Walking Around Munich

in blurt-192372 •  2 months ago 


Today we are back in Germany to continue our series from last summer's vacation to Europe. Today we are going to take a walk around Munich to see some of the highlights. Keep seated for some pictures and youtube shorts.


The mornings started slow as we were on vacation and there was no need to hurry. Bjorn took this opportunity to play and find trouble. Look at the way he is staring down this beer bottle hmm. Our plan for the day was to head downtown walk down Marine Platz and see where we go from there.


We took a subway just a couple stops from where we stayed with my sister-in-law and got off at Karls Platz. We walked a little ways and entered the pedestrian mall which is lined with shops and historic buildings like above.


The skyline and view are dominated by historical architecture. I believe there is actually a city ordinance that forbids the building of new buildings over a certain number of floors in Munich so this is maintained. So it is one city that does not have really any skyscrapers in the city center.

While my wife was enjoying hitting every clothing store the only one that I really got much excitement from was the Lego store. I had never been in one before and I was a Lego fanatic as a kid.

I am a horrible tourist sometimes and I do not live in the US so sometimes I like to get a good burger. Five Guys did not disappoint even though it was a little expensive. My babies are here enjoying the little food break before we continue on our walk.

This building is famous because every hour it comes alive with a display is it is a giant cuckoo clock. Animated statues revolve around the center balconies part way up.


Another closer view.

If I could have got one Euro for every historical church we saw our vacation would have been very well funded.

Another view to the south at Marine Platz Square.

We took a turn to the north from here and still got peeps of the grand buildings between streets.


Dzigbordi took the chance to pose with one of her favorite brands.


Another grand church and square near the Munich Residence.


We were now headed towards the English Gardens and cut through the courtyards of the Munich Residence which were royal palaces.



There is always time for a family selfie.

Here is the street view of the residence we cut through.

![PXL_20230622_131029802.jpg](UPLOAD FAILED)
Dzigbordi caught a pose in front of the War Memorial as we skirted next to the Residence Botanical Gardens.


We finally made it to the southern edge of the English Gardens and got to see some ducks, geese, and swans in the ponds.


We continued along the back side of the Art Museum where we were told that Hitler used to like to frequent a pub there to drink beer. Then we came to one of the sites I was looking forward to where the Eisbach exits a tunnel from under the old city and enters the park. Here it creates a standing wave that is famous for surfers in the river.


We walked around that corner of the park a little bit and then we got on a tram to go back to where we could catch the subway back to the area we were staying in.

As a foodie, I never stop looking for a good meal. One of the things I was looking forward to being back in Europe was donar kebab and there was one a block from where we stayed.

At first, Dzigbordi said she was not hungry but then she gave in and got some rice pilaf and she loved it so much she still talks about it to this day.

I got the donar plate with all the fixings and it was good.

From there we went to pick up our nieces at school and hung around the house for a while.


Later that evening we took a walk to one of the famous ale houses my brother-in-law pointed out to us before this one is Augustiner Brau.

From there our day was over and time to rest for another day and another adventure.

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Awesome tour… I will now go to your YouTube Channel and like all your YouTube Shorts to help you earn some extra income (if you are monetized) … Imagine if we all helped each other like that ? Wouldn’t that be nice ? I will also share this post with 600 Million people on Twitter. X.com

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

I still have not hit the 10,000 followers and enough watches to monetize my channel. Thanks for the help though.

  ·  2 months ago  ·   (edited)

I think you only need 1,000 Subscribers to get monetized on YouTube.

For AdSense, to start earning money from YouTube, creators must have 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past year. That qualifies them to get a split of the ad revenue that comes from their videos.

Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-many-subscribers-do-you-need-to-make-money-on-youtube

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

Yes you are right and then either 4,000 watched hours for regular videos in the last 365 days or 10 million shorts views in the last 90 days. I got a ways to go.

  ·  2 months ago  ·   (edited)

Well… I started out with YouTube as a way to download videos so I could delete from my phone…. Before you know it you have over 10,000 watched hours. I had one random video go viral with 800,000 views and that got me my 1,000 Subscribers in one day. Eventually you are earning an extra $1,000 a month. It adds up. Just like Blurt, Steem, and Bilpcoin.

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Es un placer para nosotros compartir nuestros mejores deseos y felicitaciones. Usted ha recibido un abrazo virtual de la cuenta de curación @newvisionlife y curado manualmente por @OneRay
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  ·  2 months ago  ·  


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  ·  2 months ago  ·  

I cant wait to visit Germany , never went and i know its beautiful.
Thank you for those wonderful photos.

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