaguas to laugh, with money I would have left.

[Verse 2]
I need many girlfriends, and to be able to satisfy my instincts, (sex)
I want money and I want jewels, and a Ferrari X to escape, (yeah)
I'll look for Jan Solo, he thinks he's tough but he's soft,
As soon as he lets his guard down with his monkey, I'll steal his ship. (Hehehe)

I'm Luk,
and I'm fed up!!
I'm the same
I'm fed up!!
I'm the Luk
And I'm fed up!!
Living here is a pain in the ass!!

I want action! Shoot stormtroopers!
Kiss princesses' cheeks, and have them dance on tables!
Kick imperial ass, especially the emperor,
I'll dance on his grave, I'll dance on his stench.

[Guitar solo]
[R2D2 sounds]



Y por supuesto, acá les tengo el video con imágenes y música realizada con SUNO AI, fue un proceso un tanto largo pero que al final ha valido la pena - según yo, jajajaja -. Dale Play!!!

Que te ha parecido? Deja tus comentarios y opiniones abajo en los comments. Acá un par de shorts que saque para Youtube:


Greetings and happy Tuesday to everyone here on the excellent BLURT platform. Although we still don't have a computer and depend mainly on the phone as a work tool and on a laptop to which I have access from time to time, we are here at SATÉLITE MOSTRO trying to resume the rhythm of publication here on BLURT.

That's why on Friday we were able to publish after more than two weeks, and we returned here with a publication that touched on a political topic, which was the pardons that Joe Biden granted himself and his family and friends. You can check out this post at the following link:

There, in addition to taking the subject with humor, the main objective was to show you the video we created here using ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE tools. If you've already seen it or are going to visit it, you can see the video about BIDEN made with images created in REMIX as well as the music created with SUNO AI.

Well, yesterday we were working on another video, this time one inspired by one of my favorite movies of all time: STAR WARS, Episode IV, A NEW HOPE. It's a music video titled SICK OF TATUIN.



But, what is this about? well, the name TATUIN refers - and of course STAR WARS fans will know the reference - to the planet TATOOIN, that so famous and popular of the STAR WARS saga, since it is on that yellowish and desert planet that LUKE SKYWALKER was when he begins his adventure. And what happened in that film THE NEW HOPE with LUKE? Well, he was tired of living on that rock, where he had no future, where he worked with his uncle on a farm, and where he was a young man with aspirations of traveling, going to other planets, traveling the galaxy and facing the EMPIRE.

So, in this video I wanted to recover that part and make it fun and with black humor, representing a LUKE SKYWALKER who is literally SICK OF TATUIN, hehe.

For this we wrote some songs and some scenes to represent the desires of a young LUKE who here looks more changed, since we wanted to make him very handsome to differentiate him from the original LUKE played by MARK HAMILL. Here are some images of this LUKE:



And then the lyrics of the song, which I wanted to be fun enough and also fit in well with the original movie. Here it is:



[Intro, scratches]
[Laser beam sounds]

[Verse 1]
I live in Tatuin, a dry, disgusting rock,
Cleaning bathrooms for coins, in a pitiful bar,
I'm sick of this desert, all bored, pulling the goose,
Hanging yaguas to laugh, with money I would have left.

[Verse 2]
I need lots of girlfriends, and to be able to satisfy my instincts, (sex)
I want money and I want jewels, and a Ferrari X to escape, (yeah)
I'll look for Jan Solo, he thinks he's tough but he's soft,
As soon as he lets his guard down with his monkey, I'll steal his ship. (Hehehe)

I'm Luk,
and I'm sick of it!!
It's the same
I'm fed up!!
I'm the Luk
And I'm fed up!!
Living here is a pain!!

I want action! Shoot at stormtroopers!
Kiss princesses' cheeks, and have them dance on tables!.
Kick imperial ass, especially the emperor,
I'll dance on his grave, I'll dance on his stench.

[Guitar solo]
[R2D2 sounds]

[Intro, scratches]
[Laser beam sounds]

[Verse 1]
I live in Tatuin, a dry and disgusting rock,
Cleaning bathrooms for coins, in a pitiful bar,
I'm sick of this desert, pulling the goose all bored,
Hanging yaguas to laugh, with money I would have left.

[Verse 2]
I need many girlfriends, and to be able to satisfy my instincts, (sex)
I want money and I want jewels, and a Ferrari X to escape, (yeah)
I'll look for Jan Solo, he thinks he's tough but he's soft,
As soon as he lets his guard down with his monkey, I'll steal his ship. (Hehehe)

I'm Luk,
and I'm fed up!!
I'm the same
I'm fed up!!
I'm the Luk
And I'm fed up!!
Living here is a pain in the ass!!

I want action! Shoot stormtroopers!
Kiss princesses' cheeks, and have them dance on tables!
Kick imperial ass, especially the emperor,
I'll dance on his grave, I'll dance on his stench.

[Guitar solo]
[R2D2 sounds]



And of course, here I have the video with images and music made with SUNO AI, it was a somewhat long process but in the end it was worth it - according to me, hahaha -. Press Play!!!

What do you think?

What did you think? Leave your comments and opinions below in the comments. Here are a couple of shorts I took for Youtube:

Las imágenes del post fueron realizadas por MOSTROROBOT utilizando herramientas como FLUX, Remixai, Leonardo, Playground, PicFinder, DreamByWombo, NightCafe Studio, Starryai, Copilot, Gemini y otros.


Utiliza mi enlace de referidos para sumarte a NightCafe Studio y comenzar a generar imágenes y vídeos sin costo alguno:

enter image description here

Para encargos de arts, diseños, conceptos, animaciones, edición de vídeos y másssss, puedes contactar a MOSTRO por acá en Telegram:



enter image description here
Instagram + Telegram + X + NightCafe


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